Shadbolt Park House Surgery

“The Surgery in the Park”

Patients’ Participation Group Meeting

Monday 17th July 2017, 7.00 pm

Attendees:Frank Brown (Chair)

Victor Sibley (Joint Chair)

Jason Bailey (Practice Manager)

Jean Shrubb (Minutes)

Ian WeillMaureen YoungDavid Irving

Judith PeakeBridget ElsonSue Armstrong

Apologies:Kate Laws (Partner)James ShrubbMaureen Grimwood

Colin PetleyMaggie HarknessPam Keane

Carol BroughSue Brown

c.c.Lynne Bristo (Head Nurse)

With a minor adjustment, the minutes of the last meeting were agreed as an accurate account of the meeting, signed off by the Chairmanwhich will be kept at the surgery for safekeeping. / FB / Complete
  • There is a proposed ballot being discussed for the future where GP’s would vote whether to close their patient list in the light of the lack of funding resource. As yet no date set. JB to update if any further information.No further information available to date.
  • A more efficient biographies board is in hand. This is being designed.
  • Blood Tests. JB had a clinical meeting 25.9. and confirmed that a phlebotomist will remain at the surgery for two days a week to carry out blood tests for SBPH patients. This in addition to other HCAs and nurses being able to take samples. This will obviate the need for patients to go off site for blood tests other than in cases of extreme urgency
/ JB

VS reported a change in security regarding login access to the website. At the moment there is no further information, but when available VS will report back. / VS
As reported earlier in the year this group still meet over a coffee for a friendly chat, updates and exchange of ideas but it was felt that formal business be left to the Surrey Downs Patients Forum of which we are all members. The Forum having a wider membership would have guest speakers and be able to take up issues and have meetings with the appropriate organisations as required. The issues over plans for the future of Epsom Hospital are a case in point. / VS
Approximately six months ago, our chairlady suddenly resigned mid term citing personal, family and health reasons. No one was prepared for this and so far no one has stepped forward to take the chair. Currently the Forum is a virtual group with members communicating by e-mail only.
At the recent meeting regarding the future of the local hospitals, three options were highlighted:
  1. Improve Acute Facility at Epsom Hospital
  2. Leave Acute Facility both Epsom and St Helier
  3. Build a new hospital on the Marsden Sutton site.
Funding needs to be acquired for progressing any improvement and the request come from the consultation was for participation in supporting our local hospital (Epsom) in making a cause for investment of between £300 and £300 million, in order to keep local services and developing a new specialist acute facility.
All agreed they would be happy to give their opinion and fill in the necessary questionnaire, if it was readily available and more publicity about its existence was known.
The contact details for those who wish to participate in the consultation, the email address is and the website is Details of the above can be found there. All encouraged to see the Healthwatch Surrey website and express their views

JB updated the group as follows:
  • A new receptionist (Hannah) has been recruited and is in the process of being trained. She is part of the first phase in the proposed expansion of the reception area.
  • The IMH have recruited two new Clinical Directors – one for the North and one for the South. The Southern Clinical Director is Dr Butt (a GP) and part of the requirement is that he spends a day at a practice within his area. Whilst on a visit to SBHS he confirmed this was the practice he would choose. This is a huge benefit for the surgery, not only to have the local Clinical Director on site, but to be working as part of the team for a whole day.
  • Ear Irrigation – this service will cease as of 1.1.18 for all patients who pay for their prescriptions. The service will continue for those do you not currently pay for their prescriptions.
  • NHS Ranking. It is with great pride JB presented the results of the findings. They were :
  1. SPHS ranked 2844 out of 7372 surgeries in England
  2. % who had good experience of making an appointment – 70.1%
  3. % satisfied with waiting times – 39.3%
  4. % thought GP gave them enough time – 94%
  5. % thought GP listened to them – 96.3%
  6. % definitely had confidence/trust in GP – 77.7%
  7. % overall experience good – 85.9%
  8. % would recommend surgery to a newcomer to the area – 84.2%
These are excellent results with a number of categories being in the top 10% across the country.
  • CCG – 5 new pharmacists have been recruited to provide pharmacy services to surgeries in the area. Following on from the initiative started by SBHS, Rebecca has been asked to mentor this process. This will not impact on her service provided to the surgery, but will facilitate additional funding for the practice.
  • CCG AGM – all will be welcome to attend this which will be held at Leatherhead Leisure Centre 29th September 4 – 5 p.m.– everyone encouraged to visit website for further information should they wish to attend.

An agenda for the Flu Clinics was circulated and a request for additional help was put forward. Thanks were given to those who offered to help.
Christmas Tombola is planned for Monday 20th November. Requests for help to man the stall during that day were made. / ALL / ASAP
The stand alone Newsletter is awaiting copy from JB.
The Winter Newsletter is scheduled for beginning of December and will include :
  • NHS GP Ranking results
  • Practice Manager Updates
JS/FB asked whether the new Management Company would have more expertise to produce the Newsletter for the surgery. JB said he would be more than happy to take it in house. It was agreed the PPG Coms Committee would produce the next Newsletter and the subject would be revisited at the next meeting. / JS
GP Specialist Areas:
Dr Tran – diabetes
Dr Sen - minor surgeries
Dr Horrocks – Well Women
NHS England Consultation – VS highlighted the NHS consultation to propose reducing the prescribing of some items. The consultation is open and VS urged everyone to make their personal opinions known. To this end the email sent to VS will be made available to the PPG members for them to action.
Superdrug Worcester Park – VS reported that the excellent pharmacist at the above chemist is leaving this coming Friday. Should anyone from the surgery wish to go along to say goodbye please feel free to go in and speak with him. He is movingon to another position at a local practice to where he lives in Essex as their in-house pharmacist.
NHS Referral Letters – These are now mainly done via e-referrals from the surgery to the specialist area in question. However the reports from these referrals still come in letter form which then needs scanning in and adding to the patient notes. It is hoped that this will improve in the future and all results will be in electronic format. / JB
The date of the next meeting is the Monday 27thNovember 2017 at 7.00p.m. at Shadbolt Park House Surgery.

The meeting closed at 8.35 p.m.

I confirm this is a true and accurate account of the meeting.

………………………………………. (CHAIR) ……………………………………………… (DATE)