Mappleborough Green Church of England Primary School

Henley Road, Studley. B80 7DR


Headteacher – Mr A P Finch


Aims And Objectives

  1. Sex education will be taught in a structured framework of Christian values, where love and commitment are key factors, and will have due regard to moral considerations and family life. These are not intended to be restrictive, but to provide an appropriate context in which to set sex education.
  1. To give true facts suitable to the children’s level of understanding, spiritual, physical and emotional development. Sex education will be treated as a positive opportunity for young people to understand and be in control of their developing sexualities.
  1. Children will be encouraged to discuss and ask questions, which will be answered in a truthful, understanding and supportive manner. If a child needs to talk in confidence, an opportunity will be provided. Teachers cannot guarantee absolute confidentiality, but will endeavour to provide it wherever possible.
  1. Children will be taught that they have choices, including a right to say no. If the need arises, issues such as homosexuality, Aids etc. will be dealt with non-judgementally.
  1. To continue to build children’s self esteem, and to give them the confidence and language to put their feelings into words.


The Governing Body has the ultimate responsibility for ensuring the delivery of the curriculum, and will ensure through the Head that sex and relationship education is well taught.

Children are taught by class teachers supported by teaching assistants. Outside agencies may also be involved, e.g. the school nurse.

Children are taught about life processes and living things in science at both stages of their primary education, and this is refined in KS2 to the main stages of human development. In PSHCE they consider how people’s needs change as they grow older, about changes during puberty, and about relationships. They develop skills which will help them to develop effective relationships.

The Channel 4 programme Living and Growing will be the core resource, classes will see the material for both year groups, as SRE will be taught every other year in KS2. The school has also adopted the Taking Care Protective Behaviours Curriculum to support the children in gaining the confidence to understand consent and keeping themselves safe.


Parents of each age group will be invited to a meeting where the content of sex education is discussed and excerpts from the video, appropriate for the age of their child, are shown. They have the right to withdraw their child from SRE.

This policy should be reviewed every year.

Reviewed September 2014

Reviewed September 2015

Reviewed by Governors September 2016