Shelter/NFI Winterization Coordination Meeting – Nov 3, 2014
Key points and outcome from Shelter/NFI and Winterization Coordination meeting Nov 3, 2014
The shelter/NFI & winterization coordination meeting was held at UNHCR at UNHCR conference hall and was only attended by UNHCR, UNOCHA, YAO and STEP out of 9 partners in the sector/cluster. The main agenda of the meeting was:
a. Winterization status and deadlines
b. Camp construction status and deadlines
Discussion started on winterization and a winterization plan earlier shared by ICODHA/OCHA was reviewed. As many of the partners on the plan were not present, these were the outcome:
A. Winterization update and deadlines
· UNHCR through YAO started winterization since 18 Oct. 2 phases. In the first phase YAO distributed 3,224 NFI kits (674 kits were for the Syrian refugees). In the second, YAO distributed 2,550 NFI kits in Tasluja, Bazyan and Tainal.
· YAO also distributed Kerosene for 5,000 families starting from Raparin Administration in Oct. 25. Each family is provided a barrel as well. YAO will finish the distribution of winterization kits Nov. 3, 2014.
· UNHCR estimates a number of 5,000 IDP families in Sulaimaniyah governorate that need winterization.
Action Points:
· Partners with winterization plans to update the table, mainly focusing the gap
· Partners with winterization to ensure regular information sharing and attendance in the Shelter/NFI coordination meetings held bi-weekly on Mondays at UNHCR @2pm
· Partners with winterization plans need to share their plans with the shelter/NFI chair before presenting it to the GEC meeting to avoid multiple reporting to authorities
· Any partners with winterization plans for Khanaqin and or Kifri to share their it with OCHA the Khanaqin Shelter/NFI and Protection focal point (UNHCR)
Agency/Organization / Winterization activities/items / # of beneficiaries hhs / Deadlines / RemarksUNHCR/YAO / Winterization NFIs:
Plastic sheets, blankets, water jerry can, kerosene jerry can, stoves/heaters / 3224 families (2554 IDP families and 670 Syrian refugees) / To be completed by Nov 3, 2014 / Completed: In the meeting it was reported by UNHCR/YAO that there is a 2nd phase of distribution with a target of only 2550 IDP families only
Distribution of 200L kerosene fuel to each family for Oct – Dec 2014 / 5100 families (including 670 Syrian refugees) / To be completed by Nov 3, 2014 / There is gap for winterization clothing and shoes
The UNHCR Kerosene is only for 5100 camp and non – camp families in Sulaymaniyah.
More IDPs may need more kerosene supply (in the case for the new arrivals and those might opt to camp from rented houses/hotels)
Shelter insulation/Floor boarding:
Floor compaction/raising and covering with wood and tent insulation only for IDPs in UNHCR tents (Arbat camp) / 416 IDP families / To be completed by end of November / Items are under international procurement by UNHCR and by mid of Nov will arrive in Suly. This is only for IDPs living in family tents in Arbat camp
B. Camp construction status and deadlines and
The construction of camp for IDPs is underway. Arbat IDP camp is open and currently hosts 416 IDP families and the camp has the capacity up to 1,000 IDP families. Any new IDP arrivals are provided with tents and CRIs upon their arrival including winterization items. 3 out of the remaining 4 IDP camps to be constructed by UNHCR will be completed by end of November. The construction work of the camp in Chamchamal has delayed due to a conflict between the THW contractor and the landlord who might be interested being commissioned for undertaking some of the construction works. Negotiation between the contractor and the landlord currently ongoing and a solution might be devised. The construction work for Sitek site will commence this week and in Zirgus preparation for the work is underway both to host 88 Christian IDP families each. UNHABITAT was not present in the meeting and update on their camp construction in Bainjan could not be obtained. However, as in earlier plans UNHABITAT will establish 150 housing units (prefabs) in the camp. Below is a table which summarizes camp construction in Sulaymaniyah Governorate:
Action Points:
· OCHA and the shelter/NFI chair to strongly request shelter/NFI members to improve information sharing and attendance in coordination meetings
· All shelter/NFI members to share their updates for GEC meeting with the shelter/NFI chair to ensure unified reporting to authorities in Sulaymaniyah
· Any partners with shelter/NFI as well as CRIs for Khanaqin and Kifri to share with OCHA and Khanaqin Shelter/NFI and Protection focal point (UNHCR)
Camp Construction Table in Sulaymaniyah Governorate
# / Camp Name / GPS / Status / # of IDP families currently living in the camp / Planned Capacity / Area (square meters)Latitude / Longitude
1 / Arbat IDP Camp (UNHCT) / 35.42241 / 45.58003 / Open / 416 hhs / 1,000 hhs / 262,500
2 / Qoratu, Kalar (UNHCR) / 34.54419 / 45.39072 / Under Development / 0 / 1,000 / 46,285
3 / Sulaimaniyah City (Sitak, Zirgus) (UNHCR) / 35.636 / 45.516 / Under Development / 0 / 1056 / tbd
4 / Basijan (UNHABITAT) / 35.49472 / 44.97115 / Under Development / 0 / 150 hhs / tbd
5 / Mizafer,Chamchamal (UNHCR) / 35.47744 / 44.78486 / Under development / 0 / 1,000 / tbd