Shared Support Services Southeastern Ontario (3SO)BBP_MM Pur Docs Per Tracking Number(ME2B)
Business Process Procedure
June 1, 2009
DRAFT - 11/27/2009 12:03 PM
Shared Support Services Southeastern OntarioAddress: / 3SO Corporate Office
1471 John Counter Blvd, 4th Floor
KingstonONK7M 5M3
Phone: / (613) 544-8200 ext
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Date: / Day, Month Year
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Shared Support Services Southeastern Ontario (3SO)
BBP_MM Pur Docs Per Tracking Number(ME2B)
Business Process Procedure
Table of Contents
To update TOC: Click inside the ToC below and press F9. To include more heading levels in ToC, press Alt-F9 and edit the “1-3” to read “1-4” or “1-5” depending on levels required
1. Overview......
1.1. Trigger......
2. Procedural Steps......
2.1. Access transaction by......
2.2. On screen “screen name”, enter information in the fields as specified in the table below:.
2.3. (Add additional steps/screen prints if required.)......
3. Unit Testing Conditions and Variations......
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This document has been prepared by Shared Support Services Southeastern Ontario (3SO) for the sole purpose and exclusive use of Name. Due to the confidential nature of the material in this document, its contents should not be discussed with, or disclosed to, third parties without the prior written consent of3SO.
Printed on 11/27/2009 12:03 PM
Page 1
Shared Support Services Southeastern Ontario (3SO)
BBP_MM Pur Docs Per Tracking Number(ME2B)
Business Process Procedure
Perform this procedure when there is a requirement to review a list of procurement documents for analysis.
Business Process Procedure OverviewUse this procedure to create a report that displays all Purchase Orders, RFQ’s, Contracts, and Scheduled Agreements that meet specific criteria. Each document can be reviewed and analyzed to assist in further procurement decision making.
Input – Required Fields / Field Value/Comments
Plant / KG01
Output - Results / Comments
Report displayed / A report displays all Purchase Orders, RFQ’s, Contracts, and Scheduled Agreements.
2.Procedural Steps
2.1.Access transaction by
Via Menus / (R/3 Menu Path)Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Purchase Order List Displays By Tracking Number
Via Transaction Code / (Transaction Code can be displayed: R/3 -> System -> Status)
2.2.On screen “By Tracking Number”, enter information in the fields as specified in the table below:
Field Name / Description / R/O/C / User Action and Values / CommentsRequirement tracking number / Number that facilitates the monitoring of the procurement of required materials or services. Typically the tracking number is the Purchase Requisition number. / O
Purchasing organization / An organizational unit in Logistics that procures materials and services; negotiates conditions of purchases with vendors; and is responsible for such transactions, assigned to a Company Code. This Purchasing Organization procures only for one company code, or in the case of Shared Services, for Company Codes within Shared Services. There is also a Reference Purchasing Organization which any Purchasing Organization may access for centrally agreed upon contracts for more favourable purchasing prices. / R / PR01
Document Type / Key that identifies to which group of documents this document will be assigned. Documents of the same type contain common information which is relevant to posting and update of the value fields in the data base. / O / To perform a search on all available selection criteria select the button which will open a pop-up window. Document Types with a category “F” can be used.
Purchase Group / Buyer or group of buyers responsible for purchasing activities. / O / K05
Plant / An operating entity of a company where materials are stored or procured. When creating stock or non-stock material masters in SAP, they must be created in a Plant. Also, the key dimension in creating security and authorization for users of procurement and inventory. / R / KG01
Item Category / Determines classification of material. For example, stock material, consumed material, etc. Classification determines which fields and screens are required. In LIS, defines how purchase of an item is controlled. / O / If the materials are Consignment materials select “K” and select “D” if searching for Service documents.
Account Assignment Category / Key that identifies specific settlement receiver types such as cost centers, internal orders, work orders, asset accounts, or project WBS elements. / O / Enter a “K” for orders purchased against Cost Centers, “F” for orders, and “U” if the Account Assignment Category is unknown.
Document Number / The unique identification value is assigned to a business event as it is processed in SAP; the system automatically creates and assigns document numbers as each document is posted. Manual assignment of document numbers is not possible. / O
Vendor / Business partner that provides materials or services to hospitals. / O
Material / Substance or commodity that is bought or sold on a commercial basis or is used, consumed or created in production. A material can also be a service or a number that identifies a material master record. / O
Material Group / Code identifying an allocated group of materials with the same features. Material groups are mapped to MIS. / O
Document Date / Date which appears in the document header and can be used for any defined purpose. / O
Vendor Name / Description of the Vendor Name. / O / Entering a Vendor number is the preferred method as it is more accurate. Multiple vendors may have similar names that can easily get mixed up.
Click to execute the transaction.
2.3.Purchasing Documents Per Requirement Tracking Number
2.4.To view the Purchase Order
Click on a Purchase Order for example, .
Select to open the Purchase Order.
Click to return to the “Purchasing Documents per Requirement Tracking Number” screen.
With the Purchase Order still selected click .
The “Output output” pop-up window appeared with two Purchase Order lines displayed for the single document. This Purchase Order has been modified and changes were made to it. When changes are made to Purchase Order, SAP will only print the new items added to the document. SAP is not sure which document to print: the original Purchase Order, or the changes made to the Purchase Order. The “Process.status” column identifies whether or not the document has already been printed. “0” means the document has not been printed, “1” means the document has been printed and “2” means there was an error in printing. If no changes had been made to the original document the “Output output” pop-up window would not have appeared and gone directly to the print preview screen.
Click to close the window and return to the “Purchasing Documents per Requirement Tracking Number” screen.
2.5.Review Purchase Order History
Click on a material number for example .
Click to view the History of the Purchase Order.
The historical data can be reviewed based on different criteria such as Blocked Stock, Value of Blocked Stock, Order Price per Unit and GR/IR Assignment using the menu buttons.
Click to exit the “Order History for Purchase Order 45…” screen.
2.6.Review Purchase Order Changes
Click on a Purchase Order number for example.
Click to view a list of changes that were applied to the Purchase Order.
Highlight a line and click to view the details of that transaction in a simplified table.
2.7.Analyzing Purchase Order Changes
Click the title to highlight the column.
Click to sort all change transaction in ascending order based on the date the transaction occurred.
Alternatively the change transaction can be sorted in a descending order by selecting the button.
Click to perform a search for a specific term with in the table. The “Find” pop-up window will appear.
Click filter the results even further to more specific criteria.
Click in the “Column Set” table. Click to move the “Name” field into the “Filter criteria” table. Click in the “2nd Step: Determine Values for Filter Criteria” to set a single entry or a range of acceptable entries.
To change the view of the data in the table click . Select List Outputwhich will display the data in a simplified table.
Click to export the data to another application.Select Send to export the data in an email. The data can also be exported to word processing or a spreadsheet.
The text box can be used to add additional information that may be required for the receiver(s) of the message to be informed of.
Click to send the file. If the recipient is a email address or a SAP login address the table will automatically be added as an attachment and sent as a “htm” file. SAP will automatically return to the “Changes Purchase Order 45…” screen.
Click to view or change the existing layout. For more information on changing layouts see BPP_Change_Layout.
Click to return to the “Purchasing Documents per Requirement Tracking Number” screen.
Click on a material number for example .
Click which will open the following screen:
The delivery schedule identifies which date materials were expected to be delivered, the quantity scheduled to be delivered, the actual quantity delivered, and the quantity that was invoiced.
Click to return to the “Purchasing Documents per Requirement Tracking Number” screen.
If service orders exist click to further evaluate the document in further detail.
3.Unit Testing Conditions and Variations
Purchasing Org / PR02
Run transaction ME2B with the set-up data. / The report will display all Purchase Orders that meet the search criteria.
Select a document and view Print Preview / The print preview will display with the information from the Purchase Order.
Display the PO history for a material / All PO’s created for a material will be displayed.
View the changes that were incurred to a PO / The PO will display all the changes incurred and the dates and users who made those changes.
Approval: ______ Date: ____/____/____
Printed on 11/27/2009 12:03 PM