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March 19, 2013


Request for Proposal No. SHF2013-01

Pre-Trial Release Services, In-Custody Programs and Post-Release Programs

TO:All Proposers

The responses to questions asked at the Mandatory Pre-conference held on Tuesday, March 12, 2013 at 9:30 am are below. Although the Department utilized a tape recorder to capture the attendees’ questions, the taped results were not altogether audible. If attendees feel there are omissions, they should send an email that notes the questions. Any omitted questions will be addressed by Friday, March 22, 2013 by 5:00 pm. Thank you.

  1. Page 12/13 of RFP. Please specify the maximum number of pages allowed inthe proposal response.

Page 12/13 of 21 should read as follows:

C. Table of Contents (1 page)

D. Introduction and Executive Summary (2 pages)

E. History and Experience (4 pages)

F. Organizational Structure, Staffing and Budget (3 pages)

G. Scope of Work: Required Service Elements (8 pages)

H. Data Collection and Evaluation Qualifications (3 pages)

*Relevant information that does not fit into the above page limit may be attached as an appendix.

2.Is it the intent of the Sheriff’s Department to select one lead contract, which then sub-contracts with other agencies?

It is not the intent of the Sheriff’s Department to select one proposer to act as the lead agency who sub-contracts with other agencies.

3.Is it one category or wrap around?

Any proposer may propose on one or more of the program categories, and may propose with or without a subcontractor. The SFSD is encouraging collaborations between agencies to provide wrap around services. Every agency must decide if subcontracting with another agency is appropriate for them, and in what circumstance.

4.May a single agency apply with a proposal on one category only? Could one proposal cover all the categories? How many proposals must an agency submit if proposing multiple categories?

Agencies may submit a proposal on one, or multiple categories. The RFP calls for one proposal per category section. Example: Agency X wants to submit one proposal each for Vocational Training and Re-entry and Transition Services. Each proposal mustcontain all sections,including agency structure, history etc. This approach allows SFSD to evaluate each submission individually.

5.What is the average contract size against the total amount?

As stated in the RFP, the SFSD will award approximately $3.2 million.There is no specific dollar amount for any of the categories. The open ended award amounts are intended to foster creativity and innovation.

6.May an agency use a fiscal agent? (Fiscal Agent being defined as a Contract Administrator)

Proposals may include funding for a Contract Administrator; however, it is not required. Funding a Contract Administrator position would increase the agency’s overhead, thereby reducing the Units of Service provided to clients. However, Contract Administrators can positively impact service by making service provision more efficient and effective.

7.If an agency already has an existing contract, does that preclude it from submitting proposals? What happens to the existing contract with the Sheriff Department if they bid on the new RFP?

No agency is restricted from submitting a proposal(s). Agencies with contracts ending June 30, 2013 may submit proposals for RFP #SHF2013-01. Agencies with an existing contract ending June 30, 2014, will continue to receive funding until the contract end date. If the agency submitted proposal (s) in response to RFP #SHF2013-01 and a contract is awarded, a new contract(s) will be issued to the agency.

8.There were multiple questions on the paragraph below; located on page 4 of RFP (Must agency staff show up at SFSD department meetings? Are SFSD staff going to show up at agency meetings?)

Text from RFP SHF#2013-01:

“Contractors will be expected to work with the other program contractors, provide a continuum of care for services provided in the county jail as well as post release, and hold weekly case conferences with SFSD staff to ensure continuous communication, access to program data and an integrated program operations approach. Contractors will provide cross training for SFSD staff; include SFSD staff in program operations meetings, and share information, special events, and successes and challenges with the Department”.

SFSD seeks to foster a collaborative environment where information is shared between agencies and between the Department and its grantees. Regular meetings between Department and agency staff will encourage information sharing. The exact nature of these meetings will be determined by the Director of Programs, for which recruitment is on-going. In the past, client data was tracked via proprietary agency tracking systems, which hampered information sharing. Going forward, all client data will be tracked in the Department’s Jail Management System, also known as JMS.

9.What is the case manger/client ratio for each contracted program?

Case management must have a ratio of one case manager to fifteen (15) clients.

10.Question on page 1 of RFP. Should they name the subcontractor in the proposal?

Proposers submitting a proposal based on partnering with a sub-contractor(s)must identify all sub-contractor(s) in their proposal response.

11.What are the specific program needs of the Sheriff Department, including quantity of services to be provided?

SFSD seeks providers that can provide wrap around services at all custody locations. SFSD seeks providers that can provide continuity of care both in and post-custody.

12.Should proposals include the individual type and length of services to be provided?

Proposal responses should provide details on the type and length of services provided.

Any bid amendments received after the bid due date will not be considered.

All other terms and conditions remain the same.

Acknowledgment of receipt:______



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