Shevington and District Community Association
Registered Charity No. 513784
Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 24th. June 2014
Welcome by the chair
Gerald Arstall; Margaret Carter; Carole Edwards; Lorna Ellis; Michelle Jenkins; Eileen Longmore; Jim Maloney; Veronica Maloney; Carole Miles; Sheila Milnes; Andrew Moakes; Carol Moakes; Izzy Morris; John Whiteley; Marlaine Whitham.
Hiliary Douglas Brown; Paul Collins; Mike Crosby; Damian Edwardson; Barry King; John O’Neill; Pam Powell; Ira Whiteley.
Minutes of the meeting held on 27th. May
Proposed; Jim Maloney,Seconded; Dorothy Nightingale
The minutes were signed as a true record.
Matters Arising
The Parish Centre has been booked for the Lancashire event on 28th. November.
Tony will be able to play; detail nearer the time.
Treasurers Update
Jim gave a financial statement. Detail available on request.
Jim explained that he had been able to obtain a grant from the Duchy of Lancashire Community Benevolent Fund for Samantha Monk’s entry in the Special Olympics in September. This was possible because the CA has charitable status.
There are no applications for CA funding at present.
District Councillors up-dates
With no councillors able to attend the meeting. Jim spoke about Brighter Borough funding for the other entrance to the recreation ground from St Anne’s carpark in keeping with the entrance from Gathurst Lane. The lottery fund application has been awarded; the path will be renewed, seating provided, together with a wild flower garden. Liaison with the Leisure and Culture Trust. The councillors have booked space at the Fete where food waste bags will be available.
Upgrades to playparks going well.
Britain in Bloom
Margaret gave an update to the group:-
A meeting has been planned for Thursday 3rd. July at 11am. in St. Anne’s Parish Rooms. Anyone willing to help in the run up to judging for North West in Bloom on Thursday 24th. July please come along so that tasks can be allocated. The judging will start at 9am. The village must be pristine. Judging for Britain in Bloom will be on 7th. August with no time allocated to date.
The tiered planters are back in place, new planters with business signs on Broad O’ Th’ Lane A new rose bed, planted with help from children at Shevington Community Primary School on Miles Lane,is situated behind new bases for the two benches which are being refurbished before resiting, on Miles Lane opposite the Co-op .
A tree in the orchard; a conference pear, which was damaged has been removed As the criteria for judging an orchard is a minimum of 7 trees it must be replaced as points will be lost otherwise. A request for the CA to pay for the tree, already sourced, was discussed at length. Dorothy proposed and Lorna seconded that this should be approved. With a majority in favour the proposal was granted.
A slideshow re Shevington in Bloom, produced by a local resident, is available on u tube via WiganWorld.
Community Fete: Saturday 2nd. August
Over fifty stalls booked to date, with some new faces. Ian Anthony, ‘the UK’s Premier Tom Jones tribute act’ will open the Fete and perform.
Help is needed with setting up and clearing away. Please get in touch if you can spare an hour or two. As a small group, several also involved with the Gardening Club show on the day, all willing to multi task, any help would be welcomed. If possible, we would like volunteers to come to the July Fete meeting on Tuesday 22nd. At 7pm. in the MethodistChurch lounge. No need to stay for the whole meeting, but useful to meet before the event.
Andrew said that schedules have been printed for the Gardening Show, with the addition of a commemorative poppy seed cake recipe to mark WW1. Entry forms are available from shops around the district and the library for the competitions. Bewleys will give a 10% discount to all entrants.
Jim will make enquiries re tidying the rec’. No uptake re giving a little time to weed, strim etc. A large group could make significant improvement in an hour; this could then be kept up with until the trustees continue their project.
Quiz Night: Friday 4th. July
The Parish Rooms will be open from 6.30pm. for setting up. Morrisons will provide 120 sandwiches. Raffle and auction prizes welcomed.
Achievement Awards and Lancashire Night event
With no meeting in July, posters and entry forms will be circulated via e mail. Forms are also available from the library. Please submit by early October. Awards will be presented at the Lancashire Night event.
First World War commemoration
It was suggested that the CA plant a tree each year at a suitable location in the five districts. Jim will look into sources for ground anchored trees. Money raised from quiz nights could be used.
To mark the start of WW1 on 4th. August 1914 it has been suggested on a national level that lights are switched off between 10 and 11pm and candles lit. There will be an informal gathering at the War memorial in Shevington with candles, between 10pm and 11. Hopefully this will be an event for everyone with the Parish Council and others involved. Services will be held on3rd. at Manchester Cathedral and at St. Wilfrid’s Standish on 10th.
An exhibition in the library of photographs and research by ShevingtonHigh School pupils.
Additional updates from those present
Jim spoke about a Wigan Borough advice/information project and suggested inviting a speaker to a future CA meeting.
There will be an act of witness by combined churches in Shevington on the MethodistChurch car parks at 10.45am. on Sunday 6th. July.Brass band, bouncey castle and bbq. All welcome.
Eileen said that there is a new focal point at Randalls Corner, with a bridge feature. Apply Bridge in Bloom has entered North West in Bloom as a neighbourhood, as in previous years.
John said that the newly installed mound slide, paid for by a grant from CA. is proving very popular. The turf needs attention and this will be addressed.
Nadine is competing in the Co-op bank triathlon on Thursday. Competitors should be at the canal bridge at AppleyBridge between 4 and 5pm before heading for Roby Mill.
Shevington Community Primary is currently celebrating its 200th. anniversary. Carole suggested that the CA might support an event for former pupils and staff. Detail to be decided. (Extracts from early log books have been included on School Newsletters-available on the school website.)
With an offer from Tracy Williams at WALH of a mobile skate piece of equipment, Dorothy will be approached to ask if St. Anne’s would be interested to have it for a morning/afternoon on their carpark to tie in with planned holiday activities.
The meeting closed at 8.45pm.
Date and time of next meeting; Tuesday 26th. August at 7pm in the MethodistChurch lounge. No meeting in July
Contact details; Chair Marlaine Whitham 01257 253055
Secretary Sheila Milnes 01257 253735
Treasurer Jim Maloney 01257 253239
District councillors
Paul Collins
Mike Crosby
Damian Edwardson
Link to revised constitution which is also available on the CA website which can be accessed from the Parish Council website.
Library opening times
Monday ; 10am- 1pm Tuesday and Wednesday ; 1pm-5pm. Thursday CLOSED
Friday ; 10am- 5pm
Saturday 10am-12 noon Openthanks to volunteers.
Dates to note
Thursday 17th. July Tea for MD at Methodists ;12.30 -3pm. All welcome
Tuesday 22nd July at 7pm. Fete meeting ; volunteers/tasks allocated
Thursday 24th July ; Bloom judging9am. Tidying on Wed./early Thursday
Saturday 2nd August ; Fete and Gardening Club Show
Monday 4th August ; Gathering atShevington War Memorial to mark start of WW1 10- 11pm with candles