7th September 2017

Dear Parents

Matterhorn Autumn Term Curriculum Letter

Welcome to the Autumn Term at Fosse Bank School! The children have returned to school refreshed after their well-earned holiday and we are very impressed with the way theyhave already settled into lessons and are beginning to get to grips with new routines.

A copy of the curriculum map for this term,is attached for your information, along with a class timetable and homework timetable.

The children have been told when their PE and swimming sessions are and we would appreciate your support in ensuring they have the appropriate, labelled clothing in school for their lessons.

The children have each been given a Homework Diary and theyare responsible for making a note of any homework givenand the date it is due in, completing the homework and bringing it into school to hand in at thecorrect time. Please encourage your child to finish what they are capable of, and then spend some time reading for 10 to 20 minutes each day, revising 2, 5 and 10 times tables, and helping them with the other tables as we learn them. It is important that the children get into a routine of reading instructions and questions for themselves, and to have a good attempt at the work set. A relaxed discussion with your child about work they are stuck on can often be beneficial, providing your child does not feel under pressure. Pleasesign your child’s homework diary at the end of the week, toconfirm that all homework was completed, and use it as a means of communication with your child’s class teacher. The teacher will check these regularly, so the homework diaries also provide a valuable link betweenhome and school.

Swimming takes place on Mondays and all swimming kit must be taken home on Monday evening. It is school policy that the children take home their PE kits every Friday for washing, and return themto school for their lessons the following week. Please help us to encourage your child to take responsibility for their kit and to respect the belongings of others. PE days are Wednesday and Thursday with possible fixtures on Thursday for year 3 children.

Please also help your child to be prepared for lessons by providing the following equipment that they require:A named water bottle, which is to be taken home every night to wash and refill.

The Autumn Term is always a busy one so please refer to the Autumn Term 2017 Calendar,and be on the lookout for letters informing you ofevents taking place. We are confident that your child will have a happy, productive and enjoyable term but should you wish to discuss any aspects of their experiences at Fosse Bank, please do not hesitate to pop in and discuss them with us or make an appointment through the School Office.

Many thanks for your continued support. We look forward to working with you throughout the year.

Yours sincerely

Miss Harriet Knowles

Year 3 Teacher

Year 3Autumn Term 2017Curriculum Map

Maths / multiples of 5 and 10 bonds to 100
Mental addition and subtraction.
number and place value compare and order numbers to 1000
measurement- choose an appropriate instrument to measure a length.
Properties of 3D shapes
using prediction to estimate calculations
Times tables
Telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes.
Literacy / We will be looking at ‘The BFG‘by Roald Dahl, using the text to learn grammar and writing skills. Leading up to Christmas,we will be looking at different forms of poetry.
Science / Animals and Humans: how we function
History and Geography / The Stone Age
Countries within continents. Coasts.
RE and PSHCE / Signs and symbols, journey of life, ceremonies for special moments including baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion in Christianity.Motivation, Optimism and Social skills.
Art and Design Technology / Sketching and detailed observation skills. Featured artist: Jeannie Baker. Collage.
French / Revision of town vocabulary and going on a shopping trip, animals and colours and a magic school, talking about your pets / inventing an imaginary pet and Christmas activities.
Music / As well as singing a variety of songs and accompanying songs with
instruments, the children will be exploring singing games. They will be developing their sense of pulse and their ability to perform to others. The children will also have the opportunity to make up their own singing games.
PE / Swimming: Water skills and stroke development.
Sports skills and fitness: Hand-eye, foot-eye co-ordination, working individually and in small teams.
Games: Netball / Football / Hockey/– basic skills and rules.

Websites to enhance learning:

For Parents: