A guide to updating your employee record

It is essential that personal data we hold about staff is accurate and up to date. Therefore from time to time HR carries out a data validation exercise to check this data and make any necessary changes.

How to update your details

  1. Go to to login.
  2. In the first field enter your employee number;
  3. In the second field enter your NI number (case sensitive, i.e. all letters should be in capitals);
  4. In the third field enter your date of birth in format MM/DD/YY
  5. Once you have logged in, you can review the information held and click in any field to edit it.
  6. When you’ve finished, click the button at top right to save any changes and log out.

Why we are conducting this exercise

As an employer, Bristol Community Health holds personal information relating to all staff, including personal characteristics for monitoring diversity and the date of continuous service that is used to determine contractual entitlements to sick pay, annual leave, notice, redundancy etc. It is essential that personal data we hold about staff is accurate and up to date. Therefore from time to time HR carries out a data validation exercise to check this data and make any necessary changes. For this reason, we would very much appreciate your taking some time to review the information we hold. If anything we have recorded is incorrect or out of date, you have the opportunity to update it. You may be asked to verify a change that affects your contractual entitlements.

The information can be accessed electronically and details about how to do this are provided below. You will be able to access the datauntil 31 January 2017.

Once the exercise is complete,we will assume that the data we hold is correct, so we would appreciate all staff taking a few minutes to logon to the website and review their details, which can then be updated as necessary.

The validation covers the following areas:

  • Home address
  • NHS total length of service
  • Annual leave entitlement (based on length of service)
  • Relevant protected characteristics (age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, religion or belief, gender reassignment, marital status)

The website will remain live until 31 January 2017.

What to do if you have a question

Please email if you have any queries about this data validation exercise.

Thank you for your co-operation with this exercise.

Julie Baber, Senior HR Manager