Market Updates
Week of 12/05/16
Poultry--- Chicken Is showing mixed market with a high demand. Wings look to be steady again this week but with high demand and short supply... We are expecting the wing market to increase again in the near future. Talk to your Sales Representative about Boneless Wing, a great value. Thighs are also steady this week as well. While Tenders and Breast meat are steady or slightly lower.
Turkey--- Market is stable. Ask your sales rep about our Plainville all natural line of turkey and chicken products.
Beef--- Live cattle trading took a big jump this week. Futures are up, and this demand is increasing fast. The Rib complex is driving the market at this point. Chuck and Briskets are showing a stronger market. Strips are still the best value. Might want to consider the strip section over the rib complex for holiday specials. Grinds are showing a flat market. Flank are also steady but are tending to move up within the next few weeks. Tenders are on the rise for this week. Rib complex is showing a strong increase and is expected to stay strong thru the holidays.
Pork---- The Pork market had become pretty much steady with some lower pricing. Bacon seems to have come down slightly. Loins and butts are all showing a steady market. Trim meat were all showing a steady market. Ham has take is sharp increase due to holiday demand
Produce--- WE ARE PROUD TO BE CARRYING PRODUCE FROM LOCAL FARMS WHEN ADVAILABLE Please check all produce at delivery. Check with your sales rep with further questions or concerns. West coast products have been experiencing some high temperatures with some heavy rain that has affected the Lettuces and spinach markets. Look for higher prices and lower quality in all lettuces, spring mix as well as other mixes and spinach. Greens--- Iceberg and Romaine, Green Leaf look for higher pricing and poor quality for the next few weeks ***Apples– Look for more New York State apples coming available with great quality and good supply. Please see your Sales Representative on updated list of varieties. **Asparagus– Is sourced out of Peru, quality is good but demand is driving the price up. **Avocado’s out of Mexico, we are seeing some relief on supply bring down prices slowly ** Peppers– Look for lower pricing as the good supply and good quality in the market. **Cabbage-Look for steady pricing as increase supply, heads are getting heavy **Berry market— Blackberries and Raspberries all look great. With more product coming available look for a little better pricing. Blueberries are also becoming more available with some relief in pricing. Strawberries look Fair, white shoulders with much higher pricing coming out of California. The Florida market is just starting but not enough to effect the market yet. If you don’t need them, you might want to wait a few weeks. **Broccoli- Quality on domestic product is very nice with good weight. ** Cauliflower– steady as of this point. ** Cucumbers– are steady with good supply and better pricing *** Green beans- are local with good value. **Tomatoes– Quality is much better and supply is good which is resulting I better pricing. **Potatoes Red A’s & B’s are looking great with good supply and demand. We are also seeing Chefs Pota with great supply and demand . We are seeing mostly storage product since the harvest has come to a end. The Pota Market is stabilizing with steady pricing. **Citrus– The quality on the Orange market is getting better, look for the quality to improve with Navels available. The “Concentrated” products are in short supply so look for any citrus that is concentrated to see higher pricing. **Lemons look great with very strong with seasonal demands. **Limes are looking great with good sizing and super quality, great value. Grapefruit are in tight supply with higher pricing. **Squash—steady with good supply and good demand **Melons- are steady. **Watermelons- are steady **Eggplant– looks good with good supply and good demand **Onions- are steady with good pricing **Grapes- are winding down on domestic product moving to more off shore supply driving the price higher. **Carrots- are steady coming out of Calif. **Celery– has stabilized with better pricing **Cilantro– has stabilized and showing good supply. **Garlic-California garlic is again getting better with more product available **Sweet corn-coming from west coast and the mid-west product is looking good **Avocado's— The market is getting back to normal slowly, better sizing and better pricing as time goes on.
Dairy/ cheese--We Are now seeing the dairy market taking a sharp increase due to strong export and baking season is upon us. Look for increase on all cheeses and butter in the next few weeks. We may have seen the top of this market, hoping to see pricing level off.
Butter… we are seeing a strong market as well with a increase in pricing.
Grains/soy/Flour---- The Flour market has taken a slight increase due to the “Future Market”
Soy Market — Looks to be gaining strength in Soy market. We are seeing some increase in pricing.
Sugar--- The market is steady
Eggs— Egg market is up sharply. Even with this increase eggs remain to be a great value.
Non Foods-- We are now seeing as a result of the increase in the corrugated market, Pizza Box Market will be taking a price increase. We have been committed to our customers to keep our pricing low. Be sure to stock up on your boxes before we are forced to increase our pricing in January.
Seafood--- Shrimp has taken a small decrease as good supply is in the market. Good time to increase Shrimp on your menu
New Items: (Look for many new items next week)
Note: Cortland Produce will be CLOSED Christmas Day
And will NOT have delivery service on Christmas Eve (Sat Dec.24th)
Ask your sales representative about our “NEW” ABF All Natural
PLAINVILLE and FREE BIRD, Turkey and Chicken lines.
Remember to check out our website to see what rebates are available.