Aller (Aul(l)ers), Brushford: ref 1619;[1] repairs to house 1631, to ‘spence’ or buttery 1632;[2] 29a 1664;[3] ref. 1786.[4]

Allshire (Allshaue, Alsaghe, Alshoe, Alshot, Alshow), Brushford: William de Alsaghe 1327;[5] land in 1358;[6] 1839 172a.;[7] similar to 1913.[8] Farmhouse listed grade II, 16thC-17thC house enlarged late 18th/early19thC; plans for cottage at farm 1915.[9] SRO DD/V/DUr 2.7.

Almsworthy (Adelmundesworthy, Almundesworth, Edmundesworthe, Halmendesworth), Exford: manor and fee from 1066;[10] township 1257, tithing 1270;[11] three holdings of W and E Almsworthy and Almsworthy and Wellshead 1709;[12] E Almsworthy survived as estate 1766—1833;[13] 1839 A Farm 49a;[14] E A farmhouse occupied by poor tenants 1841, no further ref.[15] HER 33609 ? barn at NGR 826397. W Almsworthy became Westermill.

Anstey (Anesti(n)ga): ref. 1066/86;[16] West A (Ansty-le-Moigne, Westanestige) by 1234; [17] East A (Ansteycrues, Estanesty) by 1263.[18]

Anstey (Anestiges, Anstye), Dulverton: gift to Taunton priory confirmed 1334;[19] Edward and Robert of A 1322;[20] 2 tenements 1654 140a, later divided;[21] by 1739 A Farm divided between Mrs Ridler and Richard Lucas, A Tenement held by Robert Ridler, and Ridlers by Mrs Ridler;[22] by 1766 A Farm divided into three, one part of which joined to A Park;[23] 1785 A Farm West, A Tenement (one tenant), A Farm part and Ridlers (another tenant);[24] 1839 A Farm 100a (homestead 986);[25] 1841 2 agricultural labs, 1851 1 agricultural labourers and John Bucknell 50a, similar 1861, 1871 1 agricultural labourers, 1881 apparently nothing, 1891 Anstey Farm cottage, 4 rooms; thereafter name gone.[26] 1839 Ridlers 72a (homestead 928);[27] 1841 farm, 1851 120a, 1861 113a, 1871 57a, 1881 57a, 1891 Ridlers Cottage, 4 rooms, agricultural labourers, 1901 farmer.[28] Ridlers Moor 1901; New Park 1851 24a, 1861—71, agricultural labourers.[29] HER 33944 (NGR 87692600) buildings and pond.

Ash (Aishe, Ashe, Asshe), Winsford: James of Asshe, 1270;[30] John Hole at c 1550;[31] held with Wememore or Winnemor Down 1597, 1660, 1691;[32] 260a 1698;[33] usually held in parts; Great Ash 140a 1838;[34] with Little Ash by 1841 270s 1851, 429a 1881, 426a 1913;[35] Little Ash 115a 1838;[36] agricultural labourers 1841 onwards.[37]

Ashcombe, Winsford: mentioned 1715 onwards, Acland estate;[38] unspecified repairs 1781;[39] 1838 Carnarvon estate, 73a, no house (held with Pinn, Great Staddon, and Leigh);[40] with G S and L 1857;[41] 130a 1881;[42] 1885 146a with N Withycombe 98a;[43] 1891 agricultural labourers; 1901 farmed, 1913 123a with Leigh 64a.[44]

Ashill (Ashull, Asthille), Dulverton: tithes 1322;[45] Roger de 1327;[46] 1654 freehold;[47] 1790 in two halves but in hand;[48] 1839 75a (homestead 1276);[49] 1841 farm,, 1851 2 agricultural labs, 1861 1 agricultural labourers, 1871 58a, 1881 widow and grandson, 1891—1901 farm;[50] 1914 56a.

Ashott (Alshaue, Aschaue, Ashett, Ashott, Ashotts), Exford: 1322, 1348 part of Neath abbey estate;[51] estate divided by 1709;[52] East and West A by 1766—1833 but by same occupant by 1813;[53] 1839 132a held by two men of selves (house 726);[54] 1851 200a, 1861 500a, 1871 640a, 1881 400a, 1909 394a.[55] Held with W Newland 1839, 1889.[56]

Ashway (Ascwei, Assueia, Assweiam, Aswei(e), Aysseweie, Ayssway), Dulverton: ref 1066;[57] Richard and Gilbert Hyling of, and Philip of Ash, 1257;[58] township 1257;[59] E and W Ashway hamlets 1298;[60] estate divided between Arceveske and Lucy by 1270;[61] [for descent of estate see text]; one estate by 1766;[62] building at 1783—4;[63] Old Ashway Farm by 1815 299a;[64] 1839 370a (homestead 195);[65] 1851 406a, 1861 300a, 1871 365a;[66] 1914 ? counted twice, under Hepper (Tenant), 366a, and Acland (landlord), 374a.[67]

Ashwick (Asheywicke, Ashweek), Dulverton: ref 1654 when part of Ashway;[68] separate farm by 1739;[69] 1839 125a (homestead 288—90);[70] 1851 300a, 1861 520a, 1871 500a;[71] 1914 415a plus woods 101a, bungalow and stables;[72] with Mounsey and Slade farms 774a sold 1921 in lots.[73] Ashwick House built ?1901—2 for Heber Mardon of Bristol, A C Mardon 1913—19+, Edward Penton, 1922 Capt John Loveys MC, 1929 Frank Green, 1954 Mrs Rose Wallace;[74] recreation room added 1931, 1940—5 requisitioned as evacuation hostel.[75]

Badlake, West Anstey: ref. 1765.[76]

Balewater (Barlewater), Exmoor: 2 labourers houses 1841, 1 house 1 uninhabited 1851;[77] limekiln 1848;[78] 1 labourers house 1861, 1871, 1891 farmhouse, 1 house (road contractor) 1901;[79] by 1910 farmer (former road contractor);[80] farm of 14a 1913;[81] farm 1914—39.[82]

Barkham (Barcombe, Burcombe), Exmoor: allotment (Burcombe)1841, 80a 1851, 112a 1861, 120a 1871;[83] named farm 1861—75;[84] not named 1883—9; named 1894—1939;[85] 135a 1913.[86]

Batsham, Withypool: One Forest suit each from N and S Batsham, 1797;[87] divided by 1766;[88] N Batsham 69a 1839;[89] 70a 1851, 69a 1881,[90] 71a 1913;[91] 1861 occupied by 2 labouring families, 1871 by one.[92] S Batsham 31a 1839.[93]

Beer, Molland: ref. 1523.[94]

Beer (Beere, Bere), Brushford: ref 1619;[95] 1839 149a;[96] 1851 409a—1881 404a, 2 cottages from 1861;[97] 1913 148a.[98] Listed grade II, 15thC open hall ceiled 16thC, originally thatched, altered 17thC, extended 1 bay W ? 18thC. SRO DD/V/DUr 2.2.

Berry (Bierre, Burie, Bury(e), Old Berry, Oldbury), Dulverton: John Glosse of la Bury 1270;[99] William atte B 1327;[100] 1605 tenement;[101] two freeholds 1654;[102] 1839 112a (homestead 1109);[103] 1851 182a, 1861 150a, 1871 140a, 1881 agricultural labourers, 1891—1901 not named;[104] 1914 139a.[105]

Bickingcott (Bykenecote), Twitchen: 1244.[106]

Blackerton (Blakedon), E Anstey: ref 1333.[107]

Blackland (Blacklands, Blakelaunde, alias Poundisland), Withypool: three Forest suits 1797;[108] William of La Blakelaunde 1270, Henry Brungere of B 1270;[109] John atte 1327;[110] mentioned, 1399, 1463—4, 1475—6;[111] tenement in B alias Poundisland, 1591;[112] divided between Higher and Lower B by 1635 (Lower B 1 Forest Suit);[113]

Higher B 124a 1776;[114] 128a 1851, 126a 1913;[115] Lower B 81a 1839;[116] 176a 1851, 174a 1913, when held with Woolpitland and S Batsham.[117] Agent ordered to provide water and privy accommodation at Lower B 1896.[118]

Blackmoreland, Withypool: one Forest suit, 1797;[119] there by 1767;[120] 24a. 1839;[121] cottage 1891, not in occupation 1901;[122] 26a held with N Batsham 1913.[123]

Blindwell (Blyndwill), Twitchen: Ref 1443.[124]

Bommertown (Bouemore), Molland: ref 1238.[125]

Bradley (Bradelegh, Bradelygh), Winsford: Richard and Robert of B mid 13th C;[126] Westbradelygh 1370;[127] mill at 1372;[128] East Bradelygh 1372;[129] E and W Bradley 1653;[130] W Bradley 1716—47, 1766—1828;[131] Great Bradley by 1749;[132] Little Bradley by 1753;[133] capital messuage called Bradley 1726;[134] Higher Bradley 1773;[135] Lower Bradley + Little Bradley 1773;[136] Little and Lower Bradley 1766—1830;[137] E or Little Bradley 1815;[138] 1838, Lower Bradley 36a no house; Little Bradley 84a, house and buildings 1061; Great Bradley 102a house etc 1073;[139] Little Bradley 120a 1851, uninhabited 1861, 1871 63a, 1881—5 100a, 1891 agricultural labourers, 1901 carter;[140] Great Bradley 1851 100a, 1861 160a, 1871 130a, 1881 185a, 1885 125a, 1913 202a.[141] HER 34303: earthworks NGR 85653485, farmstead NGR 85653490. Ref great chamber and entry, 1483/4, 1515/20.[142]

Bremley (Bromley), Molland: ref 1244.[143]

Brightworthy (Briztenesworthy), Withypool: hamlet 1298, 1301;[144] village 1692;[145] four Forest suits by 1692, when divided into three, Higher (1½), Middle (1½), Lower (1);[146] Henry of B 1327;[147] single farm of 133a 1839;[148] unoccupied 1901; 136a 1913.[149]

Brimblecombe (Brumelcome), Molland: ref. 1281.[150]

Broadmead (Broadmeadhouse), Withypool: one Forest suit, 1797;[151] 12a 1839;[152] 1871 3 cottages, 1891 one cottage, 1901 2 cottages, one unoccupied;[153] 1913 12 a with 6a part Wayhouse.[154]

Broford (Brewford, Broafords, Brofort, Bromford, Brouford, Broverds), Dulverton: ref. 1066;[155] ref 1257;[156] vill 1298;[157] E Broford by 1491;[158] 2 tens called W Broford by 1547;[159] Middle or Joyce’s Broford by 1763;[160] 1839 E Broford 116a (homestead 548);[161] 80a 1851, 2 agricultural labs 1861—91 (each 3 rooms 1891), 1 unoccupied 1901;[162] ? deserted site. Middle B 1839 120a (homestead 507);[163] 1851 120a, 1861 430a, 1871 415a, 1901 unoccupied;[164] W Broford 1839 206a (homestead 467);[165] 1851 100a, 1861 Higher B, agricultural labourers and unoccupied, 1871 2 agricultural labs, 1891 4 rooms, 1 agricultural labourers, 1901 3 rooms agricultural labourers, 4 rooms carter.[166] 1914 Three Brofords 413a.[167]

Buckworthy, Exford: ref 1709;[168] 1839 69a (cottage 227);[169] 1851 120a, 1861—1909 115a.[170] 2000 206a.[171]

Bullworthy (Bridgend, Bridgetown, Overbridge, late Robert Bullerye, Bullery), Winsford: ref 1598;[172] 1838 Bridgetown farm 29a;[173] 1851 70a, 1861 92a, 1871 100a;[174] house 885;[175] house only 1913.[176] Bullworthy alternative name for small Bridgetown tenement held by blacksmith 1838—1913+.[177]

Castle (New Castle), Exford: 1766—1833;[178] 1839 5a (1124 homestead);[179] 1851—61 50a, 1881—1909 16a.[180] HER 35340 ? earthwork below Castle Farm NGR 82684018.

Castle, Hawkridge: mess. ten. and 14a, 1676;[181] Acland estate by 1766—96, Carnarvon 1797--;[182] held with E Hollacombe and Hawridge1840;[183] also with W Shircombe, 1857—60.[184]

Cawkett (Calcote, Caukett, Cocket(t), Cowkett, Gavecote), Dulverton: ref 1327,[185] 1637;[186] freehold 1654;[187] 1839 73a;[188] 1881 75a;[189] 1914 105a.[190]

Champson (Molland Chaumpeus), Molland: ref 1281.[191]

Cherricombe (Churecombe), E Anstey: ref 1244.[192]

Chibbet (Chibbate, Chubbizete, Chyobeyete, Cubehiete), Exford: ref 1208, 1322, 1327;[193] single farm 1709 onwards;[194] 1839 78a (664 homestead);[195] 1851 77a, 1861 ? 130a, 1871 190a, 1881 2002, 1909 193a.[196]

Chilcott (Chilcote, Childecote, Chillecote), Dulverton: 3 men of 1257;[197] tithes of 1322;[198] freehold 1654;[199] 2 messuages called Higher C 1703;[200] Higher and Lower C 1739;[201] Higher Chilcott 1839 61a (homestead 800);[202] 1841 farm, 1851 65a, 1861—71 150a, 1881 200a;[203] 1914 160a.[204] Lower Chilcott 1839 146a (homestead 851);[205] 1851 180a, 1861 160a, 1871 150a, 1881 254a;[206] 1914 148a;[207] Middle Chilcott 1839 12a (homestead 820);[208] 1841—51 agricultural labourers; 1861—71, 2 agricultural labs, 1881—1901 agricultural labourers;[209] 1914 15a.[210]

Chilcotts, Brushford: Chilcotts Ten 1786;[211] 1839 10s;[212] 1841 Chilcott Farm and W Chilcott Farm; 1851 2 dwellings called Chilcotts, 1861—81 2 dwellings called Chilcotts, Lower Chilcotts; 1891—1901 ? called Nightcott 1 & 2.[213]

Claw (Clawe), Brushford: Over and Nether Clawe 1564;[214] Little Claw tenement 3a 1769;[215] Claw Cottage 1841, 1851—91 C Cottage or Little C 2 dwellings, 1901 1 dwelling.[216] 1855 declaration that house at Little Claw formerly had right to 2 sittings in church, but now converted to dwellings for labouring men.[217]

Clayford (Cleyford), Dulverton: tithes leased 1322;[218] ref 1694;[219] 1790 51a;[220] 1839 49a (homestead 1232);[221] 1851 213a, 1861 60a, 1871 100a, 1881 60a, 1901 shared between farmer and plate layer;[222] 1914 freehold 62a.[223] 1923 private house;[224] bungalow 1926—7, stables and garage 1927, dairy 1932.[225]

Cloggs, Hawkridge (also known as Foxcombe): one Forest suit from Foxcombe, 1797;[226] ref Philip Clogg 1484—95;[227] Foxcombe 1694;[228] Foxcombe alias Cloggs, Acland estate, late Langdon and Portbury by 1744;[229] Carnarvon estate 1812, 79a;[230] Bawden family tenants by 1833;[231] 73 a 1840, 160a 1851, 270a 1881.[232] 1913, 249a.[233] Longhouse, 16-17C, altered late 19C, lobby entry.

Cloven Rocks, Exmoor: 1841 1 labourers house, 1851 2 labourers house, 1 uninhabited;[234] 1866—7 cottage for labourers;[235] 1871 cottage shared by labourers with lodger, 1891 uninhabited, 1901 1 house (road contractor);[236] 1913 farm of 75a (former road contractor);[237] farm 1902—1939.[238]

Colland, Hawkridge: one Forest suit 1797.[239]

Coltscare (Cottsker, Collskier, Kelskier), Hawkridge: one Forest suit 1797;[240] 1676 house and 15a;[241] by 1766 held with Leigh (Lea);[242] Acland to Carnarvon 1815 (assumed).

Combe, W Anstey: Walter atte C 1333.[243]

Coombe (Comb), Dulverton: refs 1254, 1257, 1270, 1327;[244] Edward Sydenham of 1506;[245] capital messuage 1638;[246] barton leased 1712;[247] 1790 210a;[248] 1839 some land and all Sydenham woods 183a (homestead 1322), part Coombe F 26a, another part 59a;[249] house and grounds thereafter separated from land which absorbed? ‘Old antiquated pile1780;[250] list of rooms 1770;[251] alterations 1926—7 by Philip Tilden;[252] 2 new cottages 1925.[253]

Coombe (Combe), Exford: ref 1461;[254]Lower and Higher C 1709—1833;[255] Coombe farm 1839 114a (homestead 467);[256] 1861 149a, 1871 600a, 1881 658a, 1909 142a (when farmer also held 449a at Sharcott, part glebe and on S Common).[257]

Cornham, Exmoor: dwelling by 1828;[258] 3 labourers houses 1841;[259] dairy house c 1842, that + 3 cottages 1844, when new tenant wanted farmhouse, barn and waggon house; farmhouse built 1845;[260] farmhouse, 3 cottages and 540a 1851;[261] after forced sale 1856, only a shepherd and an agricultural labourers there 1861;[262] farmhouse and 2 cottages 1866—7;[263] farm 520a 1871;[264] farm 1872;[265] a herding in hand, resident shepherd 1873;[266] 1891 farmhouse occupied agricultural labourers and shepherd, cottage agricultural labourers, farmhouse and 1 cottage 1901;[267] farm 1902—35;[268] 430a 1913.[269]

Cornham Ford, Exmoor: 1871 6 houses uninhabited.[270]

Cornham Road, Exmoor: 13-a farm with 1 tenant, house and shop with another 1913.[271]

Cott (Coat(e), Cote), Exford: Richard Kyng of Northcote 1454;[272] Southcoate late part of Monkham 1703;[273] N and S Coat 1709—1833;[274] N C 1839 13a (homestead 1108);[275] 1841 house ? divided; 1851 agricultural labourers and farm of 20a with blacksmith; 1861 45a and blacksmith, 1871 Cott Farm 80a, 1881 35a, 1891 Coate Farm, 1901 13a (same tenant, Ann Reed, S Cott 1909 19a);[276] S C 1839 18a (homestead 526);[277] 1841 farm;[278] not named again until 1909 when Ann Reed 19a.[279]

Court (Courte), Exford: Roger at, c 1550;[280] N and S Court by 1709;[281] both 1766—1833;[282] 1839 N Court farm 226a (homestead 159);[283] 184a Court Farm, 1851 120a, 1861 2/3 agricultural labs, 1871 16a, retired farmer, shepherd; 1881 retired farmer, 1891 N Court House and shepherd, 1901 hind and carter each in 4 rooms;[284] 1839 S Court Farm 224a (homestead 398);[285] 1851 farm divided, 50a to father, 60a to son, 1861 retired farmer, 1871 police constable, 1881 PC and S Moore, farmer 900a and shop; 1891 2 cottages, blacksmith and uninhabited, 1901 S Court Lucy Sanders (i.e. large house);[286] 1909 whole estate 346a.[287]

Crooked Post see Litton.

Curslade (Curreslade), Dulverton: given to Taunton priory before 1334;[288] linked with Willway for tithe collection 1322, Robert de C an offender 1322.[289]

Cussacombe, Molland: ref 1781.[290]

Dadhays (Dadhayes, Dodhays), Withypool: one Forest suit 1797;[291] 18a 1839;[292] 1851 cottage only; 1871 18a; 1913 buildings.[293]

Downscombe (Donescombe), Exford (included Swincombe q.v.): ref 1086, 1709;[294] 3 messuages and tenements called Downscombe and Swincombe 1733;[295] assessed for land tax as separate estates by 1766—1833;[296] 1839 162a including Swinkcoombe Down 59a (homestead 807);[297] 1851 150a, 1861 297a, 1871 300a, 1881 392a, 1909 238a.[298]

Draydon (Draydone, Dredum, Dreydon), Dulverton: before 1334 Eastdraydon and Westdraydon;[299] tithes of 1322 leased to William de D;[300] two tenements 1647;[301] 1654 tenements 104a and 106a;[302]1702 one mess, coppice on D common and wood 210a;[303] single estate by 1744;[304] 1839 217a (homestead 331);[305] 1851 260a, 1861 400a, 1871 412a;[306] 1914 296a.[307]

Driver, Exmoor: farm 400a taken 1847, house immediately to be built;[308] farmhouse (400a) 1 agricultural labourers in cottage, 1 house unoccupied 1851, farmhouse (450a) and 1 cottage 1861;[309] farm 1861—1939;[310] 1866—7 farmhouse and cottage;[311] farmhouse occupied agricultural labourers, 2 cottages with 4 families 1871, farmhouse and 2 cottages, 1 uninhabited 1891;[312] 316a 1898—9;[313] farmhouse and cottage 1901;[314] 320a 1913.[315]