Setting up Classes from WinSchool for Markbook

MSExcel Section

  1. Open up Microsoft Excel
  2. Browse to your file that Robyn exported from WinSchool (File, OpenYou may need to change your ‘Files of Type’ to ‘all files’. ) Then browse to the Staffshare\General\Markbook\New Years Data\TeacherName07.txt
  3. When the Import Wizard starts up click next once, Put a check mark in the comma box.
  4. Click next again. Then on the eighth column (birthday) select it, and change it to a Date format and YMD (Year Month Day)
  5. Click Finish. It should then appear in Excel.
  6. Save the file in your H: in a folder called Classes. Make sure you save it as a CSV type file which is Comma Delimited. Or TAB delimited.
  7. Click Yes on the first popup box.
  8. Select the first class by clicking on the ‘Row Headers’ and dragging all of the info for that class.
  9. Copy it(Ctrl-C or go to edit and select copy or right-click and select copy)
  10. Open up a new worksheet
  11. Paste (Ctrl-V or go to edit and select paste or right-click and select paste) the class into the new worksheet in cell A1.
  12. Save the file as aCSV type file which is Comma Delimited or you can use the TAB delimited file type, into the folder you created on your home drive (H:) (Name the file a name that will be easy to identify when importing into Markbook eg. Sem1 Per2)
  13. Click ‘OK’ on the next popup box.
  14. Click ‘Yes’ on the next popup box.
  15. Repeat steps 8 through 14 for each of the rest of your classes. Be sure that when pasting classes in the blank spreadsheet that ONLY cell A1 is selected.

Markbook Section

  1. Open the Markbook program.
  2. Click on the ‘New Class’ button.
  3. Enter a ‘New Class’ code (15 characters max)Note: If you want to use spaces, use underscores instead as Class Codes can’t use spaces.
  4. click next
  5. Enter your Teacher & School Information (you only have to do this once). Click on ‘Save as Default’
  6. Then click next
  7. Click on the import students button
  8. Click on the ‘Open an import file’ button.. Browse to the folder where you saved the CSV type or TAB delimited class files.
  9. Drag the ‘available fields’ to match the fields the first record of your file. They go one at a time and in order from student’s last name down. Use the ‘Ignore this field’ button for fields that you don’t want imported. I use ‘Program’ for the student grade. I ignore the homeroom and parent last name field, put parents first name in the ‘Parent e-mail field’.
  10. Then click the ‘import field’ button.
  11. Click the Next button.
  12. Enter ‘trm1’ into the Mark Set Short Code.
  13. Enter a description in the Description box. (eg. Term 1 Marks)
  14. Enter Room # and period.
  15. Then click on the ‘Finish’
  16. Enter ‘Yes’ in the popup dialog box if wish to do another class.
  17. Repeat steps 3 to 16 in this Markbook section.

Note: Be sure to click on the ‘Open an Import file’ and select the next class file when doing your next class.