Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council
Land Use Committee Meeting January 15, 2015
Meeting Called to Order at 6:30pm.
Roll Call - Present: Ron Ziff, Mikie Maloney, Tom Capps, Jackie Diamond, Art Fields, Jeff Kalban, Rick Mayer, Sue Steinberg. Absent: Alicia Bartley. Art Fields was asked to serve as Secy. for meeting; he will prepare draft Minutes.
Motion to approve November minutes by Tom Capps; seconded by Mikie Maloney. Unan. Approved
Elected Officials and Staff Introduced: J. Brand (T. LaBonge Planning Deputy).
Public Forum: None
Chair's Report:
The South Valley Planning Commission hearing on the proposed nursery school at 5128 Hazeltine has been continued to January 22.
I rescheduled our hearing on #7c, the mini-mart and CUB for the gas station at 5161 Van Nuys Blvd. because the applicant was not prepared and had not prepared a mailing to neighbors in a 500 foot radius. It is on our February agenda.
The February meeting is scheduled for February 12 because that is the only Thursday the library was available. The March meeting will be on the 19th.
Jill Barad has had surgery and is recovering. She will not be doing most Neighborhood Council work for January and February. I have had to pick up most of her council work. I am getting all my emails and hers. If you email me, I will get back to you. It may not be prompt. I do want to be available to you. If you need to reach me on our meeting day or Board meeting day, please call my cell phone.
Before we get started on the agenda, I would like to state that there are three applications for Alcohol Use Conditional Use Permits tonight. I publish a magazine for the wine and liquor industry. Is there anyone here that objects to my chairing the meeting during the handling of these applications?
7a) Returning business.
Discussion and possible motion: Gelson's 4520 Van Nuys Blvd. application for a Conditional Use Beverage Permit (CUB) for instructional license(type 86) and a license to serve beer & wine in a restaurant (type 41). The restaurant area to be located in a repurposed inside and outside 600 square foot section of the building on the west side of the building near the current west entrance. The space would be utilized for wine tastings and light dining (tapas). Committee requested applicant to return to January 2015 meeting with plan details. Materials were posted online with the December 2014 agenda.
i) Presentation by applicant Valerie Sacks: she provides the additional materials requested at the Dec. LUC Meeting. She explains that 2 X 1oz. samples will be allowed. A Gelson’s employee will be present at all times. This will provide a new service to the S.O. community.
ii) Public comment and discussion – No speaker cards.
iii) Committee discussion and possible motion and vote
This matter involves ABC issues, so Ron Ziff recuses himself. After discussion, Jeff Kalban moves approval of applicant’s request and Tom Capps seconds. Motion approved unanimously. Ron Ziff will send letter.
7b) Returning Business.
Discussion and possible motion Arclight Galleria 15301 Ventura Blvd, Bldg B, Suite 360, renewal of a Conditional Use Beverage Permit (CUB) for a license to serve alcohol in a theater restaurant. Materials were posted online with the December 2014 agenda. The Arclight theaters in three other city locations are now serving alcohol in all of the theaters in those locations. This presentation is seeking approval to change the practice at the Sherman Oaks facility from the one theater now designated as adult only near the bar serving alcohol, to expand this practice to all of the theaters at this location. Committee asked the applicant to return to the January meeting with a more comprehensive presentation.
i) Presentation by applicant's representative Art Rodriguez and other Arclight employees: All employees at the concession stand are and will be over 18. The proposed hours of operation 9 am-12 am until closing, and 9 am to 1 am on weekends, or until last movie ends. Same as in their 14 Pasadena theaters. Theaters vary from 100-300 seats. There will be no bottle sales.
ii) Public comment and discussion – Speaker card from Lisa Petrus: she feels there is no need for drinking during a 2 hour movie and will interfere with viewing the movie by others.
iii) Committee discussion re: possible motion and vote: Query re: the size of the drinks served. Preference that no sales occur within a theater. The ABC will follow up after 1 year of operations. It was discussed/suggested
Chairman Ziff expresses the following concerns: (i) having a portable bar; (ii) access to drinks by minors who may misrepresent their age; (iii) there will be a 2 drink limit per person, but a person could buy 2 drinks at multiple stations if desired.
After discussion, it was agreed that the LUC would like the applicant return and would like to hear from LAPD reps (i.e., Sgt. Ron Fisher) who can address these and other concerns before the LUC votes on this application. The Applicant will return and the LAPD will be apprised and invited to attend the next meeting..
7c) New Business.
Conversion of Service Bays to Mini-Mart and CUB for Beer & Wine 5161 Van Nuys Blvd. Discussion and possible motion
i) Proposed Presentation by applicant Ahmad Ghaderi
ii) No Public comment or discussion
iii) Proposed Committee discussion and possible motion and vote
Chairman Ziff explains that the applicant is not prepared to proceed at this time, and has not done the required mailing to neighbors, etc. Therefore, this matter is tabled for a future LUC meeting.
7d) New Business.
13718-20 Ventura Blvd Conversion of the current Viceroy 1011 sq ft restaurant and 620 sq ft hair salon to a 1797 sq ft restaurant & 1122 sq ft bakery with 66 indoor & 13 outdoor seat & exception for a 36 space leased parking area in lieu of covenant filed parking.
i) Presentation by applicant Michael Ayaz:
He explains that the current property mgt co inherited the current tenant who operated as a “hookah” lounge, which is now closed; they want to “clean house;” the tenant has agreed to vacate the premises by the next Monday. So he asks that the matter be tabled so that can be accomplished and a new, acceptable tenant located to take over the operation; the location has been dark for approx.. 6 weeks; the current situation is not what the property owner desires; they will meet with the CD office and LAPD to work to resolve all the issues raised by the neighbors with the current operation; the applicant will return after it becomes clear what they need to request from LUC; the property owner is currently paying fines, so he would like to keep their request open while they while they remove the current tenant, clean up the property and obtain a new, suitable tenant. They will return to LUC when they have a new plan to present.
ii) Public comment and discussion – 1 speaker card provided, but did not speak in view of current unsettled situation; one unidentified speaker expressed a concern about the existing signage.
iii) Committee discussion and possible motion and vote: The matter was tabled to an undefined future LUC meeting.
8. Committee Business
Jeff Kalban discussed the prosed parking garage on Ventura Blvd. Perhaps photos of ideas for such use should be created to make folks aware of the parking structure. It does not look like a public parking venue as it looks now. Given that it’s not on the agenda, perhaps it should be moved to the SONC Board for consideration for a supportive letter
9. Announcements from the Committee on subjects within SONC/LUC jurisdiction – None.
10. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.