


Held on

Wednesday 3rd February 2016


Lee Moor Public Hall

Present:Chairman Cllr Norman

Cllr’sStone, Small, Spiers, Wassell, McIver, Mrs BurkillandMrs Tyler

District Cllr Hitchins

PCSO Jim Brokensha

Apologies:County Cllr John Hart

Cllr Taffurelli

6 membersof the public were in attendance

Number / Action
20/16 / Open Forum
Jeff Harrison and John Briggs of Wolf Minerals gave a update on matters relating to the Tungsten Mine. The plant is currently in the process of being fine-tuned as the plant is not yet at full production. Whilst the down-turn in the cost of Tungsten was concerning Jeff reiterated the fact that Wolf were still very much committed to the project.
Some recent vacancies had arisen and they were being advertised on the website.
The planning application to extend the life of the mine to June 2036 had now been submitted to DCC who have requested the submission of further information.
The low frequency noise issues were still being investigated and BRE consultants were currently in the process of designing a solution to hopefully address the problem. A local resident wished to thank John Briggs for personally visiting a local resident regarding this issue.
Blasting was due to start shortly and notice had been sent around to local residents/organisations.
Portworthy Lane has now been closed to traffic and this will remain the case until the Lee Moor Road diversion works have been completed. Some alterations have been undertaken to night time lighting of the plant and further improvements are proposed. It was also noted that some further changes are proposed to PROW and in particular Bridleway No 57. Wolf agreed to come back with a plan in respect of this.
Finally Cllr Small raised concerns about sheep on Lee Moor Road near Bude Farm which may be getting access through Hemerdon Mine site. Jeff Harrison confirmed that there the boundaries to the Hemerdon Mine site in terms of livestock fencing were all secure.
A local resident raised the on-going concerns regarding dogs barking and hot it is impacting upon residents at Wotter. The Clerk confirmed that he had passed on information provided by Cllr Spiers to SHDC who should now be investigating the matter.
Katie Reville gave a very brief presentation on the renewable energy project PL21 which relates to the solar farm at Portworthy. Katie mentioned that they are in the process of setting up a community group to purchase half of the project from Bath and West. They are also looking to set-up a community benefits society as the development will generate funding in the region of £20k per year to support local communities (and in particular energy saving projects) throughout the lifetime of the project. This could involve providing solar panels on public buildings. At present the group are looking for any input from local organisations on the make-up of the community benefits society. The Clerk confirmed that Cllr Taffurelli had expressed an interest in representing the Parish Council on this board but in an advisory capacity only.
Declarations of Interest
The Clerk reported that none had been received.
Police Report
PCSO Jim Brokensha attended the meeting and gave a brief update on the current budgetary position with regard to Devon and Cornwall Police and confirmed that for the time being Neighbourhood Teams will be unaffected.
There had been 3 reported crimes during December which were as follows:
03/12/15 – Common assault at Shaugh Prior. Suspect arrested and given caution.
03/12/15 – Theft of electric fence equipment at Shaugh Prior. No lines of enquiry.
12/12/15 – Criminal damage to a motor vehicle at Wotter. Offender arrested and given caution.
No crimes had been reported for the month of January.
County and District Councillors Report
In Cllr Hart’s absence there was no County Cllr Report.
With regard to District Council matters, Cllr Hitchins mentioned that the T18 Transformation programme was continuing and had delivered some good savings although some areas were still feeling the force of the changes (such as the Planning Department). There had also been some major issues with IT systems and there were currently significant delays in phones being answered.
Cllr Hitchins also made reference to the on-going discussions regarding devolution and how this is likely to require an elected mayor along with agreement from all of the authorities impacted by it.
A joint Local Plan is currently being worked-up between Plymouth City Council and the neighbouring district authorities (which includes South Hams and West Devon) and finally South Hams were about to set their budget for the coming financial year.
DNPA Report
In addition to SHDC, DNPA are also working with PCC in respect of preparing a joint Local Plan. However there are concerns from the National Park in view of the boundaries and how part of the plan will fall within the Exeter fringe and part within Plymouth.
Cllr Hitchins also mentioned that the DNPA budget was in good shape with the existing grant having been protected and the Authority having slightly more money than they had expected although they are still looking at cost savings where possible. Finally he mentioned that the National Park conference recently hosted by Dartmoor provided a surplus of £15k.
Minutes of the Meeting held on the 2nd December 2015
Cllrs confirmed that they had all received the minutes and agreed that they were an accurate reflection of the minutes of the December PC meeting.
Matters Arising
Highway Matters
Cllr Stone wished to highlight some drainage problems on Purps Lane with gravel being washed down the road from Bowling Green towards Hartstone Farm. It was agreed that the Clerk would raise this DCC Highways. He also mentioned that some rumours had been raised with regard to DCC making this a ‘green lane’. It was agreed that the Clerk would clarify this with Nick Colton. Cllr Stone also wished to reiterate his offer to meet with Nick to run through some of the problematic drainage areas in the Parish.
Cllr Mrs Tyler highlighted the location of a pothole opposite the turning at the Kneel Gate cattle grid which also required attention and it was agreed that the Clerk would also raise this with DCC Highways.
Several Cllrs also highlighted that the boulders that were due to be provided in the road near Emmets Post in order to prevent fly-tipping had still not been provided. The Clerk agreed to chase Sibilco on this matter.
Shaugh Prior Play Areas Lottery Funding Bid
The Clerk confirmed that he had met with 2 play equipment providers at both Lee Moor and Wotter play areas and had received detailed proposals from each company along with associated costings. These proposals will be considered at the next meeting of the Play Area Sub-Committee due to take place on Wednesday 17th February 2016 where a decision will be taken on which play area we proceed with first. The outcome of this meeting will be reported back to the Parish Council at the March meeting.
Wotter Kick-About Area
The Clerk confirmed that he had received a revised quotation from Dan Searle for providing fencing around the entire kick-about area which came in at £1,044. The Clerk did confirm that money had been set aside in the budget for these works and that the above-mentioned sum included VAT (which could be recovered by the Parish Council). It was therefore proposed by Cllr Stone and seconded by Cllr Small that we proceed with these works and this was approved by all Cllrs.
Dealt with under Minute 8/16 (f) below.
Track to Dartmoor Cottages
Cllr Mrs Tyler wish to raise this as an item to establish if there were any funding streams/grants available that could help towards the cost of maintaining the track. Some emergency repair works had recently been carried out but existing funds were starting to run out. In view of the track only being used by pedestrians wishing toi access Wotter Play Area it was the view of the Clerk that the PC should not be contributing directly towards these maintenance works as most of the damage is likely to be as a result of the use of the track by vehicles and not pedestrians. This was noted by Cllr Mrs Tyler and she agreed to write directly to the landowner on this issue.
TAP Fund 2015-16
The Clerk confirmed that the PC bid for funding from the TAP Fund to cover the purchase of the final defib cabinet at Wotter Surgery had been successful and the cabinet had since been ordered and delivered and was now in the process of arranging a suitable date and time for its’ installation.
Cllr Mrs Burkill mentioned that she had been contacted by 3 concerned residents regarding a planning application that had been submitted for Fiddlers Cottage at Shaugh Prior. The Clerk confirmed that he hadn’t received the application as yet and would forward the plans to the Chairman as soon as he is in receipt of them. It was agreed that Cllrs Norman, Stone and Mrs Burkill would carry out a site visit once the plans had been received from DNPA.
The Clerk referred to a request for observations from DCC on an application that had been received to vary one of the original planning conditions attached to the Tungsten Mine in order to extend its’ working life until June 2036. The Clerk reiterated the point that this application was only in respect of increasing the length of time in which the mine could be worked, not increasing its’ size. After some brief discussion it was agreed that the Clerk would respond to DCC Planning on the basis of the response that was sent on the earlier pre-application enquiry (no objection in principle).
Finally the Clerk confirmed that the application for minor alterations/extensions to the property Birdwood had been approved by DNPA.
Chairman’s Business
The Chairman had nothing new to raise.
Reports from Committees
Nothing to report.
During the past two months the following correspondence has been received by the Clerk:-
  • Email from Devon Communities regarding an advice surgery event taking place at Ashburton Town Hall on Monday 8th Feb.
  • Feb monthly newsletter from DALC.
  • Letter from Wolf Minerals and Notice regarding blasting proposals.
  • Email from SHDC re South Hams and West Devon Playing Pitch Strategy.
  • Letter from the Boundary Commission regarding final recommendations on the electoral review of Devon.
  • Jan monthly newsletter from DALC.
  • Email from SHDC on public consultation of draft South Devon AONB Estuaries Management Plan 2016-2020.
  • Email from SHDC Planning re application code types.
  • South Devon AONB News
  • Email from DCC on School Crossing Patrol consultation.
  • SLCC News Bulletin
  • Email from SHDC – Neighbourhood Planning News
  • Email from Cllr Taffurelli regarding an update on Superfast Broadband. The update indicated that superfast broadband was due to go live in Shaugh Prior but for Wotter and Lee Moor the Phase 1 provider (BT) was still trying to identify the optimum solution. The lack of progress in respect of improved broadband for Lee Moor and Wotter was concerning for several Cllrs and it was agreed that the Clerk ask Cllr Hart to try and attend the next PC meeting to try and address some of these concerns and the general lack of progress.
  • Letter from DNPA re works to TPO’ed trees at Plym Valley.
  • Email from a local resident regarding the use of PC notice boards for advertising. The view was taken by Cllrs that business advertising should be re-directed to the Parish Magazine rather than PC notice boards.
Grant Applications
The Clerk made reference to 2 grant applications having been received. The first application received was from Shaugh Prior Hall and was in required to assist in helping pay for internal decorating. The Clerk confirmed that all necessary information in respect of annual accounts had been submitted and it was therefore proposed by Cllr Small and seconded by Cllr McIver that a grant payment of £400 be made. This was agreed unanimously.
The second grant application was in respect of assisting with the cost of grass cutting for St Edwards Church. As all required financial information had been submitted it was proposed by Cllr Mrs Burkill and seconded by Cllr Stone that a grant payment of £400 be approved. This was also agreed unanimously.
1940’s Evening
Cllr Mrs Tyler asked if the PC could arrange something to celebrate the queen’s 90th birthday. Cllr Small mentioned that Lee Moor Hall were thinking of hosting a similar event and this was due to be discussed at the next Lee Moor Hall Meeting taking place on Thursday 4th February. Further details should be available at the next PC meeting.
PROW – Diversion of Bridleway No. 44
The Clerk read out a letter received from DCC regarding a temporary diversion of Bridleway No 44. The Clerk confirmed that the proposal was virtually the same as that commented on by the PC around 18 months ago (which at that time was for a permanent diversion). It was therefore agreed that the Clerk would respond to DCC with the same comments as those made previously (a particular concern being the length of the alternative route when compared to the existing).
Cllr Stone mentioned that the Commoners were not happy with the proposal from an animal welfare perspective and had written to DCC direct on behalf of the Commoners Association. He was hoping to arrange a meeting out on-site with DCC and representatives from the Commoners Association.
Transparency Code
In order to accord with the requirements of the Transparency Code, the Clerk mentioned that some alterations would need to be made to the PC website, the associated cost of which would be £210 + VAT. However the Clerk confirmed that he had spoken to DALC on this matter who confirmed that these associated costs could be secured through a further Transparency Code grant application. It was therefore agreed by the PC that a further grant application be made.
Finance – inc Budget Update
The Clerk stated that on the 15th January 2016 there was a balance of £21,163.65 within the Treasurers Account.
He also confirmed that an annual budget had now been set by the Parish Council which required a precept (including the Council Tax Support Grant) of £10,716.00. This represents a very slight increase on the precept for 2015/16 (£10,587).
Payments and Receipts
It was agreed to make the following payments:-
£162.20 cheque to HMRC (PAYE for 3 months clerks wages)
£25.00 cheque to South Hams Citizens Advice (grant 2015/16)
£90.00 cheque to Sutcliffe Play (inspection report for seesaw springie)
£684.00 cheque to Andrew Deptford for Wotter Surgery defib cabinet
£100.00 cheque to Scott Smy (final expenses payment)
£20.00 cheque to David Andrews (Electricity fee’s for Wotter Xmas Tree)
£44.00 cheque to Colin Taffurelli (Xmas Tree for Wotter)
£380.00 cheque to Scott Smy for purchase of new laptop
£400.00 cheque to Shaugh Prior Recreation Hall (grant 2015/16)
£400.00 cheque to St Edwards Church (grant for grass cutting 2015/16)
£6,000 cheque from Wolf Minerals (Donation towards play area improvement works)
£263 cheque from DCC (Transparency Code grant payment)
Works and Maintenance
Cllr McIver raised a concern regarding a tree on St Albans Terrace opposite no 11/12. It was agreed that the Clerk would raise this with Peter Davies the PC Tree Warden.
The Chairman raised concerns about the general standard of reinstatement works that had been carried out by Imerys in respect of the restoration of China Clay excavations and enquired about how much bond had been secured for these works. The Clerk suggested that it would be worth speaking to Sue Penaluna of DCC in the first instance at the next Hemerdon Mine Liaison Meeting. The Chair stated that the reinstatement works carried out around Cadover were not to a particularly high standard.
With regard to the works alongside the brake adjacent to the main road, the Clerk confirmed that he had written to Imerys on this matter but was yet to receive a reply and would therefore chase this.
Finally a recent inspection of Wotter play area by SHDC revealed that the toddler swing and chains had been removed, with the associated cost of replacement by SHDC being £225. It was agreed unanimously that the Clerk should instruct SHDC to carry out these works as per the estimate provided.
Date and Place of Next Parish Council Meeting
Wednesday 2nd March 2016 at Lee Moor Public Hall – 7.30pm
The meeting closed at 9.20pm.
Signed:………………………...... Chairman
Date: ………………………… / Clerk
Play Area Sub-Committee
Cllr Mrs Tyler
Cllrs Norman/ Mrs Burkill/Stone
Cllr Norman