The Minutes of the Meeting of Shipley Parish Council held on Wednesday, 19th November, 2014 at the Andrew Hall, Shipley at 7.30pm.
Mr Coad in the Chair, Mr Beckett, Mr Phillips, Mr Charman, Dr King-Tours, Reverend Sinton, Mr Emrich, Mr Hayes and Mr Lovett.
In Attendance
Mandy Jupp, County Councillor, Daniel Wenman, Oaklands Park, Brooks Green.
Dr Lindsay, Mr Baxter, Mr Roggendorff, Mrs Rowbottom, District Councillor and Gina Larcombe, News Editor.
Declaration of Interests
No declarations.
Minutes of the last meeting of the Parish Council held on Thursday, 23rd October 2014
These were adopted as a true record.
Meeting Open to the Public
Daniel Wenman of Oaklands Park, Emms Lane, Brooks Green presented the reasoning for the planning application for change of use from a holiday park with eleven month one week license use to a year round residential park. They have tried to market it as a holiday park but there is no requirement for this. A settled retirement residential park of the current 29 units would be more in keeping for local area. The park will be updated with new infrastructure, sewage works, landscaping and new bungalow style units.
County Councillor’s Report
The Davis Report on Gatwick was published last week County Council are going to discuss this early in the New Year consultation closes on 5th February Parish Councils will be asked to comment on the consultation. County Local Meeting at County Hall North, Chart Way, Horsham at 7 pm is on 15th December it will be useful for Councillors to go along and make a representation to make the Council realise the depth of feeling on the new runway. This is a chance to air views and show how much anxiety there is. There will be an impact on the local economy, transport system, housing and education.
WSSC Highways are improving their customer relations department with a new email system. Inform Mrs Jupp if a response from WSSC is not satisfactory. Shipley School had a very good Ofsted Report.
District Councillor’s Report
Apologies sent.
Planning Applications considered
DC/14/2273 – Oaklands Park, Emms Lane – change of use to year round residential use of 29 caravans. The Council supported the application.
DC/14/2231 The Barn, Purveyors Farm, Coolham Road – solar panels, boot room and velux window, no objections.
DC/14/2232 Hampshire Cottage, Countryman Lane – 2 storey rear extension, no objections.
DC/14/2303 The Arches, Dragons Lane – Wrought Iron Gates. The Parish Council objected to the design, height and colour of the gates as being not in keeping with the surrounding area and against the Parish Design Statement.
DC/14/2136 Pipers Farm, Shipley – retention of 3 bay garage, log store and hobbies room, no objections.
DC/14/2137 Pipers Farm, Shipley – retention of porch, no objections.
DC/14/2148 Pipers Farm, Shipley – Mixed use of buildings for agricultural and equestrian, no objections.
DC/14/1903 The Dower House, 5 Kinsbrook – alteration to drive way, no objections.
Roads, Footpaths, Bridleways & General Maintenance of the Parish
· Bakers Lane is breaking up the Clerk to report.
· The church yard is unsuitable for a path due to a lack of space. The extra parking in the Close will be advertised for people to use and a letter to local residents requesting the bays are kept clear on a Sunday for people to park and walk around the green to the church.
· A bid for winter maintenance equipment from WSCC Quick Fix Fund has been accepted on the understanding that a First Aid Training Course is attended by up to 10 people for £200.00 (further funds available from WSCC for this cost). Jamie Coad, Mandy Jupp, Lee Lovett, Clive Charman, and Dr King-Tours volunteered to attend. The Clerk to approach Peter Tilley of Shipley as well.
Playing field Path, Safety Barriers and Pavilion
CLS Groundwork & Contractors have revised their quote to reflect the increase in insurance cover from £5 million to £10 million. The Parish Council accepted this quote. Before work commences the Clerk to view and take a copy of the insurance documents, certificates for machinery use and a risk assessment.
The pavilion has been fenced off for safety with a notice attached requesting views from parishioners as to what should happen next. A notice will also be placed in the local free press. The Clerk has sourced an architect at HDC for future drawings of the pavilion.
Payments November 2014 / £Received since last meeting
Interest Instant Access / 0.40
Paid since last meeting
Country Crafts - parish maintenance / 270.00
J Coad Chairman's Allowance / 250.00
J Coad - Paint for pavilion graffiti / 59.97
WSCC Payroll – Sept / 462.50
Sussex Land Services - Mowing Sept / 364.80
Funds Transferred since last meeting
D/Acc. To C/Acc. / 600.00
Balances on Accounts.
Current Acc. / 11.82
Deposit Acc. / 8,782.21
CIF Funding / 720.00
Neighbourhood Plan Grant / 2,500.00
Investment Acc. (NSI) / 5,124.32
To Pay after this Meeting.
WSCC Payroll – Oct / 462.50
Immediate Transfer D/Acc to C/Acc. / 500.00
The transfer of the money proposed by Mr Phillips and seconded by Mr Charman.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.45 pm
------Date of next meeting (precept): Thursday, 4th December 2014, at Coolham Village Hall, Coolham commencing at 7.30 pm.