Setting Speed Limits in California

A joint informational hearing of the Senate Transportation and Housing Committee and the Assembly Transportation Committee

Wednesday, October 28, 2009, 9:30 am

Room 113

I.  Opening Remarks

·  Alan Lowenthal, Chair, Senate Transportation and Housing Committee

·  Mike Eng, Chair, Assembly Transportation Committee

II.  Process for setting speed limits

·  Roberta McLaughlin, Senior Transportation Engineer, California Department of Transportation

III.  Local Concerns

·  Wayne Ko, Principal Traffic Engineer, City of Glendale

·  Bahman Janka, P.E., Transportation Administrator, City of Pasadena

·  Dave Flynn, Deputy Director of Public Works, County of San Luis Obispo

IV.  Other Perspectives

·  Kevin Green, Assistant Commissioner, California Highway Patrol

·  Hamid Bahadori, Automobile Club of Southern California

V.  Strategies to reduce speeds on local roads and residential streets

·  Monica Suter, P.E., T.E., P.T.O.E., Past President, Institute of Transportation Engineers, Western District

VI.  Public Comment

VII.  Closing Remarks