SHARE YOUR VIEWS – Cambodia Interim Strategy Note Survey
The World Bank Group is preparing an Interim Strategy Note (ISN) to guide its support to Cambodia’s development over the next two years (2014-2015). An ISN covers a period of up to 24 months and provides a framework for the World Bank Group’s engagement in a client country until a full-fledged strategy and Country Partnership Framework can be developed.
We would like to hear your views on Cambodia's development and the role the World Bank Group can play in helping the country achieve its development goals.
Please take a few minutes to fill out this short survey below so your views can be heard.
The on-line consultations are ongoing and are expected to continue through the end of the face-to-face consultation meetings.
- The World Bank Group's goals are to help countries end extreme poverty and promote shared prosperity. To contribute to these goals in Cambodia, in which three priority areas should the Bank focus its attention and resources in the next two years? (Please choose three)
Access to Finance (financial inclusion, microfinance, etc.)
Agriculture, Food Security
Climate Change, Environmental Sustainability
Education, Skill Enhancement
Energy (Power Generation and Access)
Governance and Corruption - Civil Service Reform, Legal Framework, Transparency, Public Financial Management
Investment Climate, Private Sector Development
Job Creation/Employment and Youth Development
Social Protection and Safety Net for the Poor
Trade, Regional and Global Cooperation
Urban Development
Rural Development
Water, Sanitation
Social Development (Social Accountability/DFGG)
Decentralization (CDD/Local Governance)
Other, please specify below
- We are proposing to build the new ISN around three main pillars or focus areas: 1. supporting inclusive growth and job creation, 2. targeting the poor and vulnerable, and 3. improving government effectiveness. In your view, do these three areas reflect Cambodia’s most pressing needs?
RESPONSE ON A 1-5 SCALE 1-5 scale 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree; 3 = neither agree nor disagree; 4 = agree; 5 = strongly agree
- In addition to the three focus areas, are there any other pressing development needs(to end poverty and build shared prosperity)?
- What do you feel are the biggest obstacles or challenges that hold back Cambodia’s development? Please be as specific as you can.
- How do you think these obstacles/challenges can be overcome? Please be as specific as you can.
- Over the next two years would Cambodia's development goals be best served if the Bank's lending to Cambodia was decreased, about the same, or increased?
- Over the next two years would Cambodia’s development goals be best served if the Bank’s global knowledge, advisory services, technical assistance were decreased, about the same, or increased?
- In your view which is more important for Cambodia: lending money for projects, such as building roads or schools, OR providing advice and strategic help to solve complicated problems, such as helping Cambodia’s institutions to work better?
Check one:
Lending money
Knowledge and advisory services
- Please share with us any other recommendations or suggestions for how the World Bank Group can best support Cambodia’s development.
Demographic information
- If you live in Cambodia, in what province do you live?
- If you live outside of Cambodia, please tell us what country:
- Age
- Gender
- How familiar would you say you are with the World Bank's activities in Cambodia?