SFCS Active Student Learning Activities
Faculty-student collaborations with an academic outcome such as a publication, presentation, award,
service project, etc -
- “Portion-Size Me” and “Portion-Size Me, Too” educational documentary features two FCS students, planned by J. Painter with nutritional consultation from K. Kennedy-Hagan
- K. Kennedy-Hagan, M. Meadows, K. O’Rourke, J. Painter, R. J. Snyder, R. Wilkinson direct theses students
- FCS and Master’s in Gerontology joint professional conference with presentations by students and facilitation by graduate assistants, under the guidance of M. Meadows and J. Snyder
Study Abroad –
- F. Murphy led study abroad session to Capetown South Africa, with plans for a semester-long study abroad experience planned for Fall 2006
Internships –
- Internship required of all undergraduate FCS majors, and all Dietetic Graduate Students
- Internships an option for FCS graduate students as well
Laboratory Experiences –
- Child Development Practicum
- Infant Development
- Food Selection and Preparation
- Quantity Food Production
- Clothing and Soft Good Construction
- Public Presentation Techniques
Active Student Organizations –
- The Student Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (SAFCS) is the student member section of the Illinois Association of Family and Consumer Sciences. Eastern Illinois University (EIU) has the largest active SAFCS Chapter in the state and nation with over 130 current members. The purpose of SAFCS is to develop interest, knowledge and skills in Family and Consumer Science careers and related occupations; to provide opportunities in leadership, responsibility, and decision-making; to affiliate and improve local, state and national relations; and to strengthen and become involved with the basic unit of society through individual and group activities. To join SAFCS as an undergraduate or graduate student, EIU student members must have declared Family and Consumer Sciences as their major or minor. SAFCS consists of members from all concentrations in the School of Family and Consumer Sciences. In 2005-2006, SAFCS members have been involved in a number of activities, which include campus student organizational relations, recruitment events, volunteering, community service, conferences and fundraising. SAFCS members meet once each month, and generally, a guest speaker is present. In 2005-2006, some of the guest speakers and activities for meetings included the Meyers/Briggs Personality Profile facilitated by a representative from the University of Illinois Extension; Jane Frankie, RD LD Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center; Stephanie Ogle, Financial Health Coordinator; and Carrie Titus, Unit Educator for the University of Illinois Extension. Six SAFCS Members were also awarded HUGS Scholarships which paid their membership dues for one year; this funding was sponsored by IAFCS. Jill Bowers was the graduate coordinator, and Dr. Linda Simpson was the faculty advisor of the organization.
- The Kappa Alpha Theta chapter of Kappa Omicron Nu is the honor society for Family and Consumer Sciences undergraduate and graduate students. Dr. Jim Slavik and Dr. Kathleen O’Rourke serve as faculty advisors for the organization. Kappa Omicron Nu is an honor society that recognizes FCS students for their academic excellence and leadership skills. For the spring semester Kappa Omicron Nu initiated 40 new members. The Kappa Alpha Theta chapter again received the Chapter of Excellence Award in 2005. The president for 2005-2006, Susie Kretch and Co-Advisor Dr. Kathleen O’Rourke had the opportunity to attend the Conclave Leadership and Undergraduate Research conference in Chicago, Illinois. From the information learned at the Conclave Conference, the chapter was able to organized activities to promote the theme of “Ethics”. The chapter had a movie night where the members discussed ethical issues that occurred within the movie. Also, the chapter had a special program with an ethics panel that consisted of 4 professionals: Melissa Coleman, Dr. Lisa Taylor, Linda Moore, and Dr. Kathleen O’Rourke. The panel focused on different issues concerning ethics. Another big event the chapter participated in was Relay for Life. The chapter raised over $4,000 to help fight cancer and won first place for raising the most donations.
- Club Managers Association of America (CMAA) involves students who are declared Family and Consumer Sciences majors with a concentration in hospitality. The objectives of this organization are to promote and advance friendly relations and to provide education between and among persons connected with the management of clubs and students of similar character, and to promote and encourage efficient and successful country club management. The purpose of CMAA at EIU is to enhance and foster the ability of club managers and promote interest and leadership opportunities for students and future professionals in the hospitality industry. The EIU Student Chapter of CMAA is an affiliate of the Illini Club Chapter of CMAA and the National Club Managers Association. Faculty advisors for this organization are Dr. Rick Wilkinson and Ms. Lisa Brooks. In Fall 2005, CMAA members were involved in a variety of activities which included fundraising, event planning, and conferences. CMAA hosted the 4th Annual Etiquette Dinner sponsored by the Lumpkin College of Business and Applied Sciences; this event had over 100 attendees and included speakers such as President Lou Hencken, Dean Diane Hoadley, Dr. Mary Lou Hubbard, and Ms. Lisa Brooks. CMAA also hosted the National Student Education Conference in November in Skokie, Illinois. CMAA Members provided articles for the CMAA Illini Chapter Newsletter in the fall and spring semesters. Members have attended various educational meetings at Country Clubs throughout Central Illinois. In Spring 2006, CMAA hosted a “Children’s Activity Night” where parents were able to purchase tickets for their children to attend this event which included a variety of activities for children ages 3-11.
- The Organization for Peer Education on Nutrition (OPEN) was developed in the Fall of 2005 to increase awareness of healthy eating behaviors and positive body image on the EIU campus and to assist students in developing leadership and communication skills by become peer educators. Any student regularly enrolled in Eastern Illinois University may become a member of OPEN with voting and office-holding privileges. Each member of OPEN earned certification as a peer educator this past year. Dr. Karla Kennedy-Hagan serves as the faculty advisor for this organization. In Fall 2005, members of OPEN participated in Patherpalooza, the Illinois Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (3 presenters), and the O’Hare Health Fair Nutrition Clinic. Members of OPEN also presented on stress, exercise, and healthy eating to various local businesses including Hydrogear and Comfort Suites. Members of OPEN also created and published two newsletters in the fall semester. In 2006, OPEN presented to Reshaping Coles and two ROTC classes. Members of OPEN created an exhibit on body image at the EIU Beyond Words: Museum of Oppression. They published two newsletters on eating disorders and nutrition with regard to cancer. Members of OPEN also participated in the Health Fair. OPEN won first place for their participating in Relay for Life.
- The International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA) is a professional, educational association composed of scholars, educators, and students in the textile, apparel, and merchandising disciplines in higher education. Professor Jean Dilworth formed this organization at EIU in the Fall of 2005 and currently has 15 students enrolled in this organization. This organization is an affiliate of the national ITAA and meets with the Technology Association of Graphic Arts (TAGA). In their first year established as a registered student organization, ITAA members attended the Specialty Image and Graphic Association Trade Show in Phoenix, Arizona. Also, 5 ITAA Members participated in the Design Story Board Competitions for the American Association of Textile Chemist and Colonists; each student submitted AATCC Textile Design story boards. Two ITAA student members attended and exhibited garments they designed at the MAGIC Apparel Trade Show as guests of Mimaki Corporation. Three members also completed garment designs for the ITAA national competition, and one student was a finalist for this competition. ITAA student members also served as judges and participated in the state apparel competition sponsored by Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America.