Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations

Setting up eInvoice (OIOUBL) - Norway

Useful links

This example is based on OIOUBL eInvoice standard used in Norway, Denmark and Austria and is created using the demo data company DEMF. Screen shots are showing the setup for Norway.

Official eInvoice links for Norway:

File format

File validator:

  1. Import OIOUBL electronic invoicing electronic reporting (GER) configurations

Organization administration | Electronic reporting | Configuration provider Microsoft – Repositories

Customer invoice model

OIOUBL Project invoice

OIOUBL Project credit note

OIOUBL Sales invoice

OIOUBL Sales credit note

  1. Set up electronic invoice formats

AR | Setup | AR receivable parameters – tag Electronic documents tab:

  1. Legal entity setup

Organization administration | Organizations | Legal entities

Tax registration number:


Organization number:

  1. External codes for units of measure

Unit code must be coded according to the UN/ECE Recommendation 20. Code

Organization administration | Setup | Units | Units

  1. Customer setup

AR | Customer | All customers

Tab Invoice and delivery – E-Invoice = Yes

IMPORTANT! Customer contact id is taken to the file from the customer contact id – Organizational ID field.

Primary contact at Customer and Company contact for the customer:

Customer tax exempt number

Tax | Setup| Sales tax | Tax exempt numbers

Method of payment

On the eInvoice file, company bank account number is fetched from the bank account number on the default method of payment on the customer.

  1. Additional setup for Norway

Payment id

Number sequences for customer account number and invoice numbersare numeric and cannot contain special signs or letters

AR | Setup | AR parameters – tab Number sequences

Organization administration | Number sequences | Number sequences

AR | Customers | All customers – Customer – tab Invoice and delivery – Associated payment attachment BBS

Norwegian bank account examples


IBAN NO9386011117947

Method of payment

Accounts receivable | Setup | Payment setup | Methods of payment

Sales tax

Sales tax code values used in Norway are converted to sales tax (VAT) categories. To get the correct categories on the file, the sales tax code values used on the invoice must have the sales tax code value used in Norway.



Sales tax settlement periods

Reporting codes

Sales tax code

Sales tax group

Item sales tax group

  1. Additional notes

The buyer's accounting code should be applied to the Invoice Line. This choice can be done on the invoice header

The dimension on the invoice line:

Customer requisition and reference numbers are filled inn on the invoice header together with customer contact.

Free text invoice

  1. Generating and viewing the file

After posting the invoice, choose the invoice. On the action Pane, click Invoice – Send Original

View an OIOUBL eInvoice

Organization administration | Electronic reporting | Electronic reporting jobs:

Click Show files - Open

Send the generated file to the receiving party.

You might also want to validate the file(s) at