Multnomah CountyCommunityResponse to CSEC (CommercialSexualExploitation ofChildren)has created aforum to share advancements in our efforts to combat CSEC. This is a peer-to-peer opportunity for partners across the country to learn from each other. Please submit media stories, resources, program innovations, successes and just plain brag about the good work being done to end CSEC. Whenever possible, upcoming events will be published when submitted at least two weeks prior to the event date.Please email all submissions
As this is a new resource, please send any feedback or ideas forimprovements.
SHARING SUCCESSES - CSECSpecialtyUnit Developed
MiriamGreen and JamieBroadbent worked together to create a unit within Department of Human Services - Child Welfare (DHS-CW) specializing in servingyouthwho have beencommercialsexually exploited. This unit servesMultnomah County andis staffed by 4.5 DHS-CW workers. To our knowledge this unit is thefirstof its kind in the country.This group of DHS-CW staff iscommitted to in increasing the level of understanding ofthiscomplex topic and improving theservicesavailableto the group of youth. They work collaboratively with key community partners to address the complex needs of these victims. The leadership and compassion shown by Miriam, Jamie and the whole CSEC team at DHS-CW is a key reason thatMultnomahCounty is nationallyrecognizedfor theirefforts to betterrecognizeandrespondtochildrenwho arevictimsof CSEC. Kudos!
Former prostitute who helped put pimps behind bars seeks mercy for herself. “…stood before a judge in a downtown Portland courtroom, voice trembling as she began to apologize for her role in turning a 15-year-old girl into a sex worker.” By Bryan Denson, The Oregonian November 6, 2011.Read the full story
I encourage you to visit:
This is Our City,a” brand-new multimedia project fromChristianity Todaymagazine. Given your laudable, longstanding interest and work in the fight against sex trafficking in the United States and beyond, we are excited to share This Is Our City’s “sex trafficking week,” a series of in-depth reports, documentaries, and interviews about sex trafficking in Portland, Oregon, and beyond.”
Christy Tennant, Director of Engagement - This is Our City
“mtvU’s Against Our Will Campaign launches today, on the 149th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s announcement of the Emancipation Proclamation. The campaign is calling on all the young change-makers out there to pick up where Lincoln left off, and join the fight to end modern-day slavery.”Posted9/22/11 7:09 pm ESTbyLauren Grilloin
JoslynBaker-Collaboration Specialist
Multnomah County - Dept. of Community Justice