Using QuickBooks Pro with
Setting up QuickBooks with your Shop Probe:
Shop Probe works with QuickBooks and QuickBooks Pro. We recommend the
QuickBooks Pro version for body shops that want to do job costing within QuickBooks.
Shop Probe Demo Customers:
In order to try Shop Probe it is important to see what information Shop Probe transfers to
QuickBooks. Of course, we do not want you to disrupt your current Company information within QuickBooks, so we have included a demo company that you can use to realize the full effect of the timesavings that Shop Probe offers without compromising your company's financial information.
To use this demo company you must have QuickBooks installed on your computer.
(Please refer to the QuickBooks manual for installation instructions).
Current QuickBooks Users:
(Please contact our Technical Support (1-800-524-8104) for personal assistance in matching your accounts.)
1. Make a backup of your Company.
2. Print your QuickBooks Chart of Accounts (you will need this to match your Shop Probe Accounts to ensure proper transfer of account information).
Select List: Chart of Accounts
Then select Account on the bottom left of your open window: Print List
3. Write down your Tax Agency name exactly as it appears (you will need this also).
(You can find this information by selecting: List: Items and scroll to bottom highlight Type: Sales Tax Items
Click Item drop-down arrow and select edit)
New QuickBooks Users:
Install QuickBooks (refer to the QuickBooks manual for installation instructions). Once
QuickBooks is installed, execute QuickBooks and start a New Company. Go through the
Easy Step interview.
The Easy Step interview will ask if you are going to upgrade from another Intuit
product, select the appropriate button (in most cases, you will be selecting "No, I'm
not upgrading"). The next tab gathers information about your company. For Shop Probe, we recommend making these selections:
(NOTE: Different versions of QuickBooks and QuickBooks Pro could have several other choices. Please answer these as you see fit and continue to follow the instructions.). You should to contact your accountant for information about these answers that you are unsure in any area.
1. General: Company Info Tab: As you fill in your company's information when you
get to "type of business", choose your business type as "Service Business."
2. General: Company Info Tab: Say "Yes" to "Service Business Accounts." Note:
Shop Probe will set up your initial income and cost of goods accounts. You can always
add additional accounts later.
3. General: Preference Tab: Select "No" for "Does your company maintain an
4. General: Preference Tab: Select "Yes" for "Do you collect sales tax from your
5. General: Preference Tab: Select the appropriate number of tax agencies.
6. General: Preference Tab: Enter in "Tax" for the short name for sales tax.
7. General: Preference Tab: Enter in "Sales Tax" for the name to be printed on the
8. General: Preference Tab: Enter in your tax percentage that matches your Collision
Estimating system.
9. General: Preference Tab: Enter in who your Tax agency is and WRITE IT DOWN:
UPPER and LOWER case and make sure that you only do one space between any areas.. IT IS NEEDED TO SET UP SHOP PROBE LATER!
10. General: Preference Tab: For invoice format, choose "Intuit Product Invoice."
11. General: Preference Tab: Say "No" to estimates (you will be importing them from Shop Probe).
12. General: Preference Tab: Next several questions deal with employees, set up
QuickBooks appropriately.
13. General: Preference Tab: Select appropriate answers to Providing Estimates and
Progress Invoicing.
14. General: Preference Tab: Select "Yes" for Time Tracking.
15. General: Preference Tab: Select "Yes" to Classifying Transactions.
16. General: Preference Tab: Choose "Enter Bills First and Pay Later" to Two ways to
handle bills and payments.
17. General: Preference Tab: For Reminders List and Accrual- or Cash-based Reporting, choose desired options. We recommend you us Accrual.
18. General: Start Date Tab: Choose the appropriate start date for your company's
accounting records. This could be the first of your fiscal year or January 1st.
19. Income & Expenses: Income Accounts Tab: Select "No" to Income Accounts.
Reminder: Shop Probe will add them in during its posting of the invoice for QuickBooks.
20. Income & Expenses: Expense Accounts Tab: Expense accounts are optional. If so,
set up any unique accounts that you may have, as appropriate. Reminder: Shop Probe will add in your cost of goods accounts during its posting of the invoice for QuickBooks.
21. Income Details: Intro Tab: For Receipt of payment, choose "Sometimes." For
Statement Charges choose "No."
22. Income Details: Items Tab: For Service Items, choose "No." Shop Probe will set
them up for you.
23. Income Details: Items Tab: For Non-Inventory Items, choose "No." Shop Probe will set them up for you.
24. Income Details: Items Tab: For Other Charges choose "No."
25. Income Details: Inventory Tab: Skip this section for now. You may add inventory at a later time if you choose.
26. Opening Balances: Intro Tab: At this point we recommend you leave the interview
and go to the Shop Probe Setup. Please exit the QuickBooks application at this time.
After Shop Probe is installed, you will return to the QuickBooks interview and pick up where you left off using the Accounts and Items you chose from within Shop Probe. These Accounts and Items will be able to be imported from Shop Probe with the file name of Accounts.iif.
Finishing QuickBooks setup
Shop Probe Demo Users:
1. Open the sample company.
From within QuickBooks, select File from the toolbar
Select Open Company from the drop-down menu
At the Open a Company box, Click the arrow next to look-in and select the
drive where QuickBooks is located
Double click the folders until you reach the QuickBooks directory
Double click on Sample Company.qbw (ShopProbeSampleCompany.qbw)
Current QuickBooks Users:
(Please contact our Technical Support (1-800-524-8104) for
personal assistance in matching your accounts.)
1. Import the Accounts.iif: This will set up the required accounts for Shop Probe
and QuickBooks to operate together properly.
From within QuickBooks, select File from the toolbar
Select Import from the drop-down menu
Choose the drive and directory the was the default, C:\Program Files\Intuit\Quick Books Pro, as your "Invoice To" location
Double Click on ACCOUNTS.IIF
This will import the accounts and items into QuickBooks.
QuickBooks will tell you that the accounts have been imported successfully.
2. At this point merge any duplicate accounts to match the new accounts created by
Shop Probe (See your QuickBooks manual for more information or go to help within Quick Books and look for merge).
New QuickBooks Users:
1. Import the Accounts.iif: This will set up the required accounts for Shop Probe and
QuickBooks to operate together properly.
From within QuickBooks, select File from the toolbar
Select Import from the drop-down menu
Choose the drive and default directory C:\Program Files\Intuit\Quick Books Pro, as your "Invoice To" location
Double Click on ACCOUNTS.IIF
This will import the accounts and items into QuickBooks.
QuickBooks will tell you that the accounts have been imported successfully.
2. Now let's pick up the Easy Step Interview process where we left off and finish setting
up QuickBooks.
Select File from the toolbar
Select Easy Step from the drop-down menu (QuickBooks will place you at the
point where you left off in the interview process.) Note: If you don't have opening
balances yet leave those fields blank.
27. Opening Balances: Customers Tab: Enter opening balances for any current
customers, as appropriate.
28. Opening Balances: Vendors Tab: Enter opening balances for any current vendors,
as appropriate.
29. Opening Balances: Accounts Tab: Enter opening balances for any other accounts,
as appropriate.
30. Payroll: Intro Tab: Select appropriate Pay Period and Filing State.
31. Payroll: Payroll Items Tab: Fill in Payroll information as it pertains to your company.
32. Payroll: Employees Tab: Edit Employee information as it pertains to your company.
· To set up Employees for Job Costing in QuickBooks, do the following:
Note: This can be done in File: Easy Step Interview or Lists: Employees
Set up your employees using the payroll items Shop Probe created
Type is Hourly Wages for each payroll item (enter 1.00 for commission)
Note: Before closing each employee, click USE TIME DATA TO CREATE
PAYCHECKS for all technicians.
33. Payroll: Year to Date Tab: Fill in Year to Date information as it pertains to your
34. Menu Items: Lists Menu Tab: Select whether you will use QuickBooks To-Do
lists or not.
35. Menu Items: Activities Menu Tab: Select whether you will use the appropriate
items or not.
36. Documents: Documents Tab: Review as appropriate.
37. To Setup Terms for posting parts/material invoices in QuickBooks, do the following:
choose Lists: Other: Terms;
create a term called Dealer;
click Date Driven;
Net due before the 10th of the month;
due the next month if issued within 15 days of due date; and
set discounts, if available.
You are now ready for action! At this point, your estimating system(s), Shop Probe and
QuickBooks are setup to work together to save you time and money.