Happy Faces
Set up checklist
Happy Faces group:
Group coordinator:
Task / Happy Faces Coordinator / CLAPA point of contact / Actions / CompleteVenue
Ideally a children’s centre as these are usually free, accessible by public transport and have all of the equipment a group will need.
Book the venue,
Complete any relevant paperwork required by the venue.
Details for lead contact at the centre. / Source a suitable local venue and make arrangements to see the space, meet the venue point of contact, etc. / Support the Coordinator to look for and contact suitable venues.
Where possible visit the venue together.
Details of group posted on social media and on CLAPA website, posters given to Cleft Teams and any clinic volunteers in the area.
All templates used for this should be standard CLAPA branded templates. / Create separate Happy Faces Facebook group.
Share website link with national and regional Facebook groups. Promote on any Cleft Team pages.
Request business cards. / Create CLAPA flyer and write an article for the news section of CLAPA website.
Share website link with national and regional Facebook groups. Promote on any Cleft Team pages.
Posters printed for clinics.
Complete a risk assessment (RA) for the venue. CLAPA have templates and examples you can use for this
You need to complete a beneficiary formafter each group
Decide if you are happy to add your personal contact details to any posters or flyers, or whether you would prefer to set up a separate email account. CLAPA can also provide a pay as you go mobile if you prefer.
Apply for an ID card / Complete RA based on knowledge of the venue.
Ask for copy of venue’s RA. / Support completion of RA
Send link to ID card application
Cleft Team
Should attend each meeting(where agreed) or at least have details of the group and support recruitment of new parents. / Contact relevant Cleft Nurse to arrange dates to attend.
Peer Support
CLAPA contact to introduce group leader to social media pages i.e. secret organisers group. / Invite Coordinator to all relevant Facebook groups.
Social media
Set up a separate (i.e. not personal) Facebook and Twitter account for the group ensuring that you adhere to CLAPA’s Social Media Policy. / Set up group and page on Facebook and make you an admin of the group for when you are on holiday/not contactable.
Ensure you are familiar with/have copies of:
- Social media guidance for volunteers
- Risk assessment
- Happy Faces guide
- Safeguarding policy and supporting procedures