SGBC-BCA Sustainability Leadership Awards 2017
Green Building Individual
(Green Innovator) / Award Entry Submission

SGBC-BCA Sustainability Leadership Awards 2017

Green building Individual(Award Entry Submission Report)

  • Separate nominations have to be made for each award category.
  • Submission write-ups that exceed 10 pages (excluding the title page and supporting documents) will be disqualified, unless subject to the approval or discretion of the Assessment Panel to accept the submission.
  • The supporting documents only serve as additional project information, documents, certificates, etc to substantiate or reinforce the submission write-up for the Assessment Panel’s reference, where necessary. It is not an extension of the write-up and the Assessment Panel is not obliged to assess based on the supporting documents.

Nominees who are below age forty (40) in Year 2017 are automatically eligible for this category.
The shortlisted nominees will be assessed together with the young nominees of all the five (5) categories, i.e. Advocate, Architect, Engineer, Innovator and Facilities Manager.
The weightage for assessment is as follows:
  • Job-related Assessment (70%):
  • Part (i) + (ii) of the criteria stated in Section 3 of the Nomination Guide
  • Personal Contribution (30%):
  • Part (iii) of the criteria stated in Section 3 of the Nomination Guide

(A)What Makes You a GREEN INNOVATOR?

A concise statement in not more than 500 words as to why you would consider yourself a green innovator.You could explain why you are passionate about the green building movement. You may wish to use the assessment criteria as a guide to write your statement.

(B)R&D in Green Building Development

i / R&D in Green Building Development [1] / 35%
  • Number of completed green building R&D or innovative projects, including patents, journals, and major conference papers, that are applied in Singapore and/or Green Mark projects overseas
/ 15%
  • Impact of the R&D or innovative project(s)
/ 20%

Please indicate the research project(s), patent(s) and/or publication(s) according to the table below, with relevant supporting documents attached together with this submission write-up.

Please also ensure that FORM 3 and 4 are submitted accordingly with each of the stated project(s), patent(s) and/or publication(s).

1. Number of Completed Green Buildings R&D or Innovative Projects Over the Last 3 Years
  • Please list in the following order:
Title of project, Year of Completion, Award Body and Funding Amount (S$).
  • Please provide a short description (not more than 300 words) for each project and evidence for:
  • Completed green buildings R&D or innovative projects and as Principal Investigator (PI)/Co-PI/ Collaborator,AND/OR
  • Letter from Company/Secretariat/Funding Agency/Research Support Office of Institutes of Higher Learning etc to acknowledge project completion.

2. Number of Patents Filed
  • Please list in the following order:
Patent Name, Year of Patent Filed, and Current Status of Patent.
  • Please provide a short description (not more than 300 words) for each project and evidence for:
  • Patent filed or awarded by the Patent Office
  • Additional documents that could be submitted include letters from company (or companies) supporting the use of the product/technology arising from the patent.

3. List of Publications (Journals)
Please list in the following order and attach a copy of the journals as supporting documents:
Author, Title of paper, Full title of published source, Vol. No., Serial/Issue no., Pages nos., ISI Impact Factor.
4. Publications (Major Conference Papers)
Please list in the following order and attach a copy of the conference papers as supporting documents:
Author, Title of paper, Full title of published proceedings, Date of conference, Venue of conference, Vol. no, Page nos, Country of publication, Publisher.

(C)Contribution to Industry in Green Building Development

Assessment criteria
ii / Contribution to Industry in Green Building Development / 35%
  • Involvement in local green building developments and/or Green Mark projects overseas
(i.e. part of project teams of Green Mark projects, e.g. rated Gold and above) / 15%
  • Extent of actual adoption/ incorporation of technology in the following:
  • Local projects
  • Local Standards and/or Code of Practice
  • Overseas market
/ 20%

Please provide a short description of not more than 300 words, and relevant document(s), for each area to support the mentioned criteria.

(up to maximum of 4 pages)

(D)Other Green Building-Related Contribution

Assessment criteria
iii / Other Green Building-Related Contribution
-Local and International / 30%
  • Involvement in local and/or international green building-related forums, committees, conferences, seminar, etc
/ 10%
  • Involvement in regional outreach and other green building-related networks, bodies (e.g. Green Building Council(s), Asia-Pacific Network), etc
/ 10%
  • Prizes and awards received
/ 10%

Please provide a short description of not more than 300 words, and relevant document(s), for each area to support the mentioned criteria.You could also add how your initiatives have impacted the community and the general public, if any.

(up to maximum of 4 pages)

(E)Photograph(s), Sketch(es), Drawing(s) and/or Diagram(s), if any

(Note: Photograph(s), sketch(es), drawing(s) and/or diagram(s) can either be part of the submission write-up or as supporting documents, to the discretion of the nominee.)

Photographs, sketches or diagrams may be used to illustrate and describe the achievement. Photocopies in colour may also be used.

(up to maximum of 5 pages)

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[1] R&D or innovative project(s) could include, but not limited to, the following:

  • Original development of or research on computer software(s), including major modifications to existing software(s);
  • Design, construction, and operation of prototypes where the main objective is technical testing or to make further enhancements/ improvements.