Seventh Grade Social Studies

2016-2017 Course Outline

Mrs. Shannon Owensby

Phone 864 941-5500 ext. 6220

Course Description

Seventh grade Social Studies curriculum was designed to help students understand

the world as it developed throughout history. Students will be examining the history and geography of human societies from 1600 to the present.

Methods of Instruction

Students will learn through a variety of activities including independent reading, read aloud, note-taking, and videos/technology. Students will demonstrate understanding through performances, drawings, presentations, discussions, and tests.

Course Objectives

The objectives for this school year are based on the following Social Studies standards:

1.  The students will demonstrate an understanding of the growth and impact of global trade on world civilizations after 1600.

2.  The students will demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of limited and unlimited government as they functioned in Europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

3.  The students will demonstrate an understanding of independence movements which occurred throughout the world from 1770 through 1900.

4.  The students will demonstrate an understanding of the causes and effects of world conflicts in the first half of the twentieth century.

5.  The students will demonstrate an understanding of international developments during the Cold War era.

6.  The students will demonstrate an understanding of the significant political, economic, geographic, scientific, technological, and cultural changes as well as the advancements that have taken place throughout the world from the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 to the present day.

Required Materials

1. Student textbooks and Chromebooks and will be used as tools for gathering information.

2. Daily Materials Used:

§  One composition notebook

§  Pencil

§  Textbook

§  Agenda

§  Colored pencils

§  2 pocket folder

§  Chromebook

§  Earbuds

Grading Policy

Tests and projects count 50%. Class work and participation count 10%. Quiz grades count 30%. Homework counts 10%.

Grade Scale

A= 100-90 B= 89-80 C= 79-70 D= 69-60 U=59 and below

Course Component Specifics

Homework may be assigned each night Monday through Thursday. Written homework is considered a graded assignment and is worth 10% per nine weeks. Students are expected to record their homework and complete it on time. Parents may check the agenda or teacher web page for homework assignments and upcoming tests or projects. Make up work is the responsibility of the student. Assignments will be given on the day the student returns to school and is expected to be completed within five days.

Discipline Policy

Please refer to the student agenda and Students’ Rights and Responsibilities Handbook for additional information. Brewer Middle School’s discipline ladder will be followed. The agenda will be used for communication of homework and issues at school that need your attention so please be sure to check the agenda daily. Please feel free to contact me as needed at . J