SFF Project 13-075: North Canterbury Sustainable Farming Systems
Waiau ( Amuri Range ) Catchment Care Group
Record of meeting 7 March
Andrew Harris, James Hoban (ECAN), Phil Keene (NZLT), Philip Wright, Tim Diederich, Chris Harris, Angus Galletly, Phil Gray, Don McLean, George Johns, Bob Kingscote, Logan Shearer, Craig Shearer.
Hamish Roxburgh, Don Galletly, Matthew Gardiner
Agreed actions from initial meeting
1. Bob reported on the follow up meeting with Jean Tompkins at ECAN relating to wilding pines (photos on project website) and an application for funding was under development. There was a strong will in the community to contain the wildings.
2. Independent irrigators were being kept in the loop
3. Farm plan costs generally in the $1-2K plus overseer costs ( this would be higher for new consents) and may increase in the future - good to get underway asap
4. Phil has confirmed and provided details to all groups on the LEP workshop at Mendip Hills 27 March and the process for registering. James outlined the range of LEP workshops planned. Andrew would like to see the groups work to have their own, following the Mendip Hills 'pilot'
5. Catchment maps provided
6. Bob outlined the monitoring kit that he had obtained and Andrew confirmed he is assessing provision of ( same as Bob's type). Note NIWA are undertaking a project that may provide materials and training in the future.
Discussion and issues
- James outlined the need for Overseer by 2016 and the 3 year average baseline. Andrew outlined how he had split his operation in to 5 units and this assisted with future farm decisions
- there was further discussion about the size of the catchment group, approximately 20 farm operations-
- where and when to sample would be confirmed asap once advice received and costs to get kits and process also looked at. A possible discount could be available if purchased via ECAN. There were samples taken in Blind stream 8-9 years ago.
- Phil outlined the reason for and content of the draft memorandum of understanding. It was a statement of goodwill and described the groups relationship with the SFF project. It does not confine what the group may wish to do and was a guiding document for all parties to work together. ECANS commitment and responsibilities also included for guidelines on Overseer and Farm Plans.
- Andrew outlined the recent Mitigator tool being used by Ballance ( see as well as possible banking industry involvement with the project. The use of particular providers to the project would not bind individual group members.
- Phil outlined the planning dates for the baseline survey, 8-10 April and the community catchment workshop, week of 28 April. A communications plan would also be developed in April.
- Bob reminded us of the duck shooting opening weekend......
- the effective roles of catchment collectives were outlined and stressed, including the ability to speak for the community, given that final loads etc for the Waiau would be settled in the coming years. This led to a discussion on the possible scenarios on how the audited self management regime may work, and how and by whom this would be undertaken.
- the recent information on fencing off of streams in hill country was discussed, feasibility or otherwise, options for hot wiring, what was practicable and best practice for winter grazing. Such information would also be covered off in individual farm plans as they are created over the next 3 years.
Agreed actions
- a final MOU would be developed following the current round of meetings and Andrew would visit the group rep for signature.
- Phil outlined the planning dates for the baseline survey, 8-10 April and the community catchment workshop, week of 28 April. A communications plan would also be developed in April.
- a science speaker to be arranged asap
- catchment group members to continue to assess future membership
- each farm operation to be actively working on soil moisture measures, implementing Overseer 6 with their providers to continue to build the profile for their operation.
- note Beef+ Lamb LEPs ordered for all members by Andrew and a workshop is requested by the group.
- James to assess possible discounts for monitoring kits via ECAN