The objective of this guide is to ensure oneness of mind in the principles that guide our understanding and discipleship.

Brethren giving interviews can assume that a candidate for baptism has been through this guide.

Thus it is not anticipated that an interviewer will cover every aspect of this guide.

Depending upon the circumstances of the candidate more time may be spent on some topics than others.

Knowledge is not the sole barometer of a successful candidate but emphasis should be placed on their attitude as reflected in their understanding of the commandments of Christ.

1. The Bible

__ The scriptures are the inspired word of God, in entirety

__ The sole source of authority

2. God

__ His nature – only one God, the father, creator and

sustainer, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient

__ The holy spirit is His power

__ His character – mercy and judgment

__ His purpose – God manifestation through the angels,

Jesus Christ and the saints

3. Creation

__ God created – not evolution

4. The Nature of Man

__ The creation of man – the breath of life

__ The fall – sin entering into the world, and death by sin

__ The source of sin – lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and

the pride of life

__ Biblical definition of Satan and the Devil

__ The result of sin – mortal vs immortality of the soul

__ Inherited nature from Adam to present

5. The Promises

__ Eden – the seed of the woman vs the seed of the serpent

__ Abraham – the promise of the land and blessings

__ David – the promise of the throne and everlasting


__Promises point forward to Jesus Christ and we become


6. Jesus Christ

__ Son of God, Son of man, not God the Son – his nature

__ Purpose of his life – the lamb of God

__ Fulfilment of the Law of Moses

__ His resurrection and ascension – due to his perfect


__ The memorials – symbols of Christ’s sacrifice

__ His role now – all authority given to him, high priest and


7. The Gospel

a) The Kingdom of God

__ The regathering of Israel, (God’s chosen people) and

the coming kingdom

__ The return of Christ

__ The resurrection – responsibility and judgment

__ Christ’s reign with the saints

__ The Millennium – beginning, during, end and after

b) The Name of Jesus Christ

__ The Atonement – Christ’s sacrifice and its purpose

__ Faith, Belief and Baptism in Christ

__ Obedience

8. Discipleship

__ Christadelphians – brethren in Christ

__ Responsibilities:

- Memorial meeting – significance

- Prayer

- Reading the word daily

- Roles of Brothers and Sisters

- Esteeming others better than ourselves

- Love of and forgiving of others

- Preaching

__ Separation from the world

- called out ones – ecclesia, not church

__ Occupations, military service, police

__ Politics, jury duty, recovering debts by legal coercion

__ Serve those who have rule over you (governments,

masters) except where they contravene the law of God

__ Lifestyle – walking worthy of the high calling

wherewith ye have been called

__ Courting/Marriage

__ Divorce/Remarriage

__ Life in the ecclesia – our statement of faith, doctrines to

be rejected, commandments of Christ, the constitution

and ecclesial concerns