Section 6p3: DiagnosticOrdersPage 1 of 6
To Open the Diagnostics Order Template:
- Click the Orders activetext link located in the left-side Navigation pane (see image below).
The Orders (Ngkbm_Custom_Nav_Picklist) picklist will open (see image below):
- Click to select “Diagnostics Studies” from the list.
- Click the OK button.
The Diagnostic_Studies (AHN2_Diagnostics) templatewill open (see image below).
To Order a Diagnostic Order:
- Select the appropriate diagnosis by clicking on the radio button next to the diagnosis in the Assessment section or Chronic Conditions section.
The select diagnosis will default to the ICD9 and Billing Diagnosis fields..).
- Select a diagnostic order by clicking the drop-down arrow for an item (i.e. X-ray Body).
TheService Item Mstr pop-up will display.
- Select and highlight the appropriate service item.
- Click the OK button to display it in the Diagnostic Study order field.
- Document a timeframe (ie: STAT; Urgent; Return as needed; 1 week; 1 month, etc.) for when study is to be performed in the “Schedule this” field. Selecting timeframe of “Urgent” or “STAT” will mark the order(s) as “Urgent” or “STAT” on the diagnostic requisition.
- Click the Place Order button to save the order to the “Diagnostics Studies ordered this visit” grid.
(NOTE: Users need to click the Place Order button each time after selecting an order to save the order to the grid.)
- After all orders are entered, click on the Taskbutton to send the task to the nursing staff as Normal priority. Otherwise, if the task is urgent, click on the Urgent button.
To Complete the Diagnostic Order:
- Nursing staff will pick up the task notification in the Workflow module.
- Highlight the task then click the Chart button.
- It will prompt you to accept the task. Click the Accept button.
- The application will take you directly to the Diagnostic Studies template.
- Go to the Diagnostic Studies ordered this visitgrid on theDiagnostics Studiestemplate. (circled in red below)
- Double-click anorder in the orders summary gridand the Manage Diagnostic Study Order(AHN2_mngDiagStudyOrdMR) pop-up templatewill open (see image below).
- Enter the appropriate information (comment, appointment information, etc.) in the Manage Diagnostic Study Orderscreen.
(Please NOTE: Donotuse theSubmit to Superbill button in the Manage Diagnostic Study Order templateafter the patient has left.For example, if one doesnot finish his/her chart and goes in later to complete, he/she should not send charges across as they most likely are already entered on the account.)
- Check the appropriate checkbox such as Study scheduled, Study performed, and Interpretation completed, and/or Result received etc. OrderedDate and Time will automatically default in to the data field.
- Click the Savebutton when done to save the changes and close the pop-up template. Or, click the Closebutton to close and exit without saving.
Printing Diagnostic Requisition
- The user can print out a diagnostic requisition by clicking on the Print Diagnostic Requisition active text link.
- Clicking the check box of the Ordering Physician (name of Provider whose name is displayed at drop down list on the Top Tool Bar) will place the name of the ordering provider on the requisition.
- Below is an example of what the requisition would look like when printed out:
Adapted from: NextGen EHR User Guide, Version CB 2_2005 Modified: JJ10_2011