Thursday, December 13/12 @ 7:30 pm
Morinville Cultural Centre – Meeting Room #2
Attending:Kevin King, Amie Brown, Marie Forcade, Colin Froment, Lyle Reed, Terry Moser, Eric Cyr, Kent Swanson, Roger Cyr, Jeff Winfield, Sherry Kremer
Regrets:Seema King, Darryl Thompson, Mike Palma, Steve Chatry, Jason Knight, Rob LeBlanc, Suzie Johnson, Marie Pelltier, Kerry Knight, Jamie Wilson, Ken Dentzien
1.0Call to Order at 7:35 pm
2.0Agenda – Additions/Adopt Agenda – motion made to adopt agenda by Colin Froment; 2nd by Lyle Reed
3.0Review minutes – November 8/12 – motion made to adopt minutes by Amie Brown; 2nd by Lyle Reed
4.0Outstanding Business
5.0New Business
5.1Champion Pet Food Sponsorship – Champion Pet Foods would like to see all teams have different names to reflect different dog breeds. Meeting with sub-committee to be scheduled sometime in January.
5.2PeeWee Affiliate Issue – Lyle Reed discussed an “illegal player” who played for a PeeWee game. As a result, the coach of that team received a 3 game suspension. Ruling regarding suspension of coach was made by Hockey Alberta.
5.3Disciplinary Actions for Director of Equipment (Steve Chatry) – Discussed letter that was posted online by Steve Chatry. Disciplinary Committee was comprised of Terry Moser, Jeff Winfield and Kent Swanson. The disciplinary committee decided that Steve Chatry would step down and resign as Director of Equipment. Steve Chatry may appeal the decision made by the disciplinary committee by submitting a letter in writing to Eric Cry.
5.4Online Registration – tabled until next meeting
6.0Standing Items
6.1President: (Eric Cyr) – nothing to report
6.2Vice President: (Jeff Winfield) – Mentioned that all information on permits must be filled out. This included tournament sanction numbers. Tournament sanction numbers can be obtained from the Hockey Alberta website. Any games played in St. Albert will also require Arena name.
6.3Director of Hockey Operations: (Terry Moser) – Terry asked to attend a sport development program that town of Morinville is putting on.
6.4Registrar: (Seema King)
a)Added 1 member for Initiation. Total number registrants for SHC are 300.
b)Midget AA to play in AA Minor;Atom 3B to play in Atom C.
c)Morinville News (hard copy & online) would like to highlight SHC more. Brent Melville agreed to let us highlight a “Minor Hockey Player of the Week” in “Brent’s Sport Report” in the Morinville News. This would highlight a player who contributed positively to his/her team during a game or practice. First player was Kellar Greff of Novice 3A. Teams can be rotated until the end of March. Coaches are to pick a player and write a few sentences on how the player made positive contributions to the team. Seema King will do this until the end of December and then another board member can take over. A photo of the player along with a write up is to be sent to Stephen Dafoe, editor @ Morinville News.
6.5Treasurer: (Suzie Johnson) – Concerned regarding bank account balance vs. bills to be paid.
6.6Director Of Ways & Means: (Amie Brown) – Raffle is done. Amie Brown to compile dollar amounts. This will be tabled for January meeting. Atom 3B is short $72. A lump sum cheque for sold raffle tickets was submitted but cheque was made out to the team name instead of SHC. Colin Froment will take care of this.
6.7Director of Leagues: (Jason Knight) – RCMP had to respond to a game within 1660. Email sent out to all members regarding conduct at games.
6.8Level Directors: (Kent Swanson, Rob LeBlanc, Colin Froment, Lyle Reed, Roger Cyr, Mike Palma)
a)Kent Swanson mentioned the Tim Bits Tournament is on March 9/13. Registrations for this are coming in. Water bottle fundraiser is not going over well. Kent suggested that SHC buy the rest of water bottles and have them in concession for sale. Eric Cyr suggested that Kent talk to Marie Pelltier about having water bottles in concession for sale. Kent mentioned having older level players help “mentor” Initiation teams during practices.
b)Colin Froment looking into hitting clinics.
c)Roger Cry mentioned that there is still one player in Bantam that still does not have his RIS. Parent apparently did RIS; number was issued but still shows as not having RIS. Parent is to contact Hockey Alberta to see if RIS number is registered incorrect. Roger Cyr mentioned that this player also still has outstanding fees and arrangements for payment are currently being made. Roger Cyr to discuss outstanding fees with Suzie Johnson.
6.9Director of Coaches: (Jamie Wilson) – Frustrated with getting clinics done. Deadlines are passed. There will be no more clinics available this season. Jamie Wilson still looking into possibility of clinics.
6.10Director of Referees: (Ken Dentzien) – Nothing to report
6.11Director of Game & Conduct: (Kevin King) – Anyone on the bench/roster is required to have RIS.
6.12Equipment Director: (Steve Chatry) – Nothing to report
6.13Director at Large: (Darryl Thompson) – Decided that Darryl’s wife may attend meetings in Darryl’s absence.
6.14Ice Scheduler: (Marie Forcade) - Currently filling all open ice slots in Legal.
6.15Concession: (Marie Pelltier) – There is currently about $10 600 in the concession account. Would like to have about $1500 left in account after concession cheques are issued to teams. There should be this amount in the account by January. Team concession cheques will be issued at that time. Marie Pelltier will contact Suzie Johnson regarding this.
7.0Correspondence/Letters to Board – Eric Cyr has correspondence that was sent to him that will be tabled until January meeting.
8.0Adjournment – Meeting adjourned at 9:35pm. Next board meeting will be on Thursday, January 10/13 @ 7:30 at the Morinville Cultural Centre Meeting Room #2.