Dear Parents/Caregivers,
During Term 1 we will be implementing units of work in the following curriculum areas.
Unit 1 of English and Maths will be taught in weeks 1-5 and unit 2 will be taught in weeks 6-10
English – Reading, writing, speaking and listening.
Intent: Unit 1- Exploring, interpreting and analysing the emotions of characters in texts
Assessment: Year One
Oral Presentation Children will choose a book and talk about the characters and event in the text and how the author and illustrator communicate this to the reader through the use of words and pictures. They will share what they liked or didn’t like about the characters or events in the story. They will share opinions of what they felt about the character and what they would of done if they were the characters They will make connections between the character and their own lives.
Assessment: Prep
Oral Presentation Children will choose a book and talk about the emotions displayed by a character in the text and how the author and illustrator communicate this to the reader through the use of words and pictures. They will make connections with the character and events in the story.
Intent: Unit 2 – Exploring, interpreting and analysing plot features
Assessment: Year One
Written Assessment Children will write sentences and draw pictures retelling the beginning of the story, (who, where when), the middle and end events in the story. They will construct sentences using noun groups (nouns and adjectives), verbs and adverbs.
Assessment: Prep
Monitoring task - Written assessment – Children will write sentences and draw pictures retelling the beginning of the story, (who, where when), the middle and end events in the story. This is an introduction to a retelling unit that Prep students will complete in Term 3.
Maths: Number and algebra, Measurement, Statistics and Probability.
Intent: Year One
Number and Algebra- Place value of numbers 1-20, matching number, name and group 1-20, solving addition problems to 10, rearranging whole numbers to 20 using 2 parts, counting forwards and backwards in 1s and by 2s to 20. Sequencing number to 20, numbers before, after, and between, bigger and smaller than.
Measurement and Geometry – Describing the duration of time using days, weeks and months, sequencing and ordering daily events, measuring and comparing the length of objects using informal units. Identifying, describing and representing objects using 2D and 3D shapes .
Statistics and probability- Describing the outcomes of events and the probability of events occurring, collecting, recording and interpreting data using graphs.
Intent: Prep
Number and Algebra- Place value of numbers 1-10, matching number, and name, counting forwards and backwards in 1s to 20. Sequencing number to 10, numbers before, after, between, bigger and smaller than, comparing collections, more less the same. Recognising, copying continuing and creating patterns using objects and drawings
Measurement and Geometry – Describing the duration of time using days, weeks and months, sequencing and ordering daily events, measuring and comparing the length of objects using informal units. Identifying, describing and representing objects using 2D and 3D shapes
Statistics and probability- asking questions and collecting data.
Assessment: Year One
Number and algebra – my favourite teen number – counting sequence, number before and after, recording number on number line, standard partition of the teen number, place value of teen numbers , represent number using hands on materials
Measurement and geometry – order objects by length using informal units. What shape am I
Statistics and probability – asking questions, collecting information and recording it on a graph. Analysing the graph and answering questions
Assessment: Prep
Number and algebra – On my plate– counting sequence, counts a collection, counts on from a number, collection with more, less, same that a given number, explains why have more or less, compares collections and describes how comparison was made.
Sorting objects by shape colour size, explaining and naming the sort
Measurement and geometry – compare objects by length, shape sort, life in prep sequencing events in order.
Statistics and probability – asking questions
Science: Living Adventure
Intent: Unit 1: Explore living and non-living objects and how they interact with their environment.
Assessment: Year One
Part A: Students will be required to identify a range of habitats, to suggest living things that may live there, and explain how the habitats provide the needs of the living things.
Part B: Students will examine a local unhealthy environment; describe changes and suggestions to improve the habitat.
Assessment: Prep
Part A: Students will be required to identify and observe the needs of living things and how an environment can affect them.
Intent: Year One
Look at a place and describe the natural, managed and constructed features of a place. Identify how to care for those features. Identify where features of places are located and recognise that spaces can be arranged for different purposes. Represent the location of features within a space on pictorial maps.
Intent: Prep
Look at a personal and local place. Discuss its features and represent the place using objects and drawings. Draw a map representing features of a place. Show on a map how the space can be arranged to be used in a different way.
Assessment: Year One
Part A: Students will be required to identify a range of habitats, to suggest living things that may live there, and explain how the habitats provide the needs of the living things.
Part B: Students will examine a local unhealthy environment; describe changes and suggestions to improve the habitat.
Assessment: Prep
Part A: Students will be required to identify a personal space and describe its features. They will represent the features using drawing and models.
Part B: Students will be required to identify a local place, describe its features and represent the place using drawings and models.
Social and Personal Learning:
The children at Blackwater North State School will be participating in the “You Can Do It Program”. This program involves activities based around the concepts of getting along with others, confidence, emotional and mental resilience, organisation and persistence. This program reinforces our 4 school values of respect, safety, responsibility and effort. This term children will be involved in establishing classroom rules, be introduced to the four school values and the behaviours that students display reflecting the 4 school values as well as an overview of the characters and behaviours demonstrated by the “You can do it Puppets”.
Assessment: Observations
Observations: Student’s application of the 4 school values and the behaviours taught through the “You Can do it Program” in the students’ everyday life.
Arts: Visual Arts/Active learning Processes
Intent: Unit 1
Students use different types of line in their drawing to communicate direction and movement.
Oil pastel drawing- Children choose an emotion and draw a portrait of himself/herself. The student uses line and colour to communicate this emotion.
Computer skills and designing technology
Intent: Unit 1 Technology is a part of our everyday lives.
ICT: Students will develop computer skills including the use of paint, logging on and off, saving work and using word documents.
Assessment: Monitoring Checklist
Teaching and assessment is an on-going process throughout the term. Attendance at school is necessary if your child is to have the best learning opportunities.
If you have any queries or concerns feel free to contact me.