22A Chelmsford Road, Shenfield, Essex CM15 8RQ Ground Tel. No. 01277-210108
President John A. BurrowsChairman David Geary
Season 2006- the new season approaches! – message from Stuart Borman
I am writing to you in my new capacity as colts’ chairperson, having taken over this position from Harry Hill. Harry remains on the full club committee as facilities co-ordinator and I am sure we will still see him at times through the summer.I can only hope that, during my time in the position, I can continue the huge contribution that Harry has made in making this a very special club - both on and off the field. My position means I effectively representyou, the colts section, at the main cricket club meetings, and hopefully keep them abreast of any points that you wish to make.I am fortunate enough to have worked within the colts committee for the past two seasons, and thankfully have the experience of Richard Owers, Martin Ekers and Glenn Ellisagain to assist me in my tasks. My thanks already to Vanessa Ekers for the time she has, and will be, putting in co-ordinating our administration tasks.I would also like to welcome Jim Sutherland, who always has a watching eye on all elements within the club, and his opinions on all on and off the field matters, will prove of great benefit within the colts committee.
Coaching and assistants:From a pure coaching and organisational point of view, these people will prove invaluable in continuing their work of last season. Matt Weaver, our popular Australian player/coach will be returning with the brief is to again oversee the whole colts group development within the club, with hopefully withMichael Hindleyand some of our senior colts about to again assist him this summer.
The additionsmade to the colts committee this season are David Castell - who, as a qualified coach, worked very hard with the younger age group last year - and officially takes the new position of U9 manager this term.Ryan Luggnow heads up the U11 age group. He is a very young man already with a great cricket pedigree within Shenfield CC, and I am sure will be looking for your every support in his first season at the helm.
Glenn Ellis in the U13s, already looks to thank both Paul Joyner and Ian Pratt for their assistance again this summer, and now also to Peter Rider - who has been involved in both playing and colts coaching roles - who has agreed to organise and run some friendlies for an U13B side.Already this season the continuity for the development of our younger players’ looks assured with Martin Ekers and Richard Owers spearheading our older groups.
Your colts’ committee’s aim is simple this year:Fun for the kids - developing strong teams - and becoming a great social scene for the parents.These are, of course, areas in which Shenfield are already strong, however we would like to gofurther - so I am delighted that Rick and Jacquie Poulton, andAngela and Martin Spicer have accepted to also join the committee to ensure some off the field activities will be better co-ordinated and supported, and more of the younger voices heard within the main club.
THIS SEASON - PAYMENTS£££££ - see enclosed registration form.
Spaces for colts may well be limited in certain age groups. You are receiving this information because you attended last season. Please ensure you son/daughter’s inclusion for this season by completing and returning the enclosed membership application form ASAP. The cash flow situation at the start of the season is always tight, so your help is appreciated. Payment mustbe made before attending any session.
When your child joins the colts section his/her subscription automatically includes associate membership to the club for the parents/guardians, which then enables them to purchase alcohol at the bar. We will need to be increasingly vigilant in this area, and so would ask that if you do have friends who enjoy our club socially,but do not have colts, to consider joining asa social member too! – Remember you can pop in at any time then!
Please note: Especially for any new members/family/friends you may want to bring along.
This season we may ask the very younger colts to take an aptitude or coordination test before allowing them to join. ENSURE HELP PRIOR TO REGISTRATION. Start by helping them to both throw and catch a tennis ball in the park or at home!!. This must really now become a pre-requisite.
Coaching nights – COLTS START WED 26TH APRIL
We are anticipating Friday nights will remain as well attended as in previousyears. This year we aim to get a ratio of 1 coach to 12 colts– orbetter. By keeping the ratios smaller we can achieve a lot more. We will again be asking some of our older colts who are willing to assist as coaches. What we really
need though is for you to volunteer to work with these older colts, to help them organize, keep good order, etc. Cricketknowledge is not important the willingness to assist is - but we can't promise that you won't learn alot if you help.If you would like to help but are not sure what is required, we are intending to run a short pre-season session for inexperienced or unqualified helpers.
We may use a video camera, in training, and intend to post photographs of the players and teams on the club website and hopefully get them published in the Gazette. Please note that your consent for this is included in the membership application form.
Cricket matches
As in previous years the U11s, U13s and U15s have been entered intothe Regional Essex Area Leagueand Cup competitions. The U16s will be playing in a league match play competition onSunday afternoons. Weare now also looking to schedule some U13B friendly matches. It is intended the U9s will again have the opportunity to play 3 or 4 four-wayfriendly competitions. It was apparent last year,during the Ashes series, thatwe had a wealth of keen young cricketers, and we could possiblyhave run an U9 'B' team. There was even demand for an U10 team, but we do really need some people to step forward and help. You would be going to watch anyway!
Of course with more juniors wanting to play, this couldcreatea pitch problem, but it is notinsurmountable, and these are the sort of problems we want. For the popular younger age groups please make yourselves known toDaveCastell(01277 232951) and help him make this happen for our very junior members. You don'tneed to have cricket knowledge to volunteer and help run a team. You justneed to do a bit of organization to ensure the team is in the rightplace at the right time. Dave is intending to run a helpers session in the near future – so please contact him if you can lend a hand.
End of season. – DATE FOR THE DIARIES.
We have been allocated Sunday 3rd September - as our colts’ tournament day
Clubs Annual Dinner & Dance – Friday 13th October. Mount Ave, Banqueting Suite
Pre season helpers please!!!!!!
- Working parties: General club tidy up and preparing for the season will be held on Sat 11th March and Sat. 8th April from 10am. So if you can spare a couple of hours please come along and help.
- Cricket Camp – book early so we can organise coaches.
Last summer holiday the cricket camp run at Shenfield was very popular.We hope to do the same again this year. We know that you make your planswell in advance, so as soon as we have dates we will let you know.Please look for the forms in the clubhouse at our first training sessions.
- Specialist coaching
We may this season on some evenings offer 2 half hour slots forone-to-one coaching from 8 until 9. The coaching will be provided by aLevel 2 coach. The cost is yet to be decided, but all proceeds will goto the colts' funds.Another avenue that we are exploring is bringing in specialist technicalcoaches for the older colts. A few years ago we brought in a fastbowling coach who had worked both with Essex and England quick bowlers.We'd like to do something similar this year - though not necessarily forquick bowlers. More on this hopefully in the next newsletter.
- Junior club shirts
A supply of new cricket shirts with Shenfield logos will be available at the Clubforearly season sizing and ordering. – More news at first training sessions.
Essex cricket
EssexIndoorCricketSchool at Chelmsford and IlfordIndoorCricketSchool both offer a range of cricket fun and learning that extends all year round. They are popular and some events fill up longin advance. Give them a call or take a look at the web site.
Essex Indoor CricketSchool: 01245 254028 + IlfordCricketSchool: 020 8550 0041
The club has recently had to take a stronger line with parking policy. A security company is now in charge of day time parking and non-authorised vehicles will be booked/clamped. This of course will be no problem during coaching nights/match days, but as a word of advice to any members or there friends - please do not park at the club whilst dropping children for school or nipping to the shops or walking dogs. We have certain companies and individuals now who donate to the club are receiving badge authorization to park. These donations are of course a valuable source of income to the club, and go a long way to helping the club at a time of high expenditure (eg Groundsman, Nets, Pavilion upkeep etc. If anyone needs weekday parking information please make enquiry initially to me.
Please tick ONE box - make an extra copy for siblings
U 9 - born after 31st August 1996
U11-born between 1stSept 1994 and 31st Aug 1996
U13 – born between 1st Sept 1992 and 31st Aug. 1994
U15 – born between 1st Sept 1990 and 31st Aug 1992
U16 – born between 1st Sept 1989 and 31st Aug 1990