SEPTEMBER 15, 2010

Present: Laura Pavlat, Krista Hince, Dan Perlow, Missy Johnson, Vernon Collins, Renell Brabham, , and Marcia Whisler Ilg. Also, Bob Bolden, Matt Binkerd, Shana Rotherham, Vicki Maxon, Susan Stambaugh and Mike Johnson
Opened at 7:35
No Minutes to approve.
Combining the Executive and General Meetings, Matt led off and discussed a donation for a new scoreboard. This will be made by Pacific Head Wear. It will be Daktonix and similar to the one at the Hillsboro Field. Kendall Auto will remain one main sponsor, and OCCU will be on one half of the bottom panels and Donald Ludwig Stadium. Matt want to get a protective net for the board and make an addition to the board to reflect “time outs left”. Krista asked about the height of the board for vandalism, but it will remain the same due to the engineering requirements and cost to make such changes to raise the height.
The scoreboard has not yet been ordered as Matt does not have a check from the donor, but he is asking Booster to release stadium improvement funds, approximately $3,000, for the TOLs and the netting. Even though reserve seating is not as much as last year, we have about $7,000 currently. All teams using the field will have access to the board, and Missy noted that Sheldon does produce State Champions, and we should start looking as one. Laura made a motion to use improvement funds for netting and bottom panel after we receive check from Pacific Head Wear. Renell seconded the motion and vote was unanimous. PHW will give Booster a check and Boosters will pay for the Board, and total should be slightly over $16,000.
Brief conversation about the need for bathrooms at the field as this is a 6A. Ruth brought up that with the ADA potentially in play, we should look for a grant writer and try that route.
Weight room is now moved and completed. Next phase is improving the equipment. The former WR is now a mat room for wrestlers and cheer squad.
Moving Homecoming to the week of October 11-16 so not in conflict with the Duck game. Best of Irish showcase will be on 10/14 after the Freshman game
Vicki had a question regarding the website and getting more information, or better clarity regarding Alumni Reunions. There is an Alumni page, but it is not yet active. Perhaps better for an offline discussion with Matt.
Apparel: All apparel is on athletic web site with the prices and order forms. Limit items will be at OCCU, but we will be back in the office now for sales as well. Need to train a parent volunteer. Great sales at registration and Meet the Irish.
Concessions: Both inside and outside are up and running. Volleyball needed a last second push for volunteer and the coach sent out a nice email, and it work great. There was a discussion on staffing, including a breakdown with regard to club and team liaisons. Email is going out from Renell, but people still say they are not filtering down to parents. Continued discussions on liaison duties and needs. Also, we need to get spring sport parents and freshman parents involved now in the fall.
Krista brought up Boys Soccer, and said, “No volunteers, no open.”
Mike Johnson said that shutters are going to be replaced by Don Brown with new latches and maybe even fake cameras and some motion lights. This is in response to the vandalism.
Volunteers: Renell said we are good for the rest of the week, but only one person to open for football. Volleyball is all set and full.
Final order of business was to vote Vicki in as member at large. Krista made the motion, Missy seconded, unanimous. We still need a VP.
Irish Night of Giving: Marcia is out of town. She is organizing and helping as well. ASB will be there to help again. They were great last year. Marcia arrived. One question she had was about getting Booster hours for the event. Yes. So far there are 15 ASB students, but she would like 5 more and then one more parent signed up. Missy and Marcia will be attending the event and Jenn might too. Melissa discussed the cleanup process and how it went last year. Very smoothly with the help from ASB. Only one plate was broken. Essig Entertainment provided the essentials. Marica showed the mailer card invitation and more to talk about with Mike.
Concessions: Another discussion on when to open. If Krista is not there to open then it will not be open, but this coming Friday there will be both Baseball and Lacrosse. Missy questioned the schedule with baseball and when concessions will be open over there. It should be left to baseball to ask. Marcia will follow up with those parents. Laura does not want shut down our booth to work over at Baseball.
Missy wanted some clarification on the general event email going out. It does get busy. Jenn who is the Lacrosse liaison cleans her email up before sending it out. No other liaisons present.
Apparel: Laura received another check from OCCU, albeit $77. Jenn mentioned again the hope to get waterproof blankets for next year.
Marcia inquired about Booster donating a basket for Irish Night of Giving. Something along the lines of Apparel, “Concession Cash,” Stadium Chair. Nice idea, and Marica will put something together.
Treasurer: Jon is happy. Income is up significantly $4900 in 2009 vs $23,600 this year. Even after paying $1000 for trophy case. $600 more from XMAS p/u came in. Concession expense is essentially the same, but over $10,000 extra in income (1300 Pop Warner and 9000 football). Jon will check on “other” listing under Concessions. Prices are 2:1, thus reaching Jon’s goal. Very quick discussion by Jon on apparel inventory on hand, but selling is far ahead of last year. We have $22K net income.
Disbursement meeting will be in May as that will be last meeting. Discussion on workable date. Move Disbursement Meeting to June 2. With a Pot Luck.
Dan, Missy, Krista, and Vernon will be on Scholarship Committee.
Still in need of VP, Treasurer, Apprentice for Concession, and Member at Large to complete 2010-11 Board.