Shawnee Mission School District

High School Course Syllabus

Course / Spanish 4 / Teacher: Doug Murphy
Number / 5190 / School: Northwest
Department / World Languages / Year: 2015-16
Description / Spanish 4 offers an advanced study of Hispanic literature, culture, and history. Various activities incorporate both writing and oral use of the language. Students work on an advanced study of the structure of the language. In order to promote language proficiency, this class is taught in Spanish. More than one language level may be scheduled within one class period. Students enrolled in this course may be eligible for JCCC credit (College Now).
Objectives / ·  Elaborates on and explores needs, likes and dislikes and simple descriptions.
·  Expresses and supports opinions, makes suggestions and recommendations.
·  Exchanges information, describes problems and requests clarification.
·  Gives and follows directions.
·  Initiates, sustains and concludes conversations on a variety of topics.
·  Comprehends and responds to developmentally appropriate materials, both written and oral.
·  Narrates past, present and future events.
·  Speaks and writes spontaneously.
·  Explores culturally appropriate customs, language, behaviors and stereotypes.
·  Explores and analyzes social and geographical factors that reflect Spanish-speaking cultures.
·  Explores and describes products, expressive forms, symbols and contributions of Spanish-speaking cultures.
·  Relates and uses information and skills from mathematics, reading, social studies, music, science, consumer science and physical education.
·  Uses authentic materials in Spanish and within the culture to acquire information and perspectives.
·  Compares and applies sound, intonation and structural patterns of Spanish.
·  Compares and contrasts cultural differences and similarities.
·  Responds to Spanish in daily life.
·  Connects with Spanish-speaking cultures through the use of technology, media and authentic sources.
·  Uses community resources.
Used / Imagina text and workbook (; Amsco Spanish Three Years workbook. Other books used as needed: Puntos de partida.
Major Topics Covered by Quarter
(projected schedule) / TOPIC QUARTER
Professions; occupation project and presentation; 1
personal relationships; Latinos in the US;
stem-changing verbs; ser/estar; gustar; city life;
preterite verbs; research an artist or author from a
Spanish speaking country; vocabulary on personal relationships;
vocabulary on city life; write a letter and an email;
present a city project.
Preterite vs. imperfect tenses; vocabulary on the media; 2
Mexico; investigation of a deceased Hispanic person and presentation;
subjunctive mood; commands; direct and indirect object
pronouns; prepositional pronouns; the Caribbean;
reflexive verbs; subjunctive in adjective clauses; project/
presentation on a commercial; write a letter to the principal
about backpacks in school.
Family vocabulary; the Andes; future and conditional tenses; 3
por/para; relative pronouns; vocabulary on our world;
subjunctive in adverbial clauses; comparisons and superlatives;
opinion article on politician; past participles; present perfect tense;
cut-apart poetry; short stories; project/presentation
on a capital of Central America; The Mayans; The Amazon River.
School life vocabulary; numbers; 4
group presentation on si clause poster; vocabulary on
beliefs and ideologies; Spain; imperfect subjunctive;
comparisons and superlatives; present perfect
tense; present perfect subjunctive; review of subjunctive
or infinitive or indicative; conjunctions followed by the
subjunctive or the indicative.
Method of Evaluation / Tests: Tests make up 60% of the grade for this class. Many things beyond pencil and paper tests may fall into this category. These might include short presentations, readings, dialogs and skits. There will also be comprehensive semester finals.

Homework Quizzes/Daily Assignments: Homework quizzes and daily assignments will comprise 20% of the grade in this class. We will have daily quizzes over material assigned the previous day for study at home and short assignments. Students will have 10-15 minutes of homework every evening.

Participation: Conversation cannot occur in a vacuum. If students are to learn to function in a language they must have daily opportunities to use that language with others. As such, the International Language Dept. at Shawnee Mission Northwest incorporates a portion of each student’s grade based on participation. Students will daily work in pairs/small groups as well as a whole group. Participation will comprise 20% of each student’s grade and will include deportment, preparedness to work (bringing texts, materials, etc.) quality of work, etc.

Makeup: Assignments for a grade are accepted only on the day for which they were assigned. All work missed because of an absence must be made up by the Friday of the following week. Work will not be accepted after that day. Students who will be gone the day of a test for a school related event must take their tests prior to the absence.
Grading scale:
A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-70
D 60-69
F 00-59
Student Expectations/
Responsibilities / Students are expected to:
1.  Bring their materials to class each day (text, workbook, pencil, paper, flash cards, etc.).
2.  Spend ten minutes each evening learning vocabulary outside of class.
3.  Actively participate in class both in group and paired work.
4.  Complete written work when assigned in class or (rarely) outside of class.
5.  Demonstrate courtesy and respect for people and property.