Shaping the Rules for a Sustainable Nuclear Technology
Company Name: ...... Name of Representative:......
Address: ......
Billing address (if different): ......
Post Code: ...... Town: ......
Tel:...... Fax: ......
Email: ...... VAT number (required information for Europe):......
Subscription fee to 1 sub-committee for 2018: €3,000
Supplementary fee for each additional sub-committee:€2,500
There are three additional forms:
- Form1: List of AFCEN sub-committees in which you wish to participate in 2018 and overall fee (to be calculated by the applicant),
- Form 2: A blank list of persons mandated by you to represent your entity on different sub-committees (to be completed). Please fill out this list. Your attention is drawn to the fact that you are bound by the terms of confidentiality on behalf of those persons who are appointed by you.
- Form 3: The confidentiality agreement to which your entity is bound, along with your mandated representatives, by delegation.
Note: Payment may be made either by cheque made payable to AFCEN or by bank transfer (a form with IBAN bank details etc. is attached). If you choose this procedure, please send us a copy of your transfer authorisation.
Your payment must be received by the AFCEN before May 1st, 2018.
Please forward your membership application to AFCEN by email ( by post to the following address:
1, place Jean Millier
When your completed application has been received, AFCEN will send you an invoice receipt and you will be contacted by email so that we can check your application forms with you prior to granting access to the work space of the AFCEN sub-committees that you have joined.
Becoming a member gives you the advantage of 10% discount on every order to AFCEN: publication or subscription.
Name of the contact person: ......
Telephonenumber: ...... Email Address: ......
Done in...... , date......
Signature of representative:
Form 1
List of Sub-Committeesand calculation of subscription fee
Member (Company Name): ......
Select by ticking the boxes for the sub-committees that you wish to join
Tick as required / Sub-committee / Relevant AreaRCC-M / Rules for the design and construction of mechanical materials at PWR nuclear islands
RSE-M / Supervision rules for the exploitation of mechanical materials at PWR nuclear islands
RCC-MRx / Rules for the design and construction of mechanical materials for nuclear installations applicable for high temperature structures and ITER vacuum chamber
RCC-C / Rules for the design and construction of fuel assemblies for nuclear plants
RCC-E / Rules for the design and construction of electrical materials for nuclear plants
RCC-CW / Rules for the design and construction of civil engineering for PWR nuclear islands
RCC-F / Rules fordesign and construction relating to fire applied to EPR nuclear plants
Membership of AFCEN with entitlement to join 1 sub-committee: / €3,000
Number of sub-committees over and above the first one:N x €2,500 = / €......
Total Fee: €3,000 + (N x €2,500) = / €......
TOTAL AMOUNT / €......
- AFCEN : VAT FR 33326754207
Signature of Representative:
Shaping the Rules for a Sustainable Nuclear Technology
Form 2
List of Representatives for 2018
Please note that in case of change of person, this form must be sent back updated and signed by the representative.
There should be only 1 member during the sub-committee meeting (or 1 delegate).
NAME / SURNAME / RCC-F / RCC-CW / RCC-C / RCC-E / RCC-MRx / RSE-M / RCC-M / EMAILSignature of Representative:
Shaping the Rules for a Sustainable Nuclear Technology
Form 3
Confidentiality Agreement
I, the undersigned,...... , acting:
- in my own name, with personal civil liability, and
- in the capacity of...... for the company named......
[Name of Company], ...... [legal form of company] address of registered offices
...... ,
Registered under number...... [SIRET no.],“the Beneficiary”, duly empowered for the purposes of these presents,
Declare that the Beneficiary hereby makes this undertaking with:
AFCEN, whose registered offices are located at: SAINT-DENIS (Seine Saint-Denis), EDF, 2 rue Ampère, to abide by the provisions stated hereinafter:
“Confidential Information” means:
All information relating to written or oral communication, or by any other means, at AFCEN sub-committee working sessions for working groups or related drafting groups, either before or after this agreement comes into operation.
Such information may be communicated orally or by means of reports, documents, drawings, studies, plans, specifications, models, samples, data and computer documentation or any other form.
“Intellectual Property Rights” means:
All intellectual and industrial property rights, especially patents, registered designs, and their applications and rights of exploitation, copyrights (relating to software in particular), design rights and all other unregistered rights relating to designs, data, know-how and Confidential Information , and all other rights of the same nature originating or recognized in any country.
This agreement has the purpose of determining the Beneficiary's obligations relating to the exchange of Confidential Information during AFCEN sub-committee working sessions for working groups or related drafting groups
2.1.The Beneficiary is subject to the provisions of Article 16.5 (see in appendix) of the AFCEN status.
2.2.The Beneficiary
must take all necessary precautions to avoid disclosing Confidential Information,
must not use Confidential Information for any purpose other than research activity carried out in order to produce AFCEN documents,
must not disclose Confidential Information to third parties, except where there is written agreement, in accordance with Articles 2.3 and 2.4.
2.3. The Beneficiary is not authorized to disclose Confidential Information to the company that he represents, or to any other formal or informal entity, except where such disclosure is required by the sub-committee or where that Confidential Information has already appeared in the minutes of sub-committee meetings, and in accordance with Article 2.4 below.
The Beneficiary is also authorized to communicate Confidential Information when such disclosure is required by administrative or legal authorities and if the following conditions are met:
He must have already informed the Chairman of the AFCEN sub-committee in writing of his obligation to disclose information,
He must restrict such disclosure to what is strictly necessary to fulfil his obligations.
2.4.The Beneficiary undertakes to implement arrangements for ensuring that any person to whom he discloses Confidential Information understands and abides by the Beneficiary’s obligations for confidentiality resulting from this agreement, and this shall apply as if that person was a party to this agreement.
The Beneficiary undertakes to obtain a confidentiality agreement from each person to whom he discloses the Confidential Information and this within strictly identical terms to those of these presents, and it is understood that he guarantees that all persons referred to above shall recognize the confidential nature of any information that is disclosed.
2.5.The obligations for confidentiality as stated in Article 2 shall cease to apply to the Confidential Information if the Beneficiary can demonstrate that the said information was publicly or widely known at the time of completion of this agreement, or would become so at a later date, and this without infringement by the Beneficiary of this agreement or any other confidentiality agreement or obligation.
2.6.The Beneficiary may not make any kind of public statement or communication about the existence of this agreement, or any transaction resulting from it, of any nature whatsoever, except where there is prior written agreement from AFCEN.
Subject to the existence of prior rights belonging to the Beneficiary:
all Confidential Information revealed during AFCEN working sessions belongs to one of its members, or to AFCEN, and may not give rise to any claim for rights of ownership.
This agreement shall come into effect from the time of signature by the Beneficiary and shall continue throughout the period during which the Confidential Information is not in the public domain.
Paraphe:Association under the lawof July 1, 1901 – Internet Website:
Shaping the Rules for a Sustainable Nuclear Technology
5.1.The Beneficiary does not have any rights or license relating to the Confidential Information other than those that are granted by this agreement.
5.2.AFCEN does not provide any guarantee in relation to the truth, accuracy, comprehensiveness or plausibility of the Confidential Information.
5.3.Failure to exercise a right or remedy, based on this agreement or the law, or a delay in the exercise of a right or remedy, does not constitute a waiver of that right or remedy, nor does it constitute a waiver of other rights or remedies. Similarly, complete or partial exercise of a right or remedy does not prevent future exercise of that right or remedy or the exercise of another right or remedy.
5.4.In the event that there is a risk of an infringement, or if an infringement has been established, AFCEN may take any action by means of formal notification and may launch any enforcement or liability action.
6.1.This agreement, its fulfilment and its interpretation are subject to French law.
6.2.The parties agree that the “Tribunal de Commerce” in Nanterre is the only competent court for resolving disputes relating to the interpretation or fulfilment of this agreement, especially any disputes relating to its existence or its validity, or the consequences of its annulment.
Done in...... Date......
Signature of the Beneficiary,
to be preceded by the written words “Lu et Approuvé” [read and approved]
Association under the lawof July 1, 1901 – Internet Website:
Shaping the Rules for a Sustainable Nuclear Technology
If you choose to pay by means of a bank transfer using IBAN details, please send us a copy of your bank transfer authorization.
Association régie par la loi du 1er juillet 1901 – Site Internet: