Sheridan College Council

Thursday, June 21, 2007

B216, Davis Campus


Present: B. Eddy, (Chair) J. Travis (Vice Chair), T. Davison, C. Waite, D. McKay, D. Galama, P. Toms, E. Tegler-Gibson, C. Taylor, R. Turner, J. Bowman, S. Trubyk, M. Teske, K. Karius, D. Mistri, M. Braithwaite, M. Ervick, J. Greer

Regrets: K. Zanatta-Buehler, P. Tretjack, S. Narayan, G. Golding, W. Jollymore

Absent: A. Bodor, R. Radovan

Guests: K. Daljit

Opening Remarks / B. Eddy thanked members for their contribution to a successful year. Because B. Webb was not available to take the minutes J. Travis and M. Teske agreed to take notes and review the draft minutes.
Review of Record / The agenda for June 21, 2007 was reviewed:
Moved by J. Greer and seconded G. Golding: “That the agenda for June 21, 2007 be approved.”
The minutes for April 19, 2007 were reviewed:
Moved by D. Mckay and seconded by M. Teske: “That the minutes of May 17,, 2007 be approved.”
President’s Update
R. Turner / Learning Commons:
The expected completion date is November 2007. $3 million that had been set aside two years ago will cover the cost of construction. The floor plans have been drawn up but no building permits have been issued.
Centre for Healthy Communities:
The top two floors are expected to be open for September 2007. It is difficult to predict completion as the building has been plagued with rotating strikes and still requires fire marshal approval and other inspections.
In lieu of Ian Marley, Vice-President Students being unavailable, a summary was provided. Overall Sheridan has a 2.4% increase in enrolment which contributing to share growth. Three subcommittees are working on issues related to enrolment. It was suggested that September enrolment and program numbers be attached to the College Council web site.
Career Planning for International Professionals:
This is an ongoing opportunity to reach our various cultural communities and to provide the ethnic press with good news stories about our students.
Analysis of Lock-Down and Communications Procedures
A committee has been struck comprised of Karam Daljit, Tom Poldre, John Bowman, Sue Gilbert and Rob Till focussed on training and community feedback. An awareness day is being considered for all students and staff in September to deal with the advent of someone threatening the College. Everything that is fair and reasonable needs to be done up to before we see ourselves as an armed college. We are fortunate to have Peel Regional Police’s support and to have them close by. We do not want to overreact, but what is overreaction when it has already happened in our two neighbouring provinces. The challenge is how to communicate to our constituencies. Action: All Ask our constituencies what is the best way to communicate to the college community what they have do to in case of this kind of emergency, how to find that line between implementing safeguards and restricting access and that this is about caring for each other. There needs to be a lock-down procedure and training for staff.
A suggestion was made that we could use a buddy system where each person could be responsible for one other.
Board of Governor’s Update
Discussions are ongoing around the increase in workload per individual at the college. Some relief has been provided on the academic side as there have been 64 net new faculty out of 224 academic hires. The pressure points are now on the Associate Deans and Coordinators and the focus is turning to hiring administration and support staff.
Q & A
P.Trechuk asked about developments in Singapore. J. Birch is in Singapore making presentations to industry leaders in economic development. Board of Governors has set aside money for these projects which will be forthcoming when due diligence is completed. One agreement with Shanghai has been signed. See minutes from January 18, 2007.
Sheridan continues negotiations with China towards a partnership-based agreement. See minutes from January 18, 2007.
Two proposals were chosen by the Peel Board for the Britannia Road property. Sheridan is the named educational partner in both. The decision as to which one will be undertaken will come by June 30. There are a number of different ways to take advantage of this opportunity. For example, offering degrees, partnerships with industry, other educational institutions including universities. At the Council of Regents meeting, Humber and Seneca agreed with Sheridan that the government has a real post secondary issue in the GTA, an approximately 30,000 seat deficit with 35-40% of those students coming from Mississauga. Unless they come up with a plan the government will find their own solution which may be another university, which is not the optimal strategy for the area. A second meeting of the GTA college presidents will be at the end of July.
Report of Committees / Environmental Committee:
J. Travis reported that in April the committee visited the facilities of TriWaste and Waste Management and were not impressed with TriWaste. Waste Management have boasted a 98% waste recyling. Student Union uses them. B. Scannell will ask Waste Mangement for a proposal to handle Sheridan’s recycling needs and is targeting the August meeting. With respect to lighting and fixtures, B103 now has a switch to turn off the lights as does the library on the Oakville campus. Conservatively, of the $500,000 lighting bill at Trafalgar we are saving approximately 20% since we have changed the lights and fixtures. The lighting component comprises approximately one third of the expenditure on utilities (hydro, heating and light). STC has been outfitted with new lights. Brampton is next.
In the working session, the committee created a draft of a values, vision and mission statement. There was significant discussion around these statements and it was decided that the committee would seek assistance from K. Oliver, the college’s strategic planner, to refine their efforts.
P. Toms suggested that the committee minutes be posted on the College Council website as a separate link. Action: J. Travis, W. Jollimore
Next meeting is August 22, 2007.
Communications Committee:
B. Eddy reported no activity from the Communications Committee and decided to move the Communications item to the Updates and Announcements section for the next meeting.
Updates and Announcements / Remembrance Day and Dec. 6 Observances
B.Eddy informed Council that she had received a request from the VPA, Dean’s, Associate Dean’s Committee to appear at the Local Academic Committees to inform them of Council’s wishes regarding the Remembrance Day and Dec. 6 Observances. Council is being asked to consider how their recommendation to enshrine the observances in the Calendar and release faculty, staff and students to attend the ceremonies can be implemented.
B. Eddy also indicated that she had the link to the Web Site which showed the 3 or 4 minute video clip that was recommended by M. Callahan during discussions at a previous meeting. Technical problems prevent showing it to the College Community. It was suggested that it be placed on the Council website. Action: B. Eddy
The main highlights of the discussion that followed included:
·  An idea to allow attendance for all staff and students by video streaming the ceremonies into classrooms and offices.
·  Making use of Access Sheridan link to play the ceremonies in a file in a continuous loop to allow students to access the ceremonies on their own time and react privately. An objection was raised that that the use of this medium will not bring people together and won’t create an emotional atmosphere and is no substitute for empathy and compassion.
·  The link to video streaming and to the loop could be put on the Sheridan Web Home page and come up on the appropriate days to to make it more accessible. The number of people who access it could be tracked.
·  The intention was never to eliminate the ceremony. Sheridan College should include the Nov. 11 and Dec. 6 observances in the official calendar and provide a budget to support the current ceremonies. If we say we have a caring community we must provide the opportunity to come together. If we do not we are not standing behind what we say we believe in.
·  The Remembrance Day and Peace ceremonies are important in the Sheridan context when a connection is made between then and now. There may be some way to link the Emergency Lock-down with the Dec. 6 observances.
·  Participation in the observances should be voluntary but accessible to all.
·  C. Ali indicated that the Student Union is committed to helping to organize these communal initiatives; too important to be a mere web link.
Council concluded with the following recommendations:
o  Enshrine the dates in the College Calendar
o  The live presentation should be retained in its current form and budget and organization supported by T. Poldra and the Communications Dept.
o  Video placed on the home page
o  Return to 11 AM moment of silence
Testing Centre:
Cheryl Batton, Manager of Test Centre, stated that in 2005 the Testing Centre became part of the Office of the Registrar; Administration and Recruitment. The Testing Centre has been renamed the Assessment Centre; primary offering is for external testing and Language competency testing (CAN test). Make-up tests are also done on an ad hoc basis. She indicated that the centre is not resourced for make-up testing. In the past six months 800 make up tests have been invigilated even though there is insufficient staff. The Assessment Centre has received “Quality” funds from the Ministry for non-English language testing and other needs assessment. The Manager’s position has become full time with the new Manager beginning on July 3rd. Her name is Kasia Dziwak. At this time the assessment centre will be come a full time operation.
There are five computers at each of the STC and Davis locations. They are not networked and only support CAN tests.
Currently they are investigating an automated registration system for scheduling tests to streamline the testing process.
New Hires:
J. Bowman reported that as of January 1, 2007, Sheridan had hired 104 people representing 32 replacements: 10 administration, 10 faculty and 12 support staff. 72 were new hires: 12 administration, 30 support and 30 faculty. J. Bowman extended compliments to five HR consultants and the co-op student and the associate deans. It takes approximately 25 hours to process each new hire. Sheridan has a record for good hiring as turnover is as low as 2%.
J. Bowman informed Council that G. Sharma will be investigating the possible use of defibrillators at Sheridan. Her report is expected by the end of the summer. A unit is being purchased for CHC.
B. Eddy was acclaimed as the Chair and J. Travis as Vice-Chair of College Council for the 2007/2008 term.
Vivienne Sager Awards:
Nominations are closed. There were no nominations forthcoming for the 2006/2007 award.
Student Union Update / Council welcomed C. Ali, the new Student Union president. He reported that there were renovations being undertaken in the SU offices at Davis to improve work conditions. New positions are being added to the staff including Marketing Specialist, Events and Planning manager. New murals are going up in the Davis Centre produced by five Sheridan students/alumnus.
The Student Representative system is under review and SU is looking for a system that will better serve students needs and faculty concerns as well as the student social aspects.
New Business / There was no new business.
The meeting adjourned at 5:15 pm.
Next Meeting / Trafalgar Rd. Campus – President’s Board Room – September 20, 2007 3:00pm – 5:00pm

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