Academy of Human Resource Development

India HRDSpecial Interest Group Charter


AHRD was formed to “encourage systematic study of HRD theories, processes, and practices; to disseminate information about HRD, to encourage the application of HRD research findings, and to provide opportunities for social interaction among individuals with scholarly and professional interests in HRD from multiple disciplines and from across the globe” ( The Academy’s vision is “leading the profession through research.”

The India HRDSpecial Interest Groupis a network of people interested in advancing the India HRD research and practice.The India HRDSIG welcomes the participation of individualsfrom all over the world, who are interested in opportunities to foster India –specific HRD research.

SIG Scope

  1. Contribute to the body of scholarly work on national and international HRD through publications on India-specific HRD research.
  2. Develop partnerships with HRD practitioners and Universities offering HRD programs in India.
  3. Promote theory development in HRD through collecting new insights from India-specific HRD research.

SIG Purpose

The AHRD India HRD Special Interest Group is to (1) lead HRD research in the above defined scope; (2) forma network of researchers and practitioners whohave interests in IndiaHRD research and practice; and (3) advance and contribute to international HRD from the cases of India and Indian cultural impact. In addition, the group will facilitate interactions and organize activities, to support the mission and objectives of the AHRD board.

SIG Vision

The India HRDSpecial Interest Group’s vision is tomaximize the influence of India HRD research in the overall HRD theoretical development, policies, and practices.

Scope of SIG Activities

To ensure there is a voice for India HRD research within the Academy, the India HRDSIG works to:

1.Contribute to accomplishing the AHRD mission and vision of “leading the HRD profession through research.”

2.Tofacilitate and fosterHRD research activities in India.

3.To nurture collaborative research among scholars and practitioners who are interested in India or India-related HRD research.

4.To provide a comfortable environment for Indian scholars (from Indianuniversities and global universities)to collaborate under the umbrella of AHRD, including participation in the four AHRD conferences.

5.Increase participation to the Academy.

Key Tasks

TheIndia HRDSpecial Interest Group’s key tasks are to:

1.Coordinate at least one activity to coincide with the AHRD International Research Conference in the Americas.

2.Establish and maintain a SIG listserv to foster networking, discussion, and learning for the SIG members.

3.Establish and maintain a SIG website and discussion board within the AHRD website to promote SIG visibility and awareness.

4.Design, coordinate, and promote activities within AHRD that are intended to meet the needs of India HRD in the Academy.

5.Spearhead and champion publications and conference contributions that focus on India HRD issues.

6.Communicate with the board and general membership regarding India HRD issues, as appropriate.

SIG Roles & Responsibilities

SIG Steering Committee:

Chairperson– responsible for coordinating the meetings and other activities of the committee, working with the committee to identify and achieve short- and long-term goals related to promoting the scholar-practitioner agenda in the Academy, communicating with the AHRD Board Liaison, and mentoring future chairs. Calls a steering committee meeting at least once per quarter and ensures that updates are sent to the group at large at least once per quarter.

Publications Manager – Shepherds India HRD Advances issues; recruits editors and contributors, liaisons with editors and publishers. (Member in this role should be approved by the publications’ editors.)

Conference Category Chairpeople – Organizes the recruitment and review of India HRD submissions for the conference

Conference Event Planner – Plans India HRD event(s) for the conference

Online Communication and Technology Manager – Promotes ongoing participation and communication through theIndia HRD SIG pages on the AHRD web site (ListServ, discussion boards, etc.)

Member at large (student) – Represents the special concerns of student members

Member at large (professional) – Represents the special concerns of practitioners

Members at large (academic) - Represents the special concerns of academics


AllSIG members are responsible fortaking an active role in fostering the principles of India HRD research, and participating in working groups to accomplish committee tasks.

SIG Membership

Individuals may become members of the Scholar-Practitioner SIG through the AHRD web site.

Guidelines for election of Steering Committee

Qualifications and terms of office:

  • Steering Committee members must be members of AHRD.
  • Steering Committee members are elected for a term of two years (the Steering Committee will ensure that at least three Steering Committee slots will come up for election every year). Terms begin in April.
  • Steering Committee members are elected to the Steering Committee, not necessarily to any particular role on the Steering Committee. The Committee will divide the roles among themselves by consensus.
  • Steering Committee members are limited to two consecutive terms, but may be re-nominated and re-elected after sitting out one election.


  • The Steering Committee will assign one of its members to manage the election each year (likely one of the at-large members). The election manager will coordinate with the AHRD office to manage election details. In general, the election manager will collect self-nominations for the steering committee from January through one week after the annual conference. He or she will issue a ballot (containing nominee statements) within three weeks after the annual conference. Elections will be open for two weeks and winners will be announced to the SIG within two weeks on the SIG website. SIG members must be members of AHRD in order to vote in SIG Steering Committee elections.
  • Details subject to change in consultation with the AHRD office. Changes to this suggested process must be approved by the steering committee.

Provisions for resignation or removal of non-performing member of Steering Committee:

  • Steering Committee members are asked to give two months notice of intent to leave the Steering Committee. A departing member should serve his or her assigned role for the first month and actively hand-off responsibilities to his or her replacement in the second month.
  • If a member of the Steering Committee is not fulfilling his or her duties, any member of the Committee may call for a vote of removal. The non-performing member must be given at least two months notice of the pending vote. (In that time, he or she may choose to resign, or may choose to begin performing satisfactorily so that the call for removal is withdrawn or voted down.)
  • If Steering Committee members resign or are removed between elections, they can be replaced by majority vote of the other members of the Steering Committee. The replacement will come up for election at the next election cycle.

Amendment procedure to the charter:

  • Any member of SIG can suggest an amendment to the Charter.
  • Any proposed amendment to the charter received by the Chair will be send to the steering committee for discussion. As the recommendation of the steering committee the amendment will be send out for a vote.
  • An amendment to the charter requires ratification by two-thirds of the votes cast.

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