Setting up the IXA Workstation
This is a brief instruction intended for use in collaboration with the Intel Setup Guide; if the pathes are different on this sheet than on the ISG, follow this guide.
The following software/hardware are needed:
- A PC installed with Linux
- A RadiSys ENP-2505 board (the IXP board)
- A Windows 2000 CD
- The Intel IXA SDK CD
- The Intel IXA Education Workstation CD
Installing VMWare & Windows Tools
Go to page 8 of the ISG and follow the instructions up to Page 19 after the installing of Cygwin. At the point, do the following steps:
- After installing cygwin, edit the cygwin.bat in the following manner:
- Remove the second to last line
- Change the last line by giving an ABSOLUTE path to the bash command: "C:\eLinuxIDE-IXP1200\cygwin\bin\bash -i"
- Return to the ISG and do point 2 on page 19
- Before patching to IXA-SDK 2.01, unmark the read-only attribute of the file si_cygmon.img
Installing the Linux StrongARM Development Environment
Follow the steps starting on the top of page 20 of the ISG and stop at the beginning of Section 7
After installing the ENP-2505 Board
Do the following steps:
- login as root
- cd /usr/src
- ln -s linux-2.4.18-4 linux (or if linux-2.4.18-4 is not listed replace with whatever is valid)
- cd linux
- edit the Makefile and change the EXTRAVERSION=-4custom to EXTRAVERSION=-4 as necessary
- make mrproper
- make oldconfig
- make dep
- cd /mnt/cdrom/ENP-2505_Driver/ (with proper CD mounted)
- rpm -recompile boot_drv-2.0-1.src.rpm
- mkdir /opt/ixa
- Download ixa.tar.gz to /opt/ixa
- cd /
- tar -xzvf /opt/ixa/ixa.tar.gz
- cd /opt/ixasdk/enp-2505/src/pciDg
- make install
- cd /
- tar -xvf /opt/ixa/pciDg.tar
- reboot the machine
Correcting the board.h error
Do the following steps:
- cp /opt/ixa/board.h /opt/ixasdk/enp-2505/src/linuxIXAedu/include/asm/arch
- cd /opt/ixasdk/enp-2505/src/linuxIXAedu
- make clean
- make dep
- make zImage
Finishing the installation
Go back to page 22 of the ISG and complete the rest of the guide. You should now be able to start doing some coding. To reboot the board without rebooting linux create a script file in /opt/ixasdk/enp-2505/bootixp called start-again with the following three lines:
- ifconfig eth1 down
- rmmod pciDgNet
- rmmod pciDg
Then from the prompt on the board's processor, type reboot. When the mini-com session says "press space bar to abort host download mode ...", press CTRL+A Q to quit the session. Then run start-again and bootixp can be run again.