Shepherd Public Schools
Annual Report of Curriculum Committees
Curriculum Area:
Committee Members:
Committee Contact for Comments and Questions:
Part I:Implementation of the Curriculum
The goal of the Frameworks document is to be a resource for teachers. The document should be comprehensive enough to guide a first year teacher and to help the public understand the district’s curriculum in a specific area.
Indicate with a check whether the following Frameworks components are up to date.
Updated / In ProgressMichigan Curriculum Framework alignment to standards and benchmarks
Objectivesaligned to GLCEs or High School Content Expectations (e.g., Learner Will statements, Learning Objectives)
Course Outline or Elementary Grade Descriptions
Common assessments aligned to objectives
Curricular resources (textbooks, media, technology, etc.)
If you indicated “in progress” for any of the above, please explain for each.
Describe the work done to align the current curriculum to the GLCEs or emerging High School Content Expectations.
Describe how MEAP/MME dataare used to diagnose strengths and weaknesses in curriculum content, instruction and assessment.
Part II:Proficiency in the Curriculum
Proficiency in this district is defined as attaining a grade of 80% for a course.
What is the percentage of students who were proficient by the above definition last year and the year before (04-05 and 05-06) for you curricular area? Indicate for each grade and/or course.
Grade/Course(Add lines as necessary) / Final Grades 2004-2005 (EL/MS/HS) / First Semester Grades 2005-2006 (MS/HS Only) / Second Semester Grades 2005-2006 (EL final year grade)
Comments on proficiency data:
What are your strategies to increase the percentage of students who will meet the proficiency standards for grades/courses? When needed, intervention strategies will be developedto assist curriculum groups withproficiency in the general population and subgroups (gender, students with disabilities, economically disadvantaged, etc.).
Describe the common assessments used to help assess proficiency and enhance instruction in the curricular area.
How do the common assessments help diagnose areas of strength and areas of development in this curriculum?
Part III:Student Needs
Please answer the following questions based upon the data from grades, common assessments and other sources.
What are the areas needed for development in the curriculum?
What specific changes will be made to the curriculum this year? Next year? In the Frameworks cycle and documents? Include a proposed plan of action, including a timeline and costs.
How is technology used in the curriculum? Describe current usage, correlation to District Technology Plan and plans to integrate technology for the future.
What classroom adaptations are needed to address specific issues of subgroups (students with disabilities [emotional, cognitive and physical], gender, ethnicity, economically disadvantaged)that do not match needs in the general population?
Part IV:Budget
Please list department/grade funds spent and available from last year and this year.
AmountBuilding/Department carryover from 2005-2006 (+)
Building/Department allocation 2006-2007 (+)
2005-2006 Grants (+)
Additional Sources (+)
Frameworks carryover from 2005-2006 (+)
Frameworks allocation for 2006-2007 (+)
Amount spent 2005-2006 (-)
Total funds 2006-2007
How were last year’s funds used to address curricular needs?
Please list sources of funds from 2005-2006 such as grants and district contributions.
How are the current funds to be used?
What additional resources can the department secure to address the needs described above?
Part V:Professional Development
Please indicate what the professional development needs of the staff are for your curricular area.
What are the areas needed for professional development?
What are the questions or requests for information, data or resources you have for the curriculum director and/or building administrator?