Choose the best element from the following choices:

Si Fr Hg Ne

1. the lowest boiling point

2. the largest atomic radius

3. 1 valence electron

4. the shiny, brittle element that conducts electricity and does not react with acid

5. the least reactive element


6. element in the third energy level where the p electrons are first to double up

7. the smallest atomic radius

8. the highest electronegativity

9. a gas with 5 valence electrons

10.a yellow solid with six valence electrons

11. Order the following from largest to smallest radius; N, As, Bi, P.

12. Order the following from most reactive to least reactive; Mg, Sr, Ca, Ba.

13. Order the following from least reactive to most reactive; C, F, O, N.

14. The atomic radius of an element will decrease across a period on the periodic table. Explain why.

15. The atomic radius will increase down a family on the periodic table. Explain why.

16. Metals tend to lose electrons when they react. Predict which element is the most reactive of the metals. Explain your answer.

17. Nonmetals tend to gain electrons when they react. Predict which element is the most reactive of the nonmetals. Explain your answer.

18. Arrange the following elements in order of their decreasing atomic radii

a. P, Al, Mg, Na, S ______

b. Ta, Au, Po, Cs ______

c. Cl, I, At, F, Br ______

19. Which of the following elements are more reactive?

a. Fe, Co b. Cl, Ar c. Na, Rb

d. Zn, Ni e. O, F f. N, Si

20. Which of the following has the highest electronegativity?

a. Li, B b. Cs, Al c. I, Sb

d. Mg, Sr e. S, F f. Ag, Cu

21Define shielding effect.

22. Define electronegativity (EN)

23. What would happen to electronegativity across a period from left to right? Why? What would happen to electronegativity down a group? Why?

24. How do metal ions compare to their original atomic size and Why?