Sr. No. 5


Function: Controlling the Operation of The Ship & Care for Persons on Board at Management Level


M.E.O. Class II

(Time allowed - 2hours)

India (2002) Morning Paper Total Marks 100

N.B. - (1) Answer SIX Question Only.

(2) All questions carry equal marks.

(3) Neatness in handwriting and clarity in expression carries weightage

  1. Chapter IX of SOLAS ’74 is titled “Management for the safe operation of Ships” , Which code has been developed to cover these requirements.

State the principle elements of this code and name the Certificates/ Documents issued under this code.

  1. State the difference between Flag State Control and Port State Control. Under which International Conventions Port State Control can be exercised.

What do you understand by Memorandum of Understanding in respect of PSC.

  1. Expand the following and give brief description of same.

(a)U C T (b) H S C Code(c) L A S H

(d) D S C (f) G E F(e) U N D P


  1. IMO is planning to adopt a new instrument “For the control and Management of Ships Ballast Water and Sediments” in the near future. In relation to this discuss the following ;

(a)The need for such a convention

(b)Option for treatment of Ballast Water for rendering it safe for pumping out

(c)Criteria for such Control measures.

  1. Which all places a muster list and emergency instructions are exhibited on board ship.

State what information is provided in it.

  1. Write reference to gravity life boat davits, state the purpose of the following

(a)Centrifugal brake

(b)Dead man’s handle

(c)Davit limit switch

  1. State briefly the requirement of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78 concerning effluents from machinery spaces and their discharge overboard. Name the special areas for this annex and how will you deal with effluents from following spaces in such areas.

(a)effluents from machinery spaces.

(b)effluents from cargo spaces.

  1. Which of the following gases represent the greatest threat to personnel safety in an engine room where the exhaust is leaking from a Diesel engine.

(a) Carbon dioxide(b) Carbon monoxide

(c)Carbon trioxide(d) Hydrogen sulphide

Justify your answer.

  1. The more important thing to remember when launching an inflatable life raft by

hand is to -

(a)Open the CO2 inflation valve.

(b)Open the raft container

(c)Ensure that the operating cord is secured to the vessel

(d)Inflate the raft on the vessel, then lower it over the side

Give justification for your answer.
