Shelf-life Analysis Survey
(To Be Completed By Client)
Rationale and Instructions
In order for ATS to put together a sampling plan and to determine the most appropriate parameters for conducting shelf-life studies on your product, please complete the following as completely as you can. Leave those areas blank where you do not have the requisite information. All details supplied will remain confidential to the Station and will only be used for the purposes of this study.
Product Data
Please give short (max. 2 line) product description in the space below:What special steps have (will) you taken to increase shelf-life?
What is the present shelf-life (years or months)?
What is the expected shelf-life (years or months)?
ATS will analyze (tick a box)… / Raw material? / Ingredient? / Finished product?
Product will be supplied… / In bulk / As grab samples / As packaged units*
Indicate the size of whichever was chosen above (mass/vol.)
Nature of primary packaging / Transparent / Opaque
Nature of secondary packaging / Transparent / Opaque
Specifications of primary packaging material / Type/Name?
Oxygen transfer rate?
Moisture transfer rate?
Any other specific barrier property?
Expected post-production storage conditions… / Frozen / Refrigerated / Ambient
Light only / Dark only / Cyclic
Natural light / Artificial light / Mixed light
**Critical/Expected retail / consumer abuse conditions / Cold chain break / Exposure to high temperature / Freeze/thaw alternation
Incorrect storage after opening / Increased relative humidity / Exposure to oxidants
***Which of the following do you require? / Accelerated shelf-life test / Real-time shelf-life test / Both run simultaneously
* Sampled from the final packaging line
**This question relates to those conditions which, if realized, will have serious consequences on product integrity of safety. Only tick those that are significant and highly probable.
***This decision should be taken after consulting with the Technologist involved.
Completed by(print name)
Company Name
Company contact Details
Please e-mail this to the ATS staff member helping you with your project or fax it to 021-9538615 addressed to Ms. Ntombi Sigwela, Agrifood Technology Station.
Thank you.
Larry Dolley (Manager)
Agrifood Technology Station, Faculty of Applied Sciences
Cape Peninsula University of Technology
P.O.Box 1906, Bellville, 7535, South Africa
Tel: +27 21 9538615 Fax: +27 21 9538616