Sheet Harbour Area Chamber of Commerce

& Civic Affairs

General Meeting Minutes

April 6, 2016

In Attendance: Robert Moser, Dawn Howe-Power, Sheila Spicer, Sue Levy, Margaret Hardy, Larry Hardy, Wendy MacKenzie, Jack Marshall, Joyce MacDonald, Roddy MacDonald, Cathy Farris, Anthony Farris, Candace MacKean, Deanna Parks, Andy Wright, Bill McFarlan, David Hendsbee, Ed Empringham, Susan Boutilier, Sandy Moser, Meryl Atkinson, Myrene Keating-Owen, Warren Parsons, Wayne Malay, Marilyn Munroe

Regrets from:Katie Tate, George Childs and Becky Atkinson

  1. Robert welcomed all and called the meeting to order at 7:40 pm
  2. Historical Society update was added to the agenda and approved by Susan Boutilier, seconded by Sandy Moser
  3. Minutes from March 2, 2016 were approved as amended by Jack Marshall, seconded by Sue Levy
  4. Business arising from the Minutes:
  • Robert had contacted David Hendsbee regarding the disposal of electronics for our area. David reported that he is working on a mobile pickup that will take propane tanks, batteries, and electronics.
  • It was brought to our attention that Staples will take computers, keyboards, batteries, ink cartridges even if not their brand
  1. STEP- Sandy gave a brief explanation of what STEP is for the new members present. There will be a meeting on Thursday, April 7th at the Lions Centre to discuss Phase 2, to begin at 5:30 pm. The presentation will take about 40 minutes. There will be a map available at the meeting that shows all the islands.

Marina- Cathy reported that an application wassubmitted to Natural Resources for 6 moorings to put at the head of the harbor. With this process we found that the moorings need to be licensed before they are put it. A public consolation is part of the licensing and will take place during the General Meeting on May 4th- this will be advertised in the Eastern Shore Cooperator. A diagram of where the moorings will be placed, the operation plan, and the dispute resolution process plan will be available. The marina committee will meet later this month to prepare for the consolation. Cathy let us know that the Eastern Shore Cooperator staff are interested in the plan and want to follow up with our process. Cathy explained the reason for the moorings for new members.

Taylor Head Park- Warren reported that the schedule is on the website- ( Some activities have been planned for during the week and not all on Sundays this year. He is hoping to have the gate open a few weeks earlier, possibly by May 1st if the road is good. On June 10th Lakefront school will be having an educational trip to the beach.

SHADAC- Wayne reported that 11-12 of the street lights are out between the bridges. He will be at City Hall at 11 am on April 8 to discuss this. He is also working on getting the lights on the bridge up and running.

Sheet Harbour Port Authority- Wayne reported in George’s absence that they will meet on Friday April 8th and that they have a few things on the go but not able to discuss them at this time.

Bylaws- Ed reported that the bylaws are being revised to clean them up and make them right for what we need, make them functional for us. Ex Director of the Atlantic Chamber will review and advise us on the changes. Once the directors approve the new bylaws they will go to the general membership for approval, hopefully this will be done before the summer.

Business Idea Forum- Marilyn reported that the directory has been completed and is on both the Chamber and Sheet Harbour home pages. ( and The committee has a workshop titled Opportunity Knocks planned for April 12th at the Lions Centre from 7-9 pm. This is the first of many workshops to generate new ideas for creating opportunities on the Eastern Shore.

Historical Society-Wendy reported that she and Francis Harnish went in search of a rock in Beaver Harbour that four names were engraved on…they found 3 names. John Wood has several boxes of items that he is going to pass over to her. She is working on the display for the museum and trying to get access to the date stone for the old East River Bridge. They will also start interviewing seniors again.

  1. Bird Houses- Terry Rutledge and Robert will get the birdhouses put up by next week between the bridges.
  2. Spring Banquet- The date for the banquet is Saturday May 14th. Tickets go on sale on May 2nd at Scotia Bank, $30.00 each. Auction items can be dropped off at MacDonald Chisholm and Trask Insurance. Only cash or cheque will be accepted for the payment of auction items. Cathy is still in need of desserts, 10 pieces pre-cut in a non-returnable contain if at all possible….if not please have your name printed on your container- both top and bottom if there is a cover.
  3. Membership dues- cards will be available at the banquet. Please make sure that Sandy Moser has all your business information for the website.
  4. Additional Items:
  • Doug S. mentioned that the monument at the Wildlife needs to be repaired. Perhaps we can find a grant to assist with this.
  • Susan B reminded us that the signing officers need to be updated and will have to be done asap because she will not be available for 2 months.
  • Robert welcomed the new members that were present at the meeting and thanked them for attending

Meeting was adjourned at 8:50 pm by Sue Levy, seconded by Cathy Farris

Next General Meeting will be on Wednesday, May 4th at 7:30 pm with a presentation from NS Health Authority

Submitted by:

Dawn Howe-Power

Chamber Secretary

April 7, 2016