Setting up the Outline in NoodleTools
To set up 5 Divisions
- In outline section, double click on I. Topic and change it to say Introduction
- Click the green + sign to add a new section to the outline
- Click the left arrow button (next to the green + sign) and move the new section so it says II. Subtopic
- Now double click on II. Subtopic and change it to say Interests
- Click the green + sign to add a new section to the outline
- Click the left arrow button (next to the green + sign) and move the new section so it says III. Subtopic
- Now double click on III. Subtopic and change it to say Skills
- Click the green + sign to add a new section to the outline
- Click the left arrow button (next to the green + sign) and move the new section so it says IV. Subtopic
10.Now double click on IV. Subtopic and change it to say Goals
11. Click the green + sign to add a new section to the outline
12. Click the left arrow button (next to the green + sign) and move the new section so it says V. Subtopic
13. Now double click on V. Subtopic and change it to say Conclusion
To set up Subdivisions
1. Under I. Introduction, make 3 Subtopics so it looks like this:
I. Introduction
A. Subtopic
B. Subtopic
C. Subtopic
2. Under II. Interests, make 5 Subtopics so it looks like this:
II. Interests
A. Subtopic
B. Subtopic
C. Subtopic
D. Subtopic
E. Subtopic
3. Under III. Skills, make 5 Subtopics so it looks like this:
III. Skills
A. Subtopic
B. Subtopic
C. Subtopic
D. Subtopic
E. Subtopic
4. Under IV. Goals, make 5 Subtopics so it looks like this:
IV. Goals
A. Subtopic
B. Subtopic
C. Subtopic
D. Subtopic
E. Subtopic
5. Under V. Conclusion, make 3 Subtopics so it looks like this:
V. Conclusion
A. Subtopic
B. Subtopic
C. Subtopic
Have Ms. Kirk (or another teacher) check your outline before you continue
Now you need to go back into EACH one of your note cards and add to each.
**In the bottom part of the note card, there is a section called "My Ideas." You will look at the information you have on each note card and decide which of the 3 categories that note card will go into - Interests, Skills or Goals.
- Write the category first in the "My Ideas" section. Then, write a brief sentence WHY that card goes with that section... something like this...
Interests - I love to help other people and teaching would allow me to do that
Skills - I'm good at organizing
Goals - This $ amount will let me have the style of life I want
- Now, go back to the top of the card. In the upper right section, type the word Interests, Skills or Goals (which ever applies to that card) where is says Tags
- After you add the My Ideas part to each card, tag the card with the correct sections so you can sort it into one of 3 new piles
- RESORT your cards into the 3 new categories - Interests, Skills and Goals
- Go through EACH of your 40 note cards and add these parts to each card
- Now, take out the very first paper we did - the one where you had to think of 7-10 Interests, 7-10 Skills and 7-10 Goals
- Choose 5 Interests that match up with what you have described in the My Ideas section of each card
Your final step is to drag and drop each note card into the section where it belongs