Thursday, April 17, 2003


Present Voting

Members: Judy Travis, Chair, D.Binns, , Jim Greer, Mozammel Khan, Debra McKay, Gary MacMillan, Ben McEvoy, Satyendra Narayan, Susan Platt, John Salisbury, Eric Service, Jo-Ann Shaw, Brian Smith, Ruth Taylor

Regrets: John Bowman, Lenore Edmunds, Carol Goodrow, Pat Knight, Paul Toms, Sharon Nelson

Absent: Leona Brynes, Bob Hundert, Carol Murray, Rafael Radovan, Gabe Sara, Pat Tretjack,

Guests: M.Callahan, R.Till, Rob Turner






1. Chair’s Opening
Remarks, Approval of
Agenda and
2003-03-20 Record / The Chair called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
It was moved by R.Taylor and seconded, “that the Agenda of 2003-04-17 be approved.”
It was moved by B.McEvoy and seconded “that
the Record of 2003-03-20 be approved.”
Amendment to March 2003 minutes:
Constituency Concerns page 4 accessed should be assessed.
David Binns new president of the Sheridan Student Union Incorporated, both campuses, was introduced and welcomed to College Council.
2. President’s Update
President’s Update
President’s Update
Cont’d / R.Turner reported on the following:


·  R.Turner expressed disappointment that
Sheridan had been overlooked
·  Some proposals will be looked at for a second
time and hopefully we are in that group
·  Relentless lobbying of both the political and
bureaucratic forces will continue
·  R.Turner felt that we had a strong submission,
exceeded qualifications, quoted numbers of possible students from the area, the City of Brampton is onboard, local manufacturers are interested, etc.
·  M.Callahan said that it wasn’t the seat utilization that was looked at but the room utilization


·  About half the money requested $60M came
into the College system
·  College Presidents have been working with
ACAATO to get their support for the state of the
College system
·  in 2005/06 the loan for SCAET equipment will
end which will reduce our 2006/07 payment
obligation in half
·  the goal is not to cut staff
·  increase faculty positions therefore increasing
student to faculty ratio
·  G.MacMillan asked if the board had approved
the budget and R.Turner said it had been passed as presented

New Division

·  restructuring was done to improve services and
quality of services to the students
·  3 departments have been brought together under
Ian Marley – Student Affairs, Academic
Services and Information Technology with the
new name of Student Services & Information
Strategic Plan
·  100 attended a planning session at Davis in
Febuary trying to define corporate values and
vision statement
·  corporate goals were discussed with regard to
our three year strategic plan
·  priorities have been identified for the next
academic year
·  each year the strategic plan will be updated

Trip to India

·  the goal was to: increase the number of
International students, we have less than 2%
while the North American average is
approximately 6%; seek opportunities for
exchange; the opportunity to have our presence
in India and import customized training


·  there is ongoing communication with Health
Services as to the proper procedures for the
college to take when there is a suspected SARS
case on campus
·  there is continual monitoring of this situation
·  E.Service said there are 2 suspected cases in the
Residence, should they be staying or going and
does central air circulation increase the risk of
picking up the virus
·  R.Turner replied that it was the student’s choice
whether to stay in residence or go home and he
didn’t believe that the air was a problem
·  M.Callahan noted that Dr. Low commented that
there is no evidence of SARS being an air-borne
·  R.Till commented that the air flow in the
Residence was not a problem and that students
should go home as soon as possible
·  E.Service asked if the identity of the students
was being protected and R.Till indicated it was
and that the Public Health calls the students
4. Constituency
Concerns / Tragic Response
·  J.Travis met with R.Turner who will take the document to the Board for approval; the document will then become an Administrative memo
ESL/Literacy·  J.Shaw reported that the committee met today
and believe that there is a literacy issue in the
college, that we need to look at the issue and
our role, and what are we going to do
·  C.Goodrow’s comments were read
·  the real problem does not seem to be ESL
students but students who have not had their
secondary education in Canada
·  it seems that some schools evaluate English but
there is nothing for all programs
·  M.Callahan indicated that students entering
college have to have a minimum TOEFL score,
pass Grade 12 English or pass a college test
·  one of the problems is that new Canadians may
have gone through other school systems while
another is how efficient is our upgrading
system; more investigating needs to be done
·  M.Callahan said we can test for the purpose of
placement, it appears students are not served
well by Sheridan, we’re not meeting the
obligation of generic skills
·  R.Taylor inquired as to whether we need some
policy for how many marks can be taken off for
English errors
·  M.Callahan said all teachers should assess all
assignments for content and use of language,
it’s possible some students could do rewrites, or
mark assignments jointly, e.g. a technical
teacher marks the technical part and another
teacher marks grammar, etc.
·  J.Shaw indicated more discussion was needed
·  M.Callahan remarked that we could have
remedial writing centers./writing centers, have
peers and/or Waterloo tutors help students
·  G.MacMillan thought every program had an
English component, we need to identify the
problem and direct the student to a specific
English course / May Agenda
5. Membership / ·  see handouts
·  G.MacMillan said these will go to all faculty
and support staff electronically or via portal,
nominations close Fri. May 23, 2003 at 4:30
·  J.Travis talked to J.Bowman about the
resistence of some managers to let their staff
participate at College Council and he is going to
send a letter, quoting the terms of reference, to
managers to ensure they allow staff the
opportunity to contribute
·  J.Travis will finish her two-year term
6. Farewell for
Jim Cox / ·  it was decided to do something for J.Cox at the
end of the May 15th meeting at Trafalgar,
J.Shaw and G.MacMillan will look after the
Details and inform the rest of the council
7. New/Other
Business / ·  the topics of Vandalism and Counselors will be
discussed at the May meeting / May Agenda
8. Adjournment / Motion for Adjournment. / Motion Carried
9. Next Meeting / Thursday, May 15, 2003 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
President’s Boardroom – Trafalgar Campus