Shay Barksdale 12-13 Lesson Plans


8:10-9:45 / Days 11,12,and 13- Mini Lessons:
Write responses to reading- TTW will share letter written to class about book (Fig. 9-7)
  • Write letters in Reader’s notebook each week- TTW provide students with possible topics for letters, days letters are due will be assigned
  • Proofread letter- TCW will review proofreading guidelines (Fig. 9-10)
/ Days 14, 15, and 16- Mini Lessons:
  • Topics for Readers’ notebook (Fig. 9-11)
  • Use stick-on notes to prepare for letter writing
  • Create a list of reading interests
/ - Days 17 and 18 Mini Lessons:
  • How to write book recommendation- TTW share a book recommendation (Fig. 9-12)
  • Check for understanding while reading (Fig. 9-15)
/ Days 19 and 20 Mini-lessons:
  • Solve unknown words- TCW discuss strategies and write responses on chart (Fig. 9-16)
  • Use punctuation to help understanding (Fig. 9-17)
/ Review strategies and procedures for Readers’ notebooks and Reading Workshop
Assessment: Teacher’s Observation
Class Discussions
Guided Reading / Groups will be assigned after the first 20 days of reading. / Groups will be assigned after the first 20 days of reading. / Groups will be assigned after the first 20 days of reading. / Groups will be assigned after the first 20 days of reading. / Groups will be assigned after the first 20 days of reading.
Reading Standard
First Twenty Days of Reading

11:00-11:20 / Day 4: Mini Lesson- Heart Map
  • Review the digging into the meaning lesson.
  • Explain that writers write about things that are important to them.
  • Explain that students will create a heart map. TTW have an example available to show students.
  • TTW show and explain her heart map. TTW give the students the heart map template.
  • TSW create their own heart map and glue it in their writing notebook.
  • TTW allow students to share one or two things from their heart map.
/ Wiggle Room Day- Other Ways to gather ideas.
  • Students will draw pictures that may inspire other stories. TSW jot those ideas on their jot page.
  • Brain-dumping: Free writes that may lead to other ideas. Ideas should be jotted on the jot page.
/ Days 6 Mini Lessons: Sound
  • TTW read Owl Moon or any other book that uses sound as a sensory detail.
  • TTW explain the importance of using sensory details in writing.
  • While reading Owl Moon, TTW discuss how the sensory words help visualize the story.
  • TSW sit really quietly and listen to their surroundings. Write what you hear.
  • TTW take students outside to listen for more sounds. TS returns to class, read prior works, and add sensory words where possible.
/ Day 7: Sensory Detail-Touch
  • Writers use descriptive words to explain what they are feeling.
  • TSW focus their touch on something they are wearing. Use words to describe what they feel.
  • TTW take students outside to focus their touch on objects outside. Students will write words to describe what they felt.
  • Ask student to share what they felt with the class.
  • Students will add touch words to prior work.
. / Day 8 Mini Lesson- Sight:
  • Read any of the suggested books.
  • Review the importance of sensory details.
  • TTW take the students outside to note what they see around them. TTW instruct students to focus on the small things, rather than the big.
  • Students will share what they saw with the class.
  • Students will add sight words to their prior work.
Assessment: Teacher’s Observation
Students’ writings
Writing Standards
First Twenty Days of Writing

12:35-1:00 / * Lesson 2: Arrays and Area
TTW: review difference in array and area; model algebraic notation and apply to area problems through modeling
TSW: review p.7 and complete p. 9 as guided practice then complete HW p.3 as independent practice.
/ Lesson 3: Explore Multiplication Table
TTW: discuss structure of multiplication table and patterns within (pg.11SAB); learn to use target (model using both hands to locate target); model and discuss the commutative property and inverse operations
TSW: complete p.11 SAB as guided practice and HW p.5 as independent practice / Lesson 4: Discovering Multiplication Patterns
TTW: discuss patterns in multiplication and model count-bys using SABp.13-15 as guided practice; HW p.7 as independent practice / Lesson 5: Multiplication Strategies
TTW: discuss strategies that involve adding/subtracting from a known product to find an unknown product; discuss strategies that involve regrouping and apply – SAB pp.16-17; independent practice HW p.9 / Lesson 6: Multiplication/Division Practice
TTW: review multiplication facts with students then give timed tests on multiplication and division.
TSW: review and test on facts
Math Standards

HR: 2:00-2:30 / TTW review reconstruction amendments. Students will be given the amendments to glue in their social studies notebook.
TTW introduce students to the reconstruction rap. TSW glue the rap in their social studies notebook.
TCW read pgs. 106-107 and discuss how Lincoln’s assassination changed the course of Reconstruction. /
  • TCW review Reconstruction Amendments and the rap.
  • TCW read pg. 108 and discuss Congress’ plan for Reconstruction versus Lincoln’s plan.
  • TTW use a power point presentation to discuss the opposing plans more.
  • Students will complete the composing plans sheet to put in their notebooks.
  • TCW continue to use the power point to discuss Reconstruction.
  • TCW also use the power point to review ReconstructionAmendments
  • TCW sing the rap to close for the day.
  • TCW review amendments and rap.
  • TCW use a reconstruction comic to complete a review sheet.
  • TCW review the amendments and wrap.
  • TCW review opposing plans and other info learned.
  • TCW continue working on the comic strip page and glue it in notebooks.
  • TCW complete a Reconstruction crossword puzzle.
Assessment: Teacher’s Observation
Review sheets
Social Studies Standard
Summarize the aim of Reconstruction and explain the effects of Abraham Lincoln’s assassination on the course of Reconstruction.