Sherwood Park Primary School Academy

Prospectus 2015/2016



At Sherwood ParkPrimary School we have a very hard working, dedicated staff team who are committed to ensuring that every child within our care receives a good education, enabling them to achieve their potential.

We are very proud of our happy, friendly, caring school where children enjoy attending, feel safe and know they will be listened to if they have a problem. In chatting to an Inspector in our recent OFSTED, one child commented:

“The best thing is the people here, everyone’s friendly and if you are alone they’ll always ask you to play”

We are very proud of our school and all it achieves for the children. I would like to thank all the children, parents, staff and governors for all their incredible hard work and support. It’s what makes us special!

The School

Sherwood Park is situated in Blackfen, Sidcup, in the London Borough of Bexley. The word ‘Blackfen’ means black marsh and probably refers to the dark, marshy soil of this area. Farmland covered the area until a major programme of house building began in the 1920’s. The housing is almost exclusively owner-occupied and dates from the 1930’s.

The school was built in 1933 and is a traditional two storey building, with extensions at either end of the building. The school has fourteen bright classrooms which all have inter active whiteboards fitted. There are two large halls, which are well equipped for drama, physical education and daily assemblies. We have a brand new spacious nursery and a purpose built fully equipped computer suite. The school has extensive library facilities and excellent links with the local library. We have an eight place ASD provision. This will provide specialist teaching for children with Autism within the provision and also in the classroom.

The school grounds are spacious and are bordered by three playgrounds. Shaded areas and playground equipment ensure the children have a variety of activities provided for them. A quiet area for reflection is also available, as is an established conservation and pond area.

Sherwood Park is a large community school for boys and girls aged 3-11 years. There are seven year groups (Years R – 6), and we normally place children according to chronological age. There are two mixed ability classes in every age group in KS2, and KS1; with the Foundation Stage being made up of 2 Reception classes and a Nursery is divided into 3 sessions, either every morning; all day Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning, or Wednesday afternoon and all day Thursday and Friday. Each class has a designated teacher and at least one teaching assistant.

Purple Class is an 8 place autistic provision and the children are taught in the provision and in mainstream classes where appropriate.

Our Philosophy

The philosophy of the school is based on inclusion and the belief that a good foundation of skills, knowledge, attitudes and self confidence created in the early years of education will provide a firm base on which all aspects of education will be built. We create an environment that is motivating, exciting and caring in order for all children to develop high self-esteem. This philosophy is encapsulated in our Mission Statement:

Mission Statement

At Sherwood Park we aim to develop the whole child emotionally, intellectually, physically and socially. We want our children to

  • Use their initiative
  • Be self reliant
  • Be responsible
  • Have a sense of their own worth

We aim to provide an environment where the children can develop a sense of wonder about themselves and the world they live in.

We promote an ethos in which all are valued and relationships are based on respect, honesty and trust.

We help children achieve their full potential through high quality learning and teaching

We make learning vivid, real, enjoyable and challenging.

School Details:

Head Teacher
Estimated number on roll for Autumn 2015
Intake for School Year 2015/2016 / Sherwood Park Ave
Kent DA15 9JQ
020 8303 6300
020 8298 7389

Mrs. K. Cromwell Bed(Hons)
Primary (3 – 11)
420 children
60 children


Chair of Governors

Staff Governors

/ Mr. R. Wood
Ms. K. Blackwood
Mr. R. Carr
Mr. A. Holme
Mrs. A. Leach
Miss S. Long
Mrs. Lumsden
Mrs. N. Willbourn
Mr. L. Willbourn
Mr. M. Toombs

Staffing: 2015/2016

Teachers / Teaching Assistants
Head Teacher
Deputy Headteacher
Assistant Headteacher / Mrs. K. Cromwell
Miss G. Pritchard
Miss J. Trevillion
Mrs. R. Aburrow
Mrs. E. Ainsworth
Mrs. N. Atkins
Miss C. Aujla
Miss K. Barrett
Mr. J. Bevan
Mrs. T. Bilewicz
Mrs. L. Burton
Mrs. S. Edgar
Miss S. Gunner
Miss V. Kublickas
Mrs. R. Hall
Mrs. A. Morley
Mrs. R. Nash
Mr. D. Patnell
Miss N. Preedy
Mrs. T. Roberts
Mrs. R. Ray
Mrs. E. Thompson
Mr. M. Toombs / Mrs. H. Andrew
Mrs. J. Barnett
Miss J. Beckett
Mrs. P. Beckett
Mrs. P. Berry
Mrs. B. Burlace
Mrs. T. Cunningham
Miss L. Edwards
Mrs. D. Elston
Mrs. S. Elves
Mrs. A. Farhi
Mrs. S. Gates
Mrs. J. Heming
Mrs. L. Lambert
Mrs. S. Latif
Mrs. D. Mehmet
Mrs. L. Mentessi
Miss S. Morton
Mrs. K. Matingly
Mrs. K. Newman
Miss M. Noon
Mrs. S. Patnell
Mrs. J. Router
Mrs. S. Smith
Miss K. Usmar
Mrs. A. Watson
Miss S. Woods
Nursery Nurse
PA to Headteacher
Office Manager
Admin Assistant
Caretaker / Mrs. S. Hollis
Mrs. C. James
Mrs. J. Schular
Mrs. J. Hawley
Mrs. R. Mendham

The Curriculum

At Sherwood ParkPrimary School the children are offered a rich and varied curriculum which encompasses the requirements of the National Curriculum.

The nursery and reception children follow the Foundation Stage Curriculum. This covers 3 prime areas:-

  • Communication and Language
  • Physical development
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development

and 4 specific areas:-

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the world and
  • Expressive arts and design

In Years 1 – 6 we follow the National Curriculum which covers:-

The Core Subjects
Science / The Foundation Subjects
Design and Technology
Religious Education
Physical Education (PE)
Modern Foreign Language (KS 2)

Children are assessed regularly as to their progress in these subjects and these assessments provide accurate, accessible information about what pupils know, understand and are able to do. Our most recent results for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 standard assessment tasks (SATs) are included separately with this brochure.

Through careful planning in the long, medium and short term, we make sure there is progression, appropriateness of level, breadth, balance and consistency across the curriculum. All our plans are reviewed regularly.

Our curriculum aims to increase the children’s knowledge, experience, skills and understanding of the world. We adopt a range of teaching styles that will challenge children and promote enjoyable learning. We are committed to the idea that children learn best in a secure, caring, positive and stimulating environment. Their surroundings are well ordered and ensure that expectations of behaviour and work are high and clearly understood by the children. The children are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning.

We are placing more emphasis on a cross-curricular approach to our learning and teaching where topics are planned with a particular emphasis and links from other subjects included.

At Sherwood Parkthe teaching and learning of Literacy is developed through exploring and examining a wide range of texts across the Curriculum. During the literacy lesson children work in groups and independently to develop their literacy skills. They are given opportunities to talk and listen in a wide variety of activities. /

They are encouraged to explore, develop and explain ideas to discuss and plan stories, poems and reports; to share their observations and opinions. Children are encouraged to listen to each other as well as other adults, and to respect value and learn from opinions which are different from their own.

The children have access to a wide variety of fiction, non-fiction and poetry both in class and in the school library. From the early stages of their phonic learning to the end of their primary education, we help them to develop a love for reading and become confident readers, using methods which match the material and the purposes for which they are reading. Where relevant, we present them with challenging texts which broaden their perspectives and extend their thinking.


/ At Sherwood ParkPrimary School, Maths is taught through a daily Mathematics lesson. This lesson provides structured teaching of maths concepts using mental and oral recall, as well as group and whole class teaching using a range of teaching strategies and materials. Considerable importance is attached to the children achieving and understanding mathematical processes, concepts and skills. A positive attitude is encouraged by presenting lessons in an interesting and enjoyable way thus creating a sense of achievement and confidence. The

work includes using and applying maths concepts in everyday situations, number work, shape and space, measuring and data handling. There is a strong emphasis on the development of mental arithmetic with regular assessments and competitions. Class teachers also plan for opportunities to develop and apply key mathematical skills in other subjects throughout the year.

We aim to provide our children with a thorough understanding of the world around them and how it works. The science curriculum is taught in a variety of ways, but the emphasis is on first-hand experiences where the children can actively participate in their own learning. We teach the children to observe, predict, record /

and interpret, and then encourage them to use skills to hypothesise upon and test new concepts or ideas.

Through their own investigations, children gather together important scientific knowledge and skills which they can make sense of the world in which they live.

Religious Education
Religious Education forms part of the curriculum for all children. Whilst Religious teaching is non-denominational, the focus is mainly Christian, but we also include material from the other major world religions, Hinduism, /

Sikhism, Buddhism, Judaism and Islam. Religious Education is taught throughout the school and follows government guidelines and the recommendations of our local SACRE council.

Information and Communications Technology (ICT)

/ We believe that ICT has the potential to enhance the quality of teaching and learning across the whole curriculum. In order to realise this potential ICT is integrated into all our planning and is used as a tool to enhance learning in all areas of the curriculum.

We recognise that we live in a rapidly changing technological society and that there is demand for a higher level of technological knowledge and awareness among the population as a whole. We therefore aim to enable our children to feel comfortable with the new technology. We do this by providing the children with the skills and techniques they need during ICT lessons where ICT is taught as a discreet subject and by providing opportunities to apply these skills within the wider curriculum. Our aim is for all children to be ICT literate.

All classrooms have Interactive Whiteboards fitted which are connected to the internet. Our ICT suite has 16 networked computers and laptops are available in all year groups for children to access the internet. We believe that in order to provide high quality ICT children need access to high quality equipment, we therefore are committed to ensuring that we provide the most up to-date technology that we can.


The children are encouraged to experiment with and develop control over a range of materials, tools and techniques. They learn to express their ideas and feelings, and to record what they see with increasing accuracy and attention to detail. They study the work of artists and craftspeople from a variety of cultures.
Design and Technology /
/ DT is about generating ideas, planning, making and testing to the find the best solutions. It is concerned with problem solving in practical contexts. It is cross-curricular and draws on the knowledge from many other subjects, in particular science, maths, English and art. It offers opportunities to work with a variety of materials and to acquire a range of skills.


We aim to extend the children’s natural wonder about the world around them. Cross-curricular links are strong particularly in literacy, maths, ICT, science, history and citizenship. We utilise the local area to develop geographical skills and concepts. Children learn skills of observation, map-work, research and enquiry. /

They develop positive attitudes towards the environment and towards people from different cultural or ethnic backgrounds. They learn to appreciate the interdependence of people and communities; and they begin to recognise relationships of location, distance and accessibility.


/ At Sherwood Park we place a firm emphasis on understanding the causes and effects of history, whilst developing children’s historical skills to interpret, evaluate and present information appropriately. Our children enjoy a creative, hands-on approach to History. We use a range of artefacts and other information sources to investigate periods of history ranging from Ancient Egypt to World War II. We recognise that primary sources are invaluable in bringing the past to life for young historians. Our children therefore benefit from visits to museums and we regularly invite visitors into the school who are able to enrich our children’s learning



The school has developed a strong tradition of music throughout the school. All children take part in class music lessons, carrying out vocal and rhythmic work as well as composition and appreciation. We have a thriving school choir and orchestra. /

There are opportunities for children to receive a range of private instrumental tuition which is delivered by ‘BirdCollege’ and to attend and perform in concerts organised by the school.

Physical Education

/ PE is an important and integral part of the children’s development within the curriculum. A full range of physical activities takes place, including games and gymnastics, dance and athletics, outdoor and adventurous pursuits. Children attend swimming lessons in Year 4 at Sidcup Leisure Centre.

We aim to promote a healthy lifestyle through the enjoyment of physical exercise, nurturing the ethos of fair play and team spirit, always teaching safe practice. We have achieved the Active Sports Mark and run a number of extra curricular sports activities.

Personal, Social and Health Education

Teaching children to become good citizens of their school, community and the wider world, underpins all our work. Each class holds regular ‘circle times’ when children are encouraged to voice their opinions and concerns. Every contribution is valued and this is one way which we can raise children’s self esteem.

We have an active school council to which children are annually elected to represent their class. Our programme of PSHE meets all the requirements of the National Healthy Schools Award which the school holds.

Modern Foreign Language
We wish all our children to appreciate the richness and diversity of people from different cultures and be tolerant and unprejudiced to others. French is taught throughout Key Stage 2 with the emphasis on the acquisition of the basic spoken language. We use games, puzzles and songs where possible, so that learning is stimulating and enjoyable.

Sex Education

It is recognised that parents are the key figures in helping their children cope with the physical and emotional aspects of growing up and in preparing them for the challenges and responsibilities which sexual maturity brings. The education we offer here at Sherwood Park is intended to be complementary and supportive to the role of parents. We provide an understanding of human growth and development, physically and emotionally, through project work. In Year 4 sex education is undertaken as part of this continuing programme. A meeting is held for parents to view materials and discuss content before the programme commences.

In Year 6, puberty is discussed through their health education programme. All children’s questions are answered sensitively and with understanding as and when they arise.

Equal Opportunities

The school has an Equal Opportunities Policy and we operate on the principles outlined in this policy when dealing with children, staff and parents. We ensure that children have the opportunity to take part in activities provided for their age group. The school has clear guidelines for children about the behaviour that is expected of them. We believe children have an entitlement to attend a school where they feel safe and free from harassment or bullying.


Parents of children of compulsory school age (i.e. the term following their fifth birthday), have a legal responsibility to ensure that they attend school regularly and punctually. The school has to keep precise records of attendance and punctuality, and report the statistics to the Government. Our attendance is in line with the National average. Attendance averages can be affected by parents taking their children out of school to go on holiday during term time. The Governors discourage this practice and will only authorise holidays if there are exceptional circumstances and not at all if the child’s attendance is poor. If you do need to take your child out of school a form should be obtained from the School Office to be sanctioned by Mrs. Cromwell, Head Teacher, setting out the details and the reasons for this absence.