Shawnee Mission School District

High School Course Syllabus

Course / Digital Design / Teacher: Siciley Krewson
Number / 6010 / School: Shawnee Mission West High School
Department / Business / Year: 2013-2014
Description / Digital Design provides students the foundations of computer design using Photoshop and other graphics software. Students will capture
images and learn to manipulate them to create dynamic designs.
Project-based curriculum will apply design elements and principles.
Credit may be applied toward the minimum fine arts graduation
requirement. Course may qualify for JCCC advanced standing credit.
Objectives / ·  Demonstrate an understanding of terminology, software, principles and equipment necessary in graphic design.
·  Develop a portfolio of design projects utilizing various tools, software and equipment.
·  Identify careers in the graphic design field and digital communications industry.
·  Discover, compare and contrast emerging technologies.
·  Apply and demonstrate quality presentations implementing visually appealing elements.
·  Plan, construct, and determine purpose for a variety of visual communications.
·  Identify design elements and principles and apply those to graphic design projects.


Teaching Resources / ·
·  Web 2.0 (including, but not limited to)
o  Glogster, Pixton, Voki,, Storybird, Zooburst, Go Animate, Google Docs, Pixlr, Spashup, Wordle, Tagxedo, etc.
·  Sony Music
·  Microsoft Photostory
·  Photoshop
Major Topics Covered in semester
(projected schedule) / TOPIC QUARTER
Week 1 Prezi
Week 2 Blogger ( Wordle, Tagxedo, Photofunia)
Week 3 QR code scavenger hunt
Week 4 WIX
Week 5 Edulaunch – Intro to Photoshop
Week 6 Storybird, Zooburst
Week 7 Edulaunch – Photoshop
Week 8 Sony Music Studio; Photostory
Week 9 Go Animate, Glogster
Week 10 Photoshop Project
Week 11 Online Photo Editors (Flickr, Splashup, Pixlr)
Week 12 Movie Maker
Week 13 Photoshop Project
Week 14 Prezi (Advanced Project)
Week 15 Google—Intro. To Google Toolbar; Search Strategies
Week 16 Google Docs Project (Travel)
Week 17 Finish Google Docs Project
Week 18 Final Project (Portfolio)
Method of Evaluation / The student is to complete each assignment assigned to demonstrate mastery. The grading scale used to assign a letter grade for the course will be as follows:
90% to 100% A
80% to 89% B
70% to 79% C
60% to 69% D
Below 60% F
Please note that the two (2) quarter grades will consist of 90% of this grade and the final exam will consist of 10%.
There will be a variety of lessons for students to prove their mastery of the subject. Students will use class time for computer work such as creating and revising their assignments. There will not be computer work assigned outside of class. The computer lab is open during Seminar time, before and after school so students may makeup missed work due to absences.
Student Expectations/
Responsibilities / Students are evaluated on a combination of their effort, participation, and achievement/mastery of content through a variety of activities.
Daily Assignments 75%
Projects 15%
Tests/Quizzes 10%
·  Students will be respectful of the teacher, other students and equipment.
·  Students will have materials ready for class daily and be prepared to learn.
·  Students will complete assignments, projects, and tests.
·  When absent it the student’s responsibility to check the work missed and come in before/after school or during seminar to make up missed work. Students have the district allotted two days to make up missed assignments.
*Consequences for not meeting expectations will involve phone calls home to parents and written referrals to the Administration Team at S.M. West.
Contact Information / Siciley Krewson
S.M. West H.S.
8800 W. 85th St.
Overland Park, KS 66212