The Shelton School District Board of Directors met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. on August 29, 2006 in the board room located at CHOICE Alternative School.

Board members present: Chairman Ross Gallagher, Holly Sharpe, Sue McCausland, Bill Freund and Julianna Miljour.

Staff members present: Superintendent Joan Zook, Jackie McGuire, Linda Arnold, Gordy Hansen, Alison Nutt, Margo Otto, Roger McCausland, Sheryal Balding, Ed Born, Glenn Shorten, Bracken Budget, John Hill, Steve Warner, and Wanda McCausland.

Others present: Jeff Green, Dedrick Allen and Ron Otto.


Chairman Gallagher called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Holly Sharpe read the district’s Mission Statement.


There was one addition to the consent agenda which was a supplemental personnel report as a new Item 9.07. Julianna Miljour made a motion to adopt the agenda with the addition of Item 9.07. Holly Sharpe seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.


Chairman Gallagher opened the public hearing on the proposed 2005-06 budget extension and the proposed 2006-07 budget. Hearing no comments from the audience or board members, Chairman Gallagher then closed the public hearing.


7.01 – Recognition of outgoing school board member Bill Freund:

Superintendent Zook, school board members and members of the audience honored outgoing board member Bill Freund for his years of service on the school board. Bill thanked the wonderful staff members in the district for their dedication and professionalism and said his time on the board has been a tremendous learning experience. Bill is resigning from the school board to take a job as a lobbyist for the Washington Education Association. A brief reception in Bill’s honor was then held.


8.01 – Proposed Resolution No. 06-09:

Proposed Resolution No. 06-09 authorizing the 2005-06 budget extension in the amount of $393,000.00 was presented for approval. Bill Freund moved, seconded by Sue McCausland, to approve Resolution No. 06-09. The motion passed unanimously.

8.02 – Proposed Resolution No. 06-10:

Proposed Resolution No. 06-10 adopting the 2006-07 budget in the total amount of $48,001,846.00 was also presented for approval. Bill Freund moved, seconded by Holly Sharpe, to adopt Resolution No. 06-10. The motion passed unanimously.

8.03 – Proposed Resolution No. 06-11:

Board members reviewed proposed Resolution No. 06-11 which would allow the school district to become a member of the ESD #113 Capital Compensated Absences Liability Pool, effective September 1, 2006. The purpose of this cooperative is the collection, investment and payment of funds for the purpose of meeting member school district payments for cash-outs of unused accrued leave due to annual election, termination, retirement or death of an employee. The cost to the district to join this cooperative is $400 per year and we must maintain a $1,000 minimum balance. Jackie McGuire commented that it is to the district’s advantage to belong to this cooperative to draw upon when needed. Bill Freund made a motion to approve Resolution No. 06-11. Julianna Miljour seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

8.04 – Proposed 2006-07 dairy bid:

David Westermann recommended that the 2006-07 dairy bid be awarded to Dairy Fresh Farms in the amount of $84,459.73. Dairy Fresh was the only bid received, but is very favorable. Jackie McGuire commented the bid compares almost identically to the Dairy Fresh bid for 2005-06, which the district accepted.


Board members raised concerns over the overnight travel request to allow the Shelton High School football team to travel to Eugene, Oregon on September 1-2 to compete in a pre-season, non-league game against Marist High School. They were concerned with the fact that the board was just now seeing this request on August 29 and the travel is to occur on September 1; that the proper travel request form was not used; and wondered why they were playing a pre-season game in Eugene. Joan Zook told board members that she spoke to the coach and the athletic director about not submitting their paperwork in a timely fashion. Board members then requested that the superintendent invite Coach Hinkle to come to the September 12 regular school board meeting to talk about the trip. Bill Freund made a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented, with the addition of the supplemental personnel report as a new Item 9.07. Sue McCausland seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. The board:

·  Approved minutes from the August 8, 2006 regular school board meeting.

·  Approved Payroll Voucher Nos. 40311 through 40313 in the amount of $1,789.93.

·  Approved General Fund Voucher Nos. 104827 through 105069 in the amount of $414,921.01 (2005-06 school year).

·  Approved General Fund Voucher Nos. 105070 through 105125 in the amount of $196,437.86 (2006-07 school year).

·  Approved Capital Projects Fund Voucher Nos. 1626 through 1630 in the amount of $149,681.87 (2005-06 school year).

·  Approved Associated Student Body Fund Voucher Nos. 16509 through 16554 in the amount of $38,177.31 (2005-06 school year).

·  Approved Associated Student Body Fund Voucher Nos. 16555 through 16560 in the amount of $5,228.34 (2006-07 school year).

·  Approved Private Purpose Fund Voucher No. 115 in the amount of $1,000.00 (2006-07 school year).

·  Approved Payroll Voucher Nos. 40314 through 40421 in the amount of $2,313,841.23 for August 2006.

·  Approved overnight travel for the Shelton High School football team to travel to Eugene, Oregon on September 1-2, 2006 to compete against Marist High School.

·  Approved the regular and supplemental personnel reports as submitted and as attached. (See Attachment #1.)


10.01 – Washington Learns:

Joan Zook and Bill Freund discussed the work of Washington Learns committee.


·  Sue McCausland attended New Teacher Day today and had a chance to meet our new teaching staff and administrators. Sue thanked the many local businesses who donated gifts for the new staff. Shelton High School’s Climber Crew will be welcoming incoming sophomores at orientation tomorrow. Sue also thanked Bill Freund for serving on the board and being a great mentor to her.

·  Ross Gallagher also thanked Bill for all that he’s done and for the help he’s given Ross. He also commented that because of his background, there is no one more knowledgeable about K-12 finance than Bill.

·  Julianna Miljour thanked Bill as well and said that she has listened and learned from Bill along the way. She also commented on the 12-month district calendar published by Linda Arnold and said she really liked the math theme. Julianna just returned from vacation in Mexico.

·  Holly Sharpe commented that Bill brought another prospective the school board and is glad that he will still be on the district’s side in his new position with the Washington Education Association. Holly also attended New Teacher day today.

·  Bill Freund said that he has learned during his time on the school board and will miss everyone.


·  There is a WSSDA fall regional meeting on October 4 in Olympia.

·  Board members wanting to go to the WSSDA Annual Conference in Spokane need to commit soon.

·  Next Tuesday morning is All Staff Day. Breakfast will be served by the administrators at 7:30 a.m. and meeting beginning at 8:30 a.m.


At 7:05 p.m. Chairman Gallagher announced that the board would take a 5-minute recess and would then enter into a 15-minute executive session to discuss administrator negotiations.


Chairman Gallagher declared the meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.

Chairman, Board of Directors

Secretary to the Board