Sheikh Zayed– A Visionary Leader

Known as a man of profound faith, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, ruled Abu Dhabi from 1966 until 2004 and was the first president of the United Arab Emirates. Elected as president of the UAE after its founding in 1971, Zayed ruled it until his death in 2004. He received no formal education, but was schooled in “traditional values” and had a great passion for falconry, which he enjoyed throughout his life (Zayed Museum Website).Zayed was a main force, along with the Sheikh of Dubai in the unification of the UAE. Recognized by his peers for his leadership, they chose him as the first president of the newly formed country. He was elected to successive five-year terms until his death in 2004.

Unlike other rulers in the area, made rich from oil reserves, “Sheikh Zayed’s philosophy, informed by his deep faith, was that the resources of the country should be used to benefit the people living across all of the Emirates, including women whose role he believed was vital to the development of the nation.” (Zayed National Museum Website) According to his obituary in The Economist, as the ruler of Abu Dhabi, “the sheikh oversaw the seemingly magical transformation of his realm from a dusty and dirt-poor desert emirate into a booming city-state, a mirage-like place of boulevards, towers and emerald parks.” Using the riches from oil discoveredin Abu Dhabi to enrich his emirate, he later shared it to augment the economies of the smaller emirates of the UAE. Sheik Zayed also funneled millions of dollars in assistance to at least forty countries in need, including Egypt (The Economist Website).

Though advised against it, Zayed took a “build it and they will come” attitude and ordered the construction of an enormous port in Abu Dhabi which opened in 1972. This port was highly successful. As reported by Maratin Van de Linde, Chiief Executive Officer of Abu Dhabi Terminals, “Before Zayed [port], goods had to reach Abu Dhabi in other ways, so they were discharged very far away maybe in Saudi [Arabia], maybe in Dubai, maybe in other places and cargo had to travel by road. So everything that had to be imported or exported to Abu Dhabi would have been tremendously expensive.” (Gulf News Website) Along with the port, which brought great prosperity to the UAE, Zayed hospitals, schools, housing, and an airport (National Archives Website). This generous and proactive nature was evident through Zayed’s life and rule of the UAE.

The great oil wealth of Abu Dhabi made Sheikh Zayed one of the wealthiest men in the world. Still, he chose to live a simple, traditional lifestyle, hunting and riding with falcons, though he gave up hunting with firearms because of his passion for wildlife preservation. He was immensely popular and had a reputation for his pious nature (Dubai Travel Website). He had a particular passion for palm trees, which is especially evident in Abu Dhabi, where he had 100 million of them planted (Economist Website).

“President His Highness Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan is undisputedly a distinguished sage and a visionary leader whose achievements have amazed the world during the second half of the 20th century, a book published by the Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry has said.The book which was published on the occasion of 32nd anniversary of the UAE National Day, features the UAE success story under the leadership of Sheikh Zayed, beginning with his majestic dream for the country to his regional role and contribution to greater Arab and Islamic causes. The 265-page book, Zayed a Nation in One Man, is written in English and Arabic. The book recounts how Sheikh Zayed made history by turning an arid and hostile desert into a green and hospitable environment, in addition to his ability to use the country's resources to bring about an enduring prosperity to his people. In so doing, Sheikh Zayed skillfully charted the way to the future for many UAE generations to come.”(Gulf News Website)

According to the UAE Embassy article on Sheikh Zayed, “Understanding the UAE is impossible without understanding the life of Sheikh Zayed and his deep religious faith, vision, determination and hard work; his generosity at home and abroad; and the way in which he devoted his life to the service of his people and the creation of a better world.” After thoughtful study, one is persuaded to believe this is true.

Works Cited

The Economist Website. “Obituary- Sheikh Zayed.” Accessed 24 July, 2017

Gulf News Website. Accessed 24 July 2017

National Archives Website. Accessed 28 July 2017.

UAE Embassy Website. “Sheikh Zayed.” Accessed 21 July 2017

Zayed National Museum Website. Accessed 24 July, 2017