FD / 01-08-09 / A / MH / Current Quality Manual
Quality, Environment and Occupational Health
A/S Maskinfabrikken monitors and manage Quality, Environment and Occupational Health and Safety according to the guidelines in the standards DS/EN ISO 9001:2001, DS/EN ISO 14001:2004 and DS/OHSAS 18001.
Major subjects, scope, short description and reference to internal manuals and standards detailed below.
Subject / Scope and description / Ref. Q.A. manual / Ref. standardObjective and qualitypolicy / The objective of quality is to produce and tradegratings, safetygratings and – stairs and accessories in exactly the quality the customer willdemand.
The quality policy therefore defines how the responsibility and authority of duties regarding management of quality are determined and maintained.
Furthermore the employees should be motivated by information, practice and education in order to have responsible and quality-conscious employees. / 1.0 / 4.2; 5.1 – 5.4
Area of validity, responsibility and authority / Mesh gratings, mesh stairs, plank gratings, plank stairs, aluminium planks, scaffold planks andaccessories,aluminium ramps.
The managing director is responsible for matters of responsibility and competence and for the implementation of the activities in the quality assessment system.
Responsibility for estimating resources by receiving orders and matters of responsibility and competences regarding deviations and deficiencies has been defined. / 2.0; 3.0 / 4.1; 5.5; 5.5.2; 5.6; 6.3
Offers and receivingorders / All enquiries are dealt with in the sales department, which is responsible for an evaluation of the possibilities of manufacturing the task described in the enquiry with regards to technical, quality and resource circumstances.
Quality requirements are laid down when the order is concluded. Here it is ensured, that there is conformity between the enquiry and the made offer.All agreements regarding the specific order are documented and kept. / 5.1; 5.2; 5.3 / 4.1; 4.2; 7.2
Development and design / Development and design ofproductsare made as an interactionbetween the expectations and wishes of the market, the customers and the enterprise to the development of products and accessories.
The Technical Department holds the responsibility for development, which is carried out with reference to relevant demands and standards.
The relevant approval and possible patenting will be carried out before marketing. / 7.0 / 7.3
Production and service / Production and possible subsequent belabouring takes place under controlled conditions by means of written instructions defining the routines for the running-in and approval of the processes.
When the production is finished an update and collection of the basis for the production is made.
The information are when evaluated filed and storedin the Production Department for a minimum of 5 years.
Service is given in relation to the producers responsibilities for products and the responsibility for complaints.
The satisfactory of the customer can be found in the regular contact between the Sales Department and the customers, and it can specifically be read from the complaints put forward by the customer. / 7.0; 8.0 / 4.1; 4.2; 7.1; 7,5; 8.4
Subject / Scope and description / Ref. Q.A. manual / Ref. standard
Outsourcedprocesses / Coatings of different kinds are carried out by subcontractors.
The demands regarding these processes are described in detail in the agreements that annually are negotiated with the concerned party. The quality of work handled by subcontractors is regularly controlled by our acceptance check carried out before the products are made ready for further shipment to the customer. / 7.2.1 / 8.2.1
Measuring methods, equipment and methods / The Department of Quality is responsible for measures to be checked, the necessary test equipment and the establishment of instructionsdefiningmethods to be used by inspections of products.
Measuring- and test instruments to be used by the check of products must be calibrated and unambiguously marked. / 9.0 / 4.1; 4.2; 4.2.4; 7,6; 8.0; 8,1
Nonconformities and corrective acts / The Department of Quality is in cooperation with the Sales Department responsible for the acceptance of dispensations by the customer.
Receiving complaints from customers it is theDepartment of Quality that is responsible for the processing of the nonconformity.
The character of the nonconformity and decisions made in connection with must be reported. / 12.0 / 4.1; 4.2; 8.3; 8.5
Inspection and testing / Acceptance check of incoming goods is carried out on the basis of a defined instruction.
The Department of Production is responsible for acceptance check of raw materials and tools.
Purchasers are respectively responsible for an acceptance check of bought articles.
Inspection of processes is primarily carried out as a control by the operator and a random check by the team leader and the works manager.
In special cases inspection of processes is carried out by the Department of Quality.
In all cases the inspection is carried out according to prepared procedures with defined criterions for acceptance of quality.
The store department holds the responsibility for carrying out the Final Inspection. / 15.0 / 4.1; 4.2; 8.2.4
Information, practise and education / A/S Maskinfabrikken PcP. has defined requirements to every function/workspace regarding the information, the practise and the education that is needed to carry out the work in question.
To every function/workspace there are defined instructions regarding the information and practise in how to use the quality assessment system.
Information and practise are documented by superiors and kept by the Department of Quality. / 16.0 / 4.1; 6.2
Maintenance of the system and improvements of quality / The quality group prepares a plan for verification of the quality assessment system thatas a minimum must be verified once (1) a year.
The verification is carried out corresponding to the documented quality assessment system and DS/ISO 9001.
Described nonconformities reports of conclusion are the basis for – if needed but at least once (1) a year –to carry out an evaluation of the appropriateness of the quality assessment system which is made by the quality group.
The performance of the quality assessment system is regularly sought improvedby means of policy, objectives, the result of audits, review of data, corrective and preventive acts and the result of the evaluations of management. / 17.0; 18.0 / 4.1
Subject / Scope and description / Ref. I.M. manual / Ref. standardEnvironmental policy and objectives / The environmentalpolicy of A/S Maskinfabrikken PcP. aims at the lowestachievable influence on the environment.
The objective is a continous development in order that the invironmental impact caused by the amount of waste and emissions to air and water is reduced.
A/S Maskinfabrikken PcP. produces within the conditions of the Environmental Approval of 16.02.2009.
We maintain an open dialogue with the environmental authorities regarding new developments and changes of environmental relevance. / 4.2 / 4.2
Planning / All impacts of the environment are identified and a plan of action has been defined to respect the conditions in the Environmental Approval.
All purchase of raw materials and subsidiary materials is controlled by the demands to origin, chemical composition etc. The raw materials such as steel, stainless steel and aluminium have approved certificates.
Purchase, handling and disposal of used lubricants, hydraulic oils and chemicals are done following current environmental rules and can be demonstrated.
Scrap is disposed of for recycling and disposal can be documented.
Packing and waste for recycling, burnable residuals and special waste are disposed according to current rules and can be documented.
Emissions to air are subject to terms in the Environmental Approval and are controlled regularly by notified bodies. / 4.3 / 4.3
Implemantation and operations / Responsibility for environmental facts is organizationally defined as a function of staff with reference to the managing director.
Employees develop understanding and skills by information and practising routines. / 4.4 / 4.4
Control and corrective acts / Control of compliance with the defined practise is regularly carried through and as a minimum once (1) a year.
If necessary corrective acts are put in action supported by information and practise. / 4.5 / 4.5
Evaluation by management / The management regularly deals with proposals for improvement and once (1) a year to a status and larger environmental projects / 4.6 / 4.6
Occupational Health and Safety
Subject / Scope and description / Ref. OHS manual / Ref. standardWork environment policy and objectives / A/S Maskinfabrikken PcP. has a defined work environment policy and objectives for improving the work environment that as a minimum aim at compliance with relevant rules and guidelines in this area.
Policy and objectives aim at a continuous development and improvement of working conditions. / 1a / 4.2; 4.3.3
Plans of action / On the basis of the enterprises work place evaluation a plan of action is defined and decided in order to set inappropriate and not wanted conditions in the work environment right.
Physical, ergonomical, chemical, biological, psychological conditions are monitored and evaluated in a yearly status.
If necessary specific plans of development for defined areas are established. / 2j / 4.3.4
Planning, implementation and operation / Practise is monitored and managed systematically according to the demands of the national requirements of work environment.
Operations are organized by a safety organisation covering all departments and functions in the enterprise.
The managing director is chairman for the safety organisation and daily operations are managed by a function of staff referring directly to the managing director. / 2a; 2b; 2c; 2f; / 4.3; 4.4; 4.4.6; 4.4.7; 4.5
Analysis of risks and managing of risks / Analysis of risks and managing of risks are carried out when new ways of organizing work, new production machinery are implemented and in relation with nearby accidents and accidents.
Based upon the above mentioned decisions of necessary modifications of the planning of work, the use of aids and safeguard protections are decided. / 2c / 4.3.1; 4.5.1; 4.5.2
Requirements stated by law / In all areas of the work environment the respecting of requirements stated by law is a minimum. / 2d; 2f; 2g / 4.3.2
Organization and responsibility / Organization and responsibility are defined within the structure of the safety organization. / 2a / 4.4.1
Education, knowledge and skills / Members of the safety organization pass the safety course stated by law.
Knowledge of specific areas and problems within the work environment are achieved by information and working in the safety organization. / 2d / 4.4.2
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