Erasmus+ School Education Staff Mobility Agreement – version June 2014




for school education


Name of the participant:
Sending institution:
Contact person (name, function, e-mail, tel):


Receiving organisation: Executive Training Institute
Address: ESEBuilding, Paceville Avenue, St Julians, STJ 3103, Malta
Telephone: 00356 23796321
E – mail:
Contact Person (name, function, e-mail, tel)
Sandra Attard-Montalto, Director of Academic Development & Training

Tel: +356 2379 6321
Planned dates of start and end of the mobility period: XXXXXX to XXXXXX
CLIL – Online Tools for Teachers working with CLIL
Detailed programme of the mobility period:
9.00 – 10.30 Quiz: What do we know about CLIL?
11.00 – 12.30 Multidict & Wordlink
13.00 – 14.30 Introduction to Webquests
9.00 – 10.30 Building a CLILStore Unit (1)
11.00 – 12.30 Building a CLILStore Unit (2)
13.00 – 14.30 Setting up a Webquest (1)
9.00 – 10.30 Multimodality in Teaching
11.00 – 12.30 Interactive Exercises: Crosswords & Cloze Texts
13.00 – 14.30 Social Program
9.00 – 10.30 Interactive Exercises: Matching Exercises & Flashcards
11.00 – 12.30 Interactive Exercises: Multiple Choice Questions
13.00 – 14.30 Setting up a Webquest (2)
9.00 – 10.30 Putting Webquests Online
11.00 – 12.30 Presentations with a difference
13.00 – 14.30 Wrap-up / Course Review & Evaluation
SATURDAY Optional Day Trip / Recommended Cultural Excursions or DEPARTURE
Tasks of the participant before, during and after:
From the Sending Organisation’s end:
Here please list any preparation activities that the participant will be involved in which are organized/overseen by the mentor at the Sending Organisation’s end. Here are some examples you might want to explore:
-Any linguistic preparation
-Applying for the Europass
-Preparation of an EU Language Passport, which describes the language skills acquired not only through formal education but also through non-formal and informal ones.
-Preparing any personal, professional and/or institutional portfolios in order to highlight the mobility experience
-Filling in of Learning Agreements
-Liaison with Receiving Organisation regard8ing accommodation, etc
-Reading about history/culture/educational system of country to be visited
-Cultural preparation with information about traditions, customs, religion, possible cultural mistakes or misunderstandings, stereotypes and prejudices about the host country culture, and cultural elements that bring added value to the training activity
- etc
From the Receiving Organisation’s end:
(Please note: This is the extent of ETI’s involvementbefore the course. Please do not include any other activities/tasks for ETI other than those listed below).
Tasks/preparation required by course provider:
1. The participant will complete a pre-course questionnaire which will enable trainers to learn about the participants' teaching backgrounds, their computer literacy, and type of laptop they will bring (Windows or Mac)
2. Participants will be required to organize their own laptop, earphones with microphone, and mouse to bring on the course
3. The participant will complete the language knowledge test ORaccurately indicate CEFR language level (self-assessment) prior to the course
4. The participant will be sent information about how to apply for Mobility Europasses and will be encouraged to apply for one. Details about the Mobility Europass content will be emailed by the Receiving Organisation.
5. The participant will be sent a detailed email with instructions to download and install the software required in advance of the course in order to be able to participate in the course activities, and any sign-ups to accounts necessary for the course
6. The participant will be sent a Reading List to help raise awareness of CLIL
7. The participant will send any documentation required by the Receiving Organisation, eg Pre-course Questionnaire with self-assessment of level, Mobility Europasses, Learning Agreements, etc
at least 4 weeks before the commencement of the course, to enable the Receiving Organization to sign/stamp any documents in advance. These will be available for collection when the participant is in Malta, and NOT signed again.
The Receiving Organization also stipulates a B1 level of English for all courses except Fluency & Language Development. This information is required and should be indicated and sent in the Pre-Course Questionnaire as soon as possible.
Any participants with a lower level need to be highlighted by the Sending Organisation.
Any Learning Agreements needed by the Sending Organisation will be signed, stamped and scanned, and can be sent by email prior to arrival.
The Receiving Organisation cannot be expected to sign/stamp documents immediately if these are submitted after arrival. These will then be sent in due course, which could take a few weeks. To ensure the documents are ready for submission to the National Agency upon return (and upon the one month deadline for course evaluation, please submit documents 4 weeks before).
8. Information about Malta will be sent prior to the mobility to encourage participants to get to know more about the country’s history and background, to enhance their cultural experience
Communication between the organizing/receiving institution and participants will be done by email and/or telephone.
ADD ANYTHING ELSE THAT YOU THINK APPLIES TO YOUR APPLICATION, BUT PLEASE NOTE, this is the extent of ETI’s involvement BEFORE the course. Please do not include any other activities/tasks for ETI other than those listed above).
This course is taught interactively, with input sessions, individual, collaborative and group project work. The participants will actively participate in activities, discussing the value & application of the tools taught and learnt during the sessions. Participants are asked to reflect on the tools & activities, inviting discussion with regard to their own knowledge & skills, their approach to teaching today’s students, and on adaptation of the use of the tools to their teaching/learning situations & contexts. Exchange of participants’ ICT and pedagogical knowledge is encouraged through discussion and is essential to the outcomes of the course.
They will be required to use the tools and software and set up rudimentary exercises to be used in CLIL lessons, which they can then develop further in their own classes. They will contribute efficiently to the outcomes of the course by bringing their own contribution to the value of the activities.
Participants will look at the 5 core components of CLIL lesson planning as an introduction to the course.
The participants are required to attend all modules. A Certificate of Attendance will be issued recording the number of hours the participant attended, and which modules were covered.
The participants are encouraged to set up a personal, professional and/or institutional portfolio, and establish connections with other participants for future strategic partnerships.
Participants’ own language skills are developed and feedback given where appropriate. Further language development is encouraged through use of the online learning site referred to in the ‘After’ activities.
Participants are also introduced to appropriate websites related to the further development of their teaching skills & personal/professional development.
The participant will permanently maintain contact with the co-ordinators appointed to monitor the activities, both from the course organizer and the sending school. They will alert the Receiving Organisation in the event of any problems.
The participants will be encouraged to come up with a Personal Development Action Plan, and select tools & activities which they would like to try out and develop in their own classes or projects.
ADD ANYTHING ELSE THAT YOU THINK APPLIES TO YOUR APPLICATION, BUT PLEASE NOTE, this is the extent of ETI’s involvement DURING the course. Please do not include any other activities/tasks for ETI other than those listed above).
After the course, the participants will be invited to join the ETI Teacher Training Facebook community, which allows networking and contact with the trainers and fellow colleagues, and with participants from other courses.
They will be given access to a comprehensive Guide/Manual to CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning) to learn about other ICT tools.
They will also be given access to The CLIL Guidebook, a comprehensive Guide/manual to teaching through CLIL, and a specific EU Project website where they can download and use/adapt lessons for their own classes.
A mailing list of participantswill be sent (of all participants who agree to this data being sent out) in order to keep in contact with the participants and trainers, for discussions, sharing of opinions and good practice, as well as to exchange ideas for future partnerships within the frame of Erasmus+ program.
The participants will work on their Personal Development Action Plan, where they selected tools & activitieswhich they would like to try out in their own classes or projects.
Participants are also encouraged to join communities for the current ETI EU Projects, such as METHODS (Communicative Language Teaching Methods), and CLIL4U.
Participants are expected to make use of the post-course e-Learning Language Development online site to further develop their language knowledge and skills.
The participants will disseminate the course results, its methodology and tools, according to their school’sproject dissemination plan. They will be required to set up their own dissemination materials, and should not expect any electronic materials from the Receiving Organisation, which does not issue its materials in electronic format.
The participant will be involved in any school programs organized in order to transfer the new skills to the school environment according to the project implementation plan.
ADD ANYTHING ELSE THAT YOU THINK APPLIES TO YOUR APPLICATION, BUT PLEASE NOTE,this is the extent of ETI’s involvement AFTER the course. Please do not include any other activities/tasks for ETI other than those listed above).
Competences to be acquired by the participant:
-Knowledge of the 5 core principles of CLIL lesson planning
-Capability to introduce different technology-based tools in learning environments for educational purposes.
-Developing skills in the creation and editing of webquests and online texts linked to multiple online dictionaries.
-Enhancing various practical skills related to the use of interactive exercises freeware available as teaching tools.
-Developing knowledge of how to use computer-mediated communication
-Developinglanguage skills and technical ICT language knowledge developed through continuous communication in English during the lessons and during the collaborative work, and through wide use of web-pages written in the same language and through the use of specific, technical vocabulary.
-Developing BICS - Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills through the social programme, which also provided immersion in the language.
Monitoring and Mentoring of the participant before, during and after the mobility:
The participants will be supported by the Sending Organisation’s project team during all the preparation programs.The Sending Organisation’s project coordinator will monitor the preparatory activities according to the project plan, the course providers’ requirements, the school’s, and participants’ needs.
The Sending Organisation will also observe the Course Provider’s stipulations re documentation sent 4 weeks in advance. Failure to do so could result in documentation being returned after the deadlines imposed by the Sending Organisation’s National Agency.
The Receiving Organisation/Course Organizers will guide the participants’ preparation through the exchange of e-mails, providing information regarding fulfilling the pre-course course tasks.
Any MobilityPasses to complete, or other certification required after the course, will be applied for by the Sending Organisation. ETI will provide comprehensive details of the course information for completion of the MobilityPass.
BUT PLEASE NOTE, this is the extent of ETI’s involvement BEFORE the course. Please do not include any other activities/tasks for ETI other than those listed above).
The Sending Institution will identify a tutor or mentor to monitor the participants’ learning progress and/or offer professional support.
During the course, trainers at the Receiving Organisation will monitor the progress and attendance of the participants, leading to a Certificate of Attendance with the number of hours attended and input.
At ETI (Receiving Organisation), all participants will be handed a mid-course and an end of course questionnaire, for them to give feedback about the mobility programme. It is expected that any problems will be highlighted by the participant.
At ETI, the course will wrap up with Reflection & Evaluation, with a detailed Course Evaluation filled in. Participants will be encouraged to set up a Personal Development Action Plan, and confirm which activities will be implemented and by when they will be introduced in the school or department.
The mentors/monitors of both course organizer and sending organisation will foster the participants’ understanding of the culture and mentality of the host country and will provide practical support if required, including a clear contact point for participants.
The contact between the Sending Organisation’s project coordinator and the course organizer/trainers will be permanently maintained, not only to monitor the activity, collect feedback and complete the Europass Mobility document, but also to solve unforeseen circumstances.
The Sending Organisation’s project team will ensure the course participants are given all details and support for traveling abroad.
The Sending Organisation’s project coordinator will keep in touch with the participant, via email / phone.
BUT PLEASE NOTE, this is the extent of ETI’s involvement DURING the course. Please do not include any other activities/tasks for ETI other than those listed above).
The participant’sevaluationand CPD contribution to their school will be monitored by the Sending Institution (through the project coordinator and the participant).
Participants are encouraged to join the ETI Facebook community to benefit from further networking and tips for teaching.
The competences acquired will also be monitored through questionnaires applied among students and teachers (that could benefit from the participant’s European experience), through spreading examples of good practice and subsequent class evaluation.
In the sending school, the participant’s activity will be monitored by the project team, according to the implementation project plan.
BUT PLEASE NOTE, this is the extent of ETI’s involvement AFTER the course. Please do not include any other activities/tasks for ETI other than those listed above).
Evaluation and Recognition of the mobility:
The course ends with an evaluation session, where teachers are asked to reflect upon the value of the knowledge gained on the course and its usefulness to them.
The participants will be encouraged to come up with a Personal Development Action Plan, and select tools & activities which they would like to try out in their own classes or projects.
The participant’s evaluation and validation will be done upon return in the Sending Organisation, according to the evaluation project plan.
The evaluation process will monitor whether the participant puts into practice the acquired competences in the school environment and contribute to realizing the European development plan objectives.
The participation in the training program and the acquired competencies will be certified by Certificates of Attendance issued by the training program provider.
The activities covered and competencies acquired (knowledge, skills and abilities) will be recordedusing the Europass Mobility.
The Sending Organisation’s Principal will ask the National Europass Centre to provide a Europass document. The project coordinator will completethe sections related to the participant, and the receiving organization will complete the description of the Europass Mobility experience (activities & tasks carried out, competences, etc).
The participant will use the Europass Mobility to complete the personal and professional portfolio.
ADD ANYTHING ELSE THAT YOU THINK APPLIES TO YOUR APPLICATION, BUT PLEASE NOTE,this is the extent of ETI’s involvement regarding evaluation and recognition. Please do not include any other activities/tasks for ETI other than those listed above).


By signing this document, the participant, the sending organisation and the receiving organisation confirm that they will abide by the principles of the Quality Commitment attached below.

Participant’s signature
Date: ……………………………………
We confirm that this proposed mobility agreement is approved.
On completion of the mobility the institution will issue a Europass Mobility.
Legal representative’s signature
...... / Date: ......
We confirm that this proposed mobility agreement is approved.
On completion of the mobility the organisation will issue a Certificate Attendance to the participant.
Coordinator’s signature
Sandra Attard-Montalto
...... / Date: ......

Erasmus + Mobility for education staff