Shop Floor Control Tutorial

  1. In order to use the shop floor control functionality in ERPlite, the shop floor configuration must be complete (Itemmaster/BOMsRouting Lists), and the routings for all products necessary must be defined (Itemmaster/BOMs  ItemMaster  Routings tab)….for example…

2.Once all the necessary information is entered into ERPlite, continue to create work orders as before. Once the work order is picked, the routings for any product in the picklist will be generated based on the pick values entered and the information entered in the ItemMaster form each specific inventory item. To print the routing list, simply click on the Print pulldown and select Print Routing List

3.Pictured below is a sample page of a routing list generated from a work order. There are a few features that need to be explained, however, in order to use the routing list to its maximum potential.

First, the routing steps printed on the routing list are taken directly from the information entered for the respective product in the ItemMaster form. Thus, if there are any routing steps or equipment / labour times that do not look correct, it is because of the information that is entered in the ItemMaster/QVL form.

Second, the value for units ordered is calculated by taking the following equation:

(BOM amount * Exploded Amount in Work Order ) – Picklist Amount

BOM amount is the value entered in the Create Single Level BOM form, while the Exploded Amount in Work Order is the amount in the WYSIWYGtab right after explosion, and picklist amount is the amount picked for the work order. What this does is allow inventory to be picked from STORES

Third, the estimated time is determined my multiplying equipment run time by the units ordered and adding the equipment setup time, then multiplying labour run time by the units ordered and adding the labour setup time, then taking the greater value as the amount of time needed to complete the entire routing step. Here is the equation:

Max(Equip Run Time * Units Ordered + Equip Setup Time, Lab Run Time * Units Ordered + Lab Setup Time)

4.After ensuring that the routing list is correct, it is now ready to be distributed to the shop floor. As you can see from the example above, there is plenty of blank space on the routing list. This is to allow workers on the shop floor to write actual times and comments while the product travels the shop floor. Once the product has completed all the routing steps, you can enter the actual data in the 3.0 Shop Floor Control tab in the Work Orders form, as pictured below.

5.Once actual values have been entered, there are four different shop floor reports that collect data for either all work orders in the system or a specific work order. These reports are useful in assessing the efficiency of the shop floor and determining realistic values that should be entered in ERPlite with respect to equipment and labour times.

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